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TSS Featured Sites and Other Links

TSS Featured Sites and Other Links


Index of Featured Sites and Other Links

Last Updated on 3/12/00

Currently: 549 Links


The numerous links throughout TSS are an integral part of its overall purpose. In addition to Internal Links, on as many pages as possible there will be Featured Sites (and other external links) for your use. Some may be "sociological" sites...others may be on subjects which can be viewed sociologically. Some may be my personal favorites and others may be informative...and yet others may simply be interesting. Their diversity and the information they the point. However, by placing a link in TSS, I'm not implying support, per se. In fact, there are and will be some I openly don't condone, but are still worthy of sociological attention, analysis and understanding. The function of TSS is not to censor, but rather, to provide as wide an array of information as possible. When I decide to "retire" a Featured Site from active status, I'll put it in Inactive Links in the Archives ...however, they will not be clickable.


This is a complete listing of all Featured Sites and other links in The Sociology title. Each site/link is linked to the room/page where it is located. You will need to click on it there. Most, of course, are in the "Featured Sites" list, but some are in the body of the page text and others are elsewhere on that page.

I will be constantly updating this Index to include the ongoing addition of "new things" to the TSS. I want this Index to help provide easier access to the growing amount of information being provided.



ASA Marxist Section Home Page here

Abandoned Missile Site VR Tour here

Abortion & Breast Cancer: The Unproven Link here

About.Com here

About.Com: Job Searching here

A Clockwork Orange (Movie) here

A Clockwork Orange Home Page here

adjunct advocate, the here

Aftrlife: A Tom Robbins Playground here

Agnostic/Atheist Perspectives here

Aldous Huxley-Soma Web here

Alfie Kohn's Website here

All Movie Guide here

alt.sci.sociology here

alt.tasteless: Solidarity Through Moral Bankruptcy here

AltaVista Translations here

American Indian Sports Team Mascots here

American Newspeak: E-zine here

Americans United for Separation of Church and State here

An Analysis of Juvenile Homicides here

Anarchist Timeline here

Angelfire here

Annoy.Com here Committee Against U.S. Intervention here

Apocalypticism & MIllennialism Glossary here

Arizona Prison Reform Committee here

Art of Loving, The (Short Synopsis) here

Art of Loving, The...A Harmful Book? here

Article Review Instructions here

ASA Career Resource Publications here

ASA Employment Links for Sociologists Employment LINKS here

Association for Humanist Sociology here

Astronomy Picture of the Day here

Astronomy Picture of the Day ARCHIVE here

Atheists Should Defend Ventura here

Atwood Society, The here

Australian Homepage here


Bad Subjects: Progressive Magazine here

Banned Books On-Line here

BC TEL here

Belgian Federal Government Online here

Bell ExpressVU DirecPC here

Benvenuti all'Universita degli Studi di Milano here

Bellamy, Edward Webpage here

Berger, Peter L. here

Berger's Motifs of Sociological Consciousness here

bianca: the alternative online community here

Bibliomania: On-Line books here

Bill of Rights for Nonbelievers here

Bios: Frankfurt School and Socialist-Humanists 1923-1967 here

Bisexuality, FAQ about here

Blunden's Home Page: Socialism here

Body Ritual among the Nacerima here stacked around the house here

Book of Doom: Prophecies about the Coming of the End of Days here

Book Report Instructions here

Boot Camps here

Boot Camps Fall Short here

Boot Camps for Juvenile Offenders here

Boot Camps for Juvenile Offenders: An Implementation Evaluation of Three Demonstrations here

Brain Produces Drug Similar to Marijuana here

Bramah, Ernest Bibliography here

Brave New World Online here

Brazil (Movie) here

Breaking the Cycle of Drug Use Among Juvenile Offenders here

Brunei Darussalam Homepage here

Building a Success Prevention Program here

Bureau of Justice Statistics here


CIA World Fact Book 1999 here

Caged Bird here

Campaign 2000: The God Factor here

Campus Freethought Alliance here

Carlin, George here

Career Center & Internet Resources for Sociology Majors here

Career Exploration: Social Sciences and Humanities Careers here

Career Services Office of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point here

