*****An Invitation from TSS*****
...knowing begins with the awareness of the deceptiveness of our commonsense perceptions, in the sense that our picture of physical reality does not correspond to what is "really real" and, mainly, in the sense that most people are half-awake, half-dreaming, and are unaware that most of what they hold to be true and self-evident is illlusion produced by the suggestive influence of the social world in which they livefrom To Have or To Be
Erich Fromm Papers, 1929-1980 Part 3
A Letter From Adorno to Erich Fromm
Thomas Merton's Correspondence with: Fromm, Erich, 1900-1980
Erich Fromm Papers, 1967-1984
Auburn University-Montgomery Library
Erich Fromm: freedom and alienation, and loving and being, in education
Fromm: Review of Literature
Annotations of Writings by Fromm and Secondary Works on Fromm
Written in 1949, this essay discusses the nature of man and woman as well as "equality."
Erich Fromm, Judaism, and the Frankfurt School
By Douglas Kellner
International Erich Fromm Society
THE authorative site on Fromm (no pun intended)
The Revolutionary Character
Delivered as Speech in 1961, published in 1963...still timely today
The Psychology of Normalcy
A terrific short article by Erich Fromm
Fromm on Milgram's Obedience Experiment
Fromm's critique of Milgram and psychological experiments...an excerpt of Fromm's writing
Excerpt by Fromm on Stanford Prison Experiment
Fromm was very critical of it...he didn't like it at all
The "Carnival Character" of the Present Age...by Lauren Langman
A Concordance of Fromm's Sociological Concepts
Fromm, Mills, Berger and Sociology...An Essay by David H. Kessel
The Psychology of Nationalism...by Erich Fromm
An Outline of a Recorded Lecture...by David H. Kessel
Actualizations.com (Psychotherapy Site) : Fromm as Mentor
Fromm's Introduction to Illich Book
Erich Fromm, Feminism, and the Frankfurt School by Douglas Kellner
Character and the Social Process
Inventory of the Erich Fromm Papers, 1929-1980
Erich Fromm: Biography by Douglas Kellner
The Self in Transition by Michael Maccoby
A Prophetic Analyst (Synopsis & Review)
Meaning of Life Thesis by Tracy Marks
The Art Of Loving (from Amazon.com)
The Legacy of Fromm (Review & Essay)
India's Escape From Freedom (Sunil Mukhi) 1993