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Age: 18

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 105 lbs.

Birthday: October 18th

Hometown: Esperville

Skill: Morph

Treasure: Shattered Magicite

Likes: Animals

Hates: Places crowded with people

Quote: "I know now why I must fight, for the children!"

Low HP Attack: Riot Blade

Uses: When Terra uses her Morph ability, her spells abilities and fighting power goes up. At the low to mid levels, this is good to inflict extra pain on the enemy.

Weaknesses: Her Morph ability drains, and thus must be recharged by fighting, os it doesn't last a whole fight (unless it's a short fight). At the higher levels, there is little need to use this ability, since most attacks will cause the maximum amount of damage.

History: Terra was born given birth by Madonna, a human female, and Maduin, a male Esper. This caused Terra to be a Half-Esper, having natural magical powers and the ability to morph. She was kidnapped at the age of 1 by the Emperor. She was raised not knowing who or what she is, and under the command of the Emperor. She eventually regained her memory, but didn't know what love was. When she found herself mothering children who had lost their parents, she found out what the feeling was.