CareerMart-Recruiting & Job Center here

Careers in Sociology here

Careers in Sociology: What Can I Do With One? here

Case Against Competition, The here

Center for Millennial Studies here

Center for the Study & Prevention of Violence here

Challenging Behaviorist Dogma: Myths about Money and Motivation here

Character and the Social Process (Erich Fromm) here

Chief Wahoo (Cleveland Indians Logo) Is it racist? here

Child Welfare League of America here here

Christianity's History and Heritage here

Citizen's for Juvenile Justice here

City Kids here

Communist Manifesto after 150 Years here

Communist Party USA Home Page here

COMPASS (Community Providers of Adolescent Services, Inc. here

Contra Westboro Baptist Church here

CNN: Mainstream as you can get! here

Common Courage Press: Progressive here

Commonsense Sayings here

Conservative Organizations: Many Links here

Continuum Publishing Company here

Copyright on the Internet here

Corpus Metter by Bill Cameron here

Correctional Education Connections here

Corrections Connection Homepage, The here

Cost Effectiveness Comparisons of Private vs Public Prisons here

Council for Secular Humanism here

Course Objectives for Introductory Sociology (Kessel) here

Course Objectives for Juvenile Delinquency here

Crime of the Century here

Crime Policy/Juvenile Delinquency here

Criminal Element, The here

Criminal Justice Resource Center (Wadsworth Pub) here

Critical Criminology Division (American Society of Criminology) here

Critical Pedagogy here

Critical Project, The here

Critical Thinking here

Culture & Thought (Links) here

CURE: Prison Reform here

Cyberculture & Cyberstudies here


D. Bruce Martin's My Site Homepage here

Dalhousie University here

David Asma's "Introduction to Sociology" Web Site here

Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey here

Definition of the Situation---W.I. Thomas here

Democracy for the Few (Michael Parenti) here

Department of Sociology (Washington State) here

Deviant's Dictionary: BDSM Terms here

Dialectical Logic, Formal Logic and Andy Blunden here

Discretionary Assignment Instructions here

Disinformation (Alternative News) here

Dispossessed, The: Essay by David H. Kessel here

Dispossessed, The: Study Guide here

Documenting Electronic Sources here

Dreaming Satellite, The here


E-Commerce Solutions-BCE Emergis here

Effects of Divorce on Children, The here

Effects of Fatherlessness on Delinquency here here

Electronic Journal of Sociology here

Electronic Text Collections and Archives here

Encyclopedia Smithsonian here

Enlightened Despot's Home Page here

Entel Internet here

Epicentro--El Portal de Mundivia here

ERIC Database here

Erich Fromm Collection here

Erich Fromm, Feminism, and the Frankfurt School by Douglas Kellner here

Essential Information WWW Server here

Evil Atheist Conspiracy, The here

Exposing the Global Surveillance System here


FBI Reports Marijuana Arrests Exceed those for Violent Crime here

FSU School of Criminology/CJ Link here

Facing the Challenge of Managing Juvenile Female Offenders here

Facts/FAQS about Marijuana-Part 1 of 6: What's all this fuss about Hemp? here

Fade to Black here

Fahrenheit 451 (Movie) here

Families and Fathers here

Farnham's Freehold: Synopsis & Review here

Federal Bureau of Prisons Library here

Federalist Paper #10 here

Fedstats here

Feminist Science Fiction, Fantasy & Utopia: Author Bibliographies here

First Church of Satan here

First-time Offenders in Washington State: Where do they serve their sentences? here

