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Follow Your Dreams

Today, I went to see the visiting writer, Rita Ciresi. I felt a bit out of place during the lecture because most of the people there were from the creative writing prose class. So, it felt a bit weird to be the only one from a poetry class there. Ciresi gave her audience some interesting points to follow with a writing career. She herself was uncertain about her future. It took her nine years to publish her book that she finished when she was twenty-six years old. I took some of her tips to heart. She took the budding writers in the room to spend time with working on their writing. To do that, we would have to go to school for writing. Ciresi told the people to go for their dreams, but be realistic about them. Some of the people will not like everything that an author writes because everybody has different tastes. She also told as to throw a wide net out into the job market to increase the chances of getting job until we become successful. It is also important to have a good support system with the writer to help him or her every step of the way. She even gave out handouts for useful sites for us to look at later. I already looked at one of those sites already.

Despite zoning out at times and feeling out of place, I thought that Ciresi delivered the people some usual information about breaking into the writers market. She was rather down to earth and honest. I think that is a rare gem in this day and age.