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Final Fantasy I

Final Fantasy II (IV)

Final Fantasy III (VI)

Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VIII

Final FAntasy IX

Final Fantasy Tactics

Final Fantasy Legends

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest


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Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

Game Genie Codes
If you have any pictures or know where to get them Email Me

This is the game that started me on Final Fantasy
Even though it's the worst Final Fantasy out, It was my first FF game and I thought
it was pretty fun. Then I decided to buy number one
It was so good I got number 2 (then 3, then 5....)
If it weren't for this game you wouldn't see this site right now
So don't say this game sucks and leave
It is a fun game, just not near as good as the rest
Check out the page, you might just like it