I am convinced that some parts of this literary venture will
not withstand the test of time and geography but I am equally
convinced that some parts of me will survive and surpass my
terrestrial tenure.
Time will come the
prints in these pages will be rendered totally illegible to the potential
reader but time will also come the IMprints of these pages will
reverberate some parts of me within the cranial walls of my dear reader.
May I then beg anyone who may read these "leaves" to read them
slowly and
carefully because I labored them for quite a margin of time translating mental pictures to finely
printed letters.
Although to the reader, what is considered finesse from me may still be
cobwebs to him, still I beg to be read not carelessly because my pregnant
pen is just beginning to print fine letters.
So rewarding that
some of these "leaves" will eventually mellow and will outlive my earthly
course transcending far enough the remote future ... anticipating eternity
... giving birth to immortality!
Tony Mercado Peña
( nombresin )
Copyright © 2003. All rights reserved.
Revised: 11/25/05
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