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World Turning

One day I was meditating
In a forest near a Lake.
The breeze held its breath
And, the trees began to shake.
An extremely loud sound of wind
Started whistling through the trees.
It was absolutely coming in my direction!
Then all of a sudden
I felt an extremely powerful wind
Go right through me, head to toe
Fingertip to fingertip!
Like a bolt of lightning,
It knocked me over and unconscious!

My eyes suddenly opened and I got up onto my knees.
And Saw, A Giant Lord Yeshua/Jesus!
Who came out of a huge cloud, hovering above the Lake.
I was at Lake George, Upstate, New York.

I knew who He was, right away
I recognized His voice Immediately, when He spoke to me.
I now know "why" we will know Him, by His Voice"
Because, He does not look like everyone thinks He does.
He has a square jaw and the bluest eyes
They are incredible, filled with Joy and Love.
He is very strong looking, Giant Man!

Yeshua/Jesus said to me,

"Prepare The Way, For My Return
For Behold, I Come Quickly Now!"

I was so shocked that He came to me.
And, I suddenly knew how Moses Felt, when He came to him
I started stuttering and said to Him
"That I make so many mistakes and get deceived so easily,
To please ask someone else, that everyone would believe,
For example, like "Mother Theresa".
If she said she spoke with Yeshua/Jesus in person
Everyone would believe her, because she was so Holy!
Not only was I just a woman, but I was a Jewish woman
Believe me, I was truly, so frightened of making a mistake
Then because I was embarrassed and in shock
I started to ramble on, about needing to do miracles
To be able to lift a telephone pole out of the cement
Wave it over people's heads and plant it somewhere else
Or, people would think they were hypnotized.
I was so fearful of not accomplishing, what He wanted of me.
I pleaded with Him to please tell me
Exactly what he wanted me to do.

My head was down, And, He just answered,
"The Way Will Be Prepared"!

I humbly kept looking down at the ground,
Then I said, "Lord you don't understand!"
Can you imagine how crazy that is!
He know who many hairs are on my head,
Before I was even born! I thought, I might be hit with lightning!
But, I continued, by saying,

"Please tell me exactly what to do
And, I will absolutely do it"!

And again, He said, "The Way Will Be Prepared"!,
I was shocked! I was looking right at His Face
He didn't Move His Mouth, When He Spoke To me!
Yet, I heard every word, like it was on a loud speaker!
He communicated to me, telepathically!

Then, As I looked up at Him, with Love
I was surprised to see, what I saw
Believe it or not, He was smiling at me,
With a loving look and laughter, in His eyes.
Thank God Yeshua/Jesus, has a sense of humor!

I was still so determined, though
To find out what He wanted me to do.
And I, a third time, said,
"Oh Lord please I am so afraid to mess up
Please tell me exactly what you want me to do"!

And, This Time, He Said,
"The Way Will Be Prepared And You Will Know"!

When He said, "I Will Know,"
I threw my hands up and said,
"That is good enough for me. Praise You Lord!"
The next thing that happened
Was a cloud started to form around Him
And, in the time it takes to blink
I went from feeling the ground, under my knees
To feeling the ground, under my body!
I met Yeshua/ Jesus, about 12:00 pm that day
And, when I opened up my eyes, it was dark out!
I looked at my watch, that glowed in the dark
And, it was 9:00pm in the evening!
I found myself on the ground
A lot later, after being slain in the Spirit.
I now have written an inspirational little book,
Inspired, by The Comforter. Praise God.
There is a link on top, for getting a copy of it

It is now available on my other websites, too.
"GOD's Way The Book Of Love" Inspired By "The Comforter"


Let me tell you what happened,
There was such a bad storm
That the appliances, in my kitchen,
Where I was working on my computer
To make this website
Destroyed my big two door refrigerator
And, All the lights went out!
I have to buy another refrigerator now

I am saving up to do that now.
But, guess what was plugged in at the time?
Right, my computer! And, it was not touched!
Everything, but my computer got destroyed!
And, usually that is the first thing to go!
I just thanked God, in Yeshua/Jesus' Name,
And, my Angels, then unplugged it
To finish what I was writing
Amazing Grace, how it was protected,
So that I could finish the Mission, Commanded of me
To "Prepare The Way, For His Return,
For, Behold, He Comes Quickly now!

