What is abnormal mental health? This a complex question to give away just one simple little answer. There are many factors that contribute to that question. Culture is one part of the question. Norms are another part. But all accounts agree mental health is really important to keep maintained. A Surgeon General’s report came out in 1999 talking all about abnormal mental health. They were hoping to convey to the general public that mental health is fundamental to health and mental disorders are real health conditions. What they are saying is that in order to have a healthy body, one must have a healthy mind. That is true too in reality. But what causes abnormal mental health?
To answer that question, one needs to break down mental health piece by piece. The review says that the efficacy of mental health treatments is well documented and a range of treatments exists for most mental disorders. That means that mental can be treated properly nowadays. But how serious of a problem is mental health? The three leading causes of disability and premature death in the US are all cardiovascular conditions, all mental illnesses, and all malignant diseases. Even though number two behind cardiovascular problems, mental illness can still be a problem if it goes on unchecked. Mental health itself may not be the killer, but it leads down the road of an early grave if one is not careful. One may not even know that they are mentally unwell, because sometimes it is not detected that easily. In fact, about one in five Americans experiences a metal disorder in the course of a year. Even more so, 15 percent of Americans with a mental disorder also have a co-occurring alcohol or drug problem.
With all of the problems like that, one would assume that someone would get help right away. Surprisingly, about ninety percent of Americans with serious mental problems do not seek help. Why if they are so sick, why not get the help that they need? One reason that people do not give help with their mental illness is the stigma attached to it. It is a powerful and pervasive monster that stops the patients from getting the help that they need. The stigma came be fought off. Research on brain and behavior that continues to generate ever more effective treatments for mental illnesses is the antidote to the stigma.
Mental health is a complex subject that keeps doctors and physiatrists guessing. The mind is just as important to keep healthy as the mind. Mind, body, and soul all go perfectly well together and need to be kept up in tip-top shape. Otherwise, people would just waste away.