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Phoenix Rising(book review)

"Phoenix Rising" from Mary Summer Rain

A Must-Read" book for anyone with questions about the future. A Word of caution, though. This Book has some very bad predictions for the distant future! You will read of things that are down right frightening (but have already started coming true around us). Yeah, I know what you are thinking, another "Revelations" book, right? Not exactly so.

"Phoenix Rising" is the story by Mary Summer Rain which introduces us to an old Chippewa medicine woman called "No Eyes". No-Eyes is a very, very old medicine woman who is very spiritually advanced and wise. In this book are many predictions of some soon-to-follow drastic changes to Mother Earth and its inhabitants. Nuclear power problems [Chernobyl], earthquakes, tornados, and hurricanes are described in this book. Looting, Rioting and Angry Citizens (rising up against their governments which have come to run TOO MUCH of each Individual's life) are described therein.

So why did I read on? Because I had to know. I had to know what lay beyond the "Doom and Gloom" which is in the forecast. So I read past the first 60 pages of the book. The book was completed on 01/05/2000.

Look for things to get "rocky" soon in the world as we know it - there is already evidence of this. An example would be declining sales in material items and needs. I see this oh-too-clearly in the computer world - PackardBell lays off 1500 employes in a restructuring effort. Compaq's sales are down - way down, so they fire Eckhart Pfeiffer (sp). Idiots. He wasn't the cause of the problem. Compaq's problem is they really shouldn't have bought DEC (Digital) out. And, when they did, they "sat on it" for almost a year deciding what to do with it. Oops, I got a bit side-tracked. Back to the book.

No eyes speaks of transportation problems - Train derailments. Has anyone been keeping count of how many train accidents we have had in the last 6 years?!? She also speaks of people getting careless while driving. Too careless. Too much in a hurry to get where they're going. There is hard core proof of this as you are likely to get run off the road if you're not going at least 10 miles over the speed limit in Charlotte, NC. Think I'm making that part up? Nope, the Charlotte Observer wrote an article about this.

Strikes. No Eyes sees a lot of strikes in the future. "Summer, many peoples have great unrest deep in hearts about who they are working for. Many work places not be fair.These working peoples give boss all they got to give. They give and give. They get no stuff back. They gonna stop work." Hmm, an interesting statement. No Eyes doesn't know what the word "strike" means but she describes the situation real well. No Eyes also confirms problems will come up between countries that trade goods. Some people are now fighting for what they have already foreseen - just look at what happened in Seattle, WA with regards to the World Trade Center. Indeed, some people have already seen what the government is up to.

No Eyes also warns of declining value in land and Real Estate. Yesterday (01/21/2000) I made some calls on various real-estate companies who buy computer parts from me. One of them was reporting business was experiencing a "close-to-100%" drop in business. Ouch, Downright scary.

Reading this book will help one to have a better understanding of "why" things are "happening" like they are. And the person known as "No Eyes" can't help but be loved throughout the book - her manner of speaking is very interesting and keeps your attention. More than one time she says, "Summer got smart mouth now" or "Summer no swear at No-Eyes".

Yes, this is a great book to read, I am glad I picked it up. I just hated the first 60 pages or so that described these bad events. But I'm not surprised by "what's soon to come".

Mary Summer Rain writes "from the heart" or to be more specific, "from the soul". When you are 100% honest with everyone around you and "cover up" nothing, the ability for a bond to form becomes possible. This bond would seem stronger than the bonds of steel. "Summer" has this very "bond" with "No Eyes" in an excellent book of non-fiction, real life events. A 5-Star book. Definitely a "must pick-up/check out" book for you to enjoy.... <-=DW=->