This Website And All Its Links, Do That
For Him and For You, who Confess with Your Heart

The Salvation Prayer
This is "Definitely" what I was supposed to do
To be a "Helper", to help you,
To be The best, of your ability,
"Prepare the Way, Because Yeshua/Jesus, Comes Quickly Now!"
And, I am so honored to be one of His Many Loving Children
That Are also Helping To Prepare the Way For His Return
Like, Television Evangelism Programs
That Really Help People Receive Salvation!
There is a link At the top of the web page
Titled, "Salvation Prayer", Please Confess it
To at least one other, two if possible
For when two are gathered there is your Church
When Speaking of the GOD
And, when three or more are gathered,
He is in your midst, Praise the Lord!
Who is with you always, until the end of the ages
Matthew 28:20

To Learn About Discernment, Plus!
I personally love to watch and reccommend
"The Awakening" With Pastor Rodney Brown, he is truly blessed!
Plus, did you know, that if you call his number,
in the middle of the night
You can pick what you need a Prayer for,
And, even his recorded Prayers, help! I love Joyce Meyers, she is a real down to the bone, Pastor!
And, T.J. Jakes has made me cry a river of tears, many times
Which cleansed me in a remarkable way!
Rabbi Stephen Fisdel, a brilliant Rabbi and Friend
And, Last, but certainly not least,
Is Rabbi Charles Kluge, A Messianic Rabbi
Located In Orlando, Florida, at Temple Gesher
We bumped Heads and Spirits, more than once,
And, I have bent, slightly. I now realize,br> The Absolute Truth!
"I Am That, I Am",br> There Is Only One GOD! He Has A Son, Yeshua/Jesus
GOD Took Of Himself, A Branch,
And, just like we have Capitol Letters and small letters
For the same letter, Big G = Stands For GOD
Who takes care of the macro-cosmic Universe
He caused to exist a little g
who is still the same God
But, for a smaller purpose, micro-cosmic, us
So, GOD's Power is through, The LORD, Father GOD
And, Through, The Lord, Yeshua/Jesus, His Son
Not Yeshua/Jesus, GOD, The Son
But, rather, GOD, Through Yeshua/Jesus, The Son.
Big Difference!
We Are To Worship God and Praise the Son!
And, GOD Is Holy And He Is Spirit
If you think you see Him, You see Him not
That is why Yeshua/Jesus, was caused to exist
To say, I go to my Father, who is greater than I
And, by His Stripes, we have Eternal Life
Instead of eternal contempt
Yeshua/Jesus is truly our Messiah, The Annointed one

I am just a humble, Born Again, Jewish woman, with a Helpmate, Eric, who happens to have read the entire Bible to see for myself, instead of relying on everybody else's interpretations of it. To my amazement, I discovered that it was not rightly divided. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are really the end of the Old Testament, fulfilling the law. Read: Luke 24:44-47. Acts would be the transition period between the old and the new and only in Romans after the ascension would the New Testament begin. This is in alignment with 2Tim.2:15. Praise God the Old and New Testiments were written by those wonderfully blessed Jewish people.

The Hebrew name of the Messiah is Yeshua. It was translated in Greek to be Jesus, it means salvation in Hebrew. I discovered that the word Messiah translated by the Greeks is Christ meaning the anointed one. So, Jesus is who He is and Christ is what He is. Most people do not know that Jesus does not have a last name. how well can they know Him? I am grateful to the Places of Worship that I have attended, which led to my saying, The Salvation Prayer. As a result, I can now trust my eternal Destiny, to Jesus. I know for sure that I am saved now, because the truth in the Word of God has set me free. Every letter is a drop of God's Light. You will not be burned by this Light, when His Son returns, if you have enough of God's Light within you, Malachi 3:2. You can only receive this wisdom, if you read the Bible, Word for Word. The more you read it, the safer you will get. And, the more you will experience your chains of bondage being broken. Then, when the deceiver comes, you will recognize him, because he is not in alignment with God's Word.

Proverbs 1:23 reveals that the wisdom of the Spirit of God, will be known by God's Word. God is Holy and He is Spirit. He imparted a gift to us of His Spirit, to help us comprehend His Word and His Love. I recommend a Sincere Church, or Messianic Temple, that not only insists on the reading of your Bible, but also encourages a loving and helpful fellowship.If you are going where they play church or temple instead of getting you to read this The Bible, then you are in the wrong place. The self-righteous controlling people, that belong to several religions, are are one of the causes of people turning away from the Lord. Pray for these out of alignment people, in Jesus' Name. And, for the sake of truth alone, read the Bible, for yourself. The Messiah came to help us have a personal relationship with His Father, LORD GOD, who gave Jesus the power of attorney to represent Him on Heaven and Earth as the Lord of all the lords of the Earth and King of kings of all the Earth. Read 1 Corinthians 15:22-28.

There are so many women that still sleep in their cars, with their children, as well as other important causes. About tithes, Philippians 4:17 quotes "Not that I seek a gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account" and Philippians 4:19 "And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Messiah Jesus." Feed the poor yourself and pay someone's bills to help them. Give clothing to help others less fortunate. This is also how you could also, be giving of your ten percent. Matthew 25:40 quotes, "And the King will answer and say to them, Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." Then, if you can, help to pay off bills of buildings that provide two or more gathered for prayer, Bible teaching and fellowship. If you are not taught this, and the importance of reading your Bible, dust your feet off and move on.

