Movies VS. Theater
Entertainment needs to be promoted. Critics and reviewers are important to the artist. The reviews can make or break a production. They are all given the same way on a basic level. But there are different standards for reviewing a play and a movie. Different types of entertainment are all held up to different standards. It would not be fair to grade a play the same way one would grade a movie. They are both crafted by different type of hands. The two types of productions are on two different scales of creation of the set up. But how would a critic grade a play? How would one critic a movie? The only way to find out is to read many different reviews.
After reading some reviews, the reviewers seem to take theater seriously. Theater is like the high class of entertainment. It has always been had up to a high standard. The authors of the reviews sound like reviewers on the site are pretty mild compared to some of the bloggers on the internet. One theory of this little fact is that reviewers are put through school to review a piece of media politely. Negative reviews for certain plays are not vile and bitter like a piece of media in a teenage kid’s blog. There is another factor to the polite negative critics. The professional reviewers are more mature than the amateur reviewers. So there is no bitterness in reviews. The negativity is more proper and nicely truthful compared to some of the critics out in the media world. Critics are much more bitter in their reviews and tear down a play piece by piece. The authors on the sight are much more polite than some of the blog sites on the internet. Reviews for theater under a professional’s hand are much more proper than a mere blogger’s.
Movies on the other hand on a middle class level in the art world. That means anything can go for reviews. They can be nice and gentle or harsh and bitter. The reviews on are far more laid back than the ones on For starters, these movies are being reviewed by amateurs. These reviewers did not go to school to critique the movies. So they do not know or care how to be polite with negative reviews. That means the reviews are going be more raw and bitter when it is negative. Plus, the reviewers are more likely to use slang in the reviews when critiquing a movie. Some of the reviews would be more appropriate on a blog than on a professional review site. If a reviewer from wrote a critique about a play, they would be looked down upon mercilessly. But despite the different levels of reviewers and types of media, plays and movies need reviews to help it boost in sells and viewers. Otherwise, they would not be known to the general public.
Reviewers can make or break a peace of entertainment. But it all depends on the type of critic or the class of the media. Either way, both types of reviews are really important so that the viewers can know whether or not to pay good money for a piece entertainment.