The following are a selection of works created in EMSP's songwriting class last year. The spirit of road maintainence has propelled our students to new heights of creativity, to wit:
EMSP Alma Materto the tune of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"
Optional bass line (Wimoweh): "A-Eemeet Mee-ker, Eemeet Mee-ker, Eemeet Mee-ker..."In the driveway, the broken driveway, the freshmen move the car,
In the driveway, the crappy driveway, then they pour the tar.(Refrain) Ee-ee-ee-eemeet Meeker's Paving School,
Ee-ee-ee-eemeet Meeker's Paving SchoolIn the alley, the noisy alley, the sophomores mix concrete,
In the alley, the dirty alley, the sophomores fill the street.Refrain
In the avenue, the crackèd avenue, the juniors place the cones,
In the avenue, the patchèd avenue, the juniors rake the stones.Refrain
On the highway, the busy highway, the seniors can be seen,
On the highway, the four-lane highway, on shovels they do lean.Refrain
All material © 1999-2000 by Eemeet Meeker Online Enterprises, except stuff we stole from other people as indicated in the credits.