And, though I am handicapped now for six years, I am an awakened woman, who is responsible for everything that I am truthfully sharing with you. I am a Child of God. And, I take full responsibility for what I have written. I believe in the Word of GOD. The Bible says what it means and means what it says. The Spirit of GOD, Ruach, enabled me to comprehend the Word of GOD. John 5:1-14 reveals that Yeshua is the Son of GOD, not GOD the Son. I believe the time has come for all people to hear the Truth and Wisdom of the Bible. I Pray to GOD that many, versus few, will survive the Messiah's second coming, referred to in the Babylonian Talmud, Sukkah 52a.

I now have a prayer chain started, please join in by praying for all those that request prayer. I am Ordained. I Pastor The Angel Prayer Warrior Ministry, that has very blessed male and female Prayer Warriors. We are also linked to The Prayer Warriors of the World and several other Blessed Prayer Warrior groups. I am on the Board of Advisors for the Three Thirty Club, which encourages memorization of the Word of God...Advisor 132, This Blessed group encourages other to not only read but also memorize Scriptures from the Word of God. I also Pastor The Angel Prison Ministry. This is mostly for woman to woman, where I offer, free editing to all those, that would love to share their testimonies or to write inspirational Poetry, but do not have the writing skills, that would make them confident enough, to come forth. E-mail is used for this Ministry.

I love to Preach the Word of God, play the piano for the Glory of God and write, what I call, "Wake Up" Poetry and "Biblerap" Poetry. The Spirit of Wisdom, is moving quickly now. If you would like to join the Angel Prayer Warrior Ministry team, please sign up, in my new Prayer Book. There is also a new Poetry/Short Story Book and Testimony Book on this website, that works like a guest book. I reserve the right to eliminate any posting that is not of an inspirational nature. Please limit your writing to twenty lines or less, if possible. Thank you, in Jesus' Name. The Angel Prayer Ministry

Some of my favorite places in the Bible to read are: Matthew 5:8; 1Corinthians 13:12; Revelation 22:2; Ephesians 6:19:20; Proverbs: Chapter 8; John: Chapter 14 and all others quoted in this Testimony. Plus, the entire Bible. I have diligently read and memorized many scriptures. I suggest that you do the same, to the best of your ability, is all that is expected of you. Remember the more you do, the more you have, the full armor of God to protect and defend you in all circumstances. I have a personal relationship with God through His Son, Yeshua, who is also known as Jesus. Fellowship is great. I wish everyone had a place to go. But, if you don't, the Internet Prayer and Television Ministries are really Blessed, as well. When you are not at your place of Worship, this is a great place to be, as well. It is vital that people read and diligently seek the truth, in the Word of God. Read where you are questioned in Proverbs 30:4, "What is His Name and what is His Son's Name, if you know." 1John 4:12-16 says, "No one has seen God at any time, If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world. Whoever confesses that Yeshua, Who is also known as Jesus, is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. And, we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him." Also, read Psalms 2:12, "Kiss the Son lest He be angry and you perish in the way."

I truly love you all, and only wish the very best for you 2Tim.2:25,26. GOD bless you and all your efforts to love one another and to seek GOD diligently in His Bible to know Him better. The Helper also known as the Comforter, inspired every word in the book that I wrote, "GOD'S WAY" "THE BOOK OF LOVE." It was endorsed by the past President, David K. Hardin, of the CHICAGO SUNDAY EVENING CLUB and 30 GOOD MINUTES WTTW/CHANNEL 11. It is now not only available on this site, but now also at Noah's Ark Christian Store. I would like to end my testimony with a Prayer. John 14:16,17 "I will pray the Father and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever Even the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him; but you know Him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you." Thank you for taking your precious time to read my Testimony and inspired BibleRap Poetry. I Pray that you tell everyone about this web site. Please Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. GOD bless you all, in Jesus' name, AMEN and AMEN :)

"GOD's WAY - The Book of Love"
Is A Wonderful Blessing To Have And Give As A Gift (\O/) The Link To Get One, Is At The Top Of Each Page. "Thee Little Book"
Or, You Can Click On The Little Cover Of The Book.
Thank you for your support,
I hope you are Blessed when you read it
And, for helping us help others.
Thank you in Yeshua / Jesus' Name.

When You Want To Be Of Help To Others,
Who Are Having A Difficult Time In This World
Share This Little Book, "GOD's Way The Book Of Love"
To Comfort Them.
"The Comforter Inspired Every Word In It,
For You To Also Come To Be A "Helper" In This World
I Will With You Always, Even Until The End Of The World,
For You and Through You, To All You Are Inspired To Help
In My Name, Lord Yeshua and My Interpreted Name, Jesus'

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