Flag-Burning Page here

Florida Department of Corrections UNDERGROUND here

Formal Logic and Andy Blunden here

FREE Internet Encyclopedia here

FreeUK here

Freethought Zone, The here

Freire, Paulo here

Fromm: 3 Sound Bites from here

Fromm on Technology, Consumption, & Happiness here

Fromm, Erich Papers 1929-1980: Inventory of here

Fromm, Erich Papers, Part 2: Inventory of here

Fromm, Erich: Biography here

Fromm, Erich: Excellent Summary of Theory here

Fromm's Introduction to Illich Book here

Fromm's Orientations Test here

Fuck Page, The here

Future Dystopias (Short Essay) here

Future of "Spaceship Earth", The here


Gap Between Rich & Poor Found Substantially Wider here

GapsNET-Internet here

G.O.D. V3: Web Directory and Search Tool here

General Cultural Theory Essays and Theorists here

General Issues in Science &Research Methods here

Generation Fuck You here

Globetrotter here

Good Works: A Guide to Careers in Social Change here

Goodman's Sociology for Short Attention Spans here

Gottfredson & Associates, Inc. here

GRE Online here

Guestworld (Guestbooks) here


H.G. Wells Resource Site, The here

Hague 'Tribunal', The: Bad Justice, Wrong Politics here

Handmaid's Tale, The (Book & Movie)...Essay by David H. Kessel here

Handmaid's Tale, The (Movie) here

Handmaid's Tale, The: More than 1984 with Chicks here

Handmaid's Tale, The: Study Guide here

Harrison Bergeron (Movie) here

HateWatch - An Educational Resource Combating Online Bigotry here

HeadHunters (Find Job) here

Heinlein Book Bin, The here

Heinlein Page, The here

Help Write a Book about Marijuana here

Heretic's Home Page here

Home Schooling Works: Results of a National Study here

Home School Legal Defense Association here

Homeschooling Research here

Honest Intellectual Inquiry-Book Revs here

How the "Marxists" Buried Marx here

How Wide the Web? here

Hubble Space Telescope, The Best of here

Humanism...defined here

Humanists Against Reform Delusions (H.A.R.D.) here

Humor Central here

Humor Reseach Page here

Humour-Research Mailing List here

Humour Ring! here

Hunger Site, The: Donate Food for Free here


Idaho Youth Ranch here

If Hitler Asked You to Electrocute a Stranger, Would You? Probably here

Illuminations: The Critical Theory Web Site here

I'm Getting Married in the Morning: Gay and Lesbian Issues here

Importance of Mathematics in WE, The here

Incest: An Overview here

Independent Learning Site here

Index of Native American Resources here

Institutions here

Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente here

International Erich Fromm Society here

International Offices of the LEONARD PELTIER Defense Committee here

Internet Assignment Instructions (50 & 100 Pts.) here

Internet Bumper Stickers here

Internet Nonprofit Center here

Internet Portal here

Internet Public Library: On-Line Books here

Internet Speculative Fiction DataBase here

Introduction to Sociology here

Invisible Boy, The here

Invitation to Sociology: A Humanistic Perspective (from Reviews) here

Iron Heel, The (Book Review) here

Isaac Asimov's Home Page here

Israel's Academic Web here

Ivan Illich Archive here


Jack London Collection: On-Line here

JANET here

Jay's Leftist and Progressive Links here

Jerry Falwell's Personal Web Site here

Job: A Comedy of Justice here

Jobs with State Public Interest Research Groups here

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons here

Julian Dierke's Sociology Links at Princeton here

Juvenile Background & Statistics here

Juvenile Boot Camps here

Juvenile Boot Camps: Lessons Learned here

Juvenile Delinquency: A Brief History here

Juvenile Delinquency Clearinghouse (Calif) here

Juvenile Forensic Evaluation Resource Center here

Juvenile Information Center here

Juvenile Information Network here

Juvenile Justice Accountability Board (FLA) here

Juvenile Justice Articles from Criminal Justice Magazine here

Juvenile Justice Homepage here

Juvenile Justice Magazine here

Juvenile Justice Publications Listing here

Juvenile Justice Trainers Association here

Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration here (WA)

Juvenile Sex Offenders: Research, Practice, and Policy Development here


Kate Wilhelm: Bibliographic Summary here

Kill Your Television Home Page here

Koch Crime Institute here


Lane Community College here

Last Taboo, The: Why America Needs Atheism here

Lathe of Heaven, The (Movie) here

Lathe of Heaven, The--Review of here

Le Guin, Ursala K: Bibliographic Summary here

Learning Without Schools (Re: Homeschooling) here

Least Wanted: The Top 10 Corporate Criminals of 1999 here

Left Business Observer: Great Links here

Legacy of Fromm, The (Review and Essay) here

Le Groupe Videotron Ltee here

Lesson Plan for Body Ritual Among the Nacerima here

Lesson Plans using Rock n Roll Songs here

Levels of Analysis/Reality here

Liberatory Education Homepage here

Linkcentre Search Engine here

LII: Supreme Court Collection here

Logic of George Novack here

Looking Backward...Online here

Looking Glass Self, The---Charles Horton Cooley here