A Better Take
I did not like my first poem, so I decided to do another one. This one I loved a little bit better. It is kind of a constraint poem. My poem is about three lovers being together before a tragic end. I used imagery and any association with the number three that I could use. I looked around on the internet to try and find things that related back to the number three. I came back to Wiki again. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3_(number)) One of which, I tweaked the Father-Son-Holy Ghost trinity. I made it into Father-Daughter-Free Spirit for the poem. For some strange reason it sounded so good. That line adds on a taboo feel to the whole concept. To me, it makes the poem much more interesting that way. The rest I picked out that I thought would fit with the whole theme. I made it passionate and sweet at the same time. I also managed to only use one cliché this time. I loved how the whole thing turned out in the end. This poem was certainly better than the one that I typed up.