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Soul Drops




The Great Canyons, oceans, mountains whisper to us, through awe and humility, to be still. Having made a world dependant upon elements beyond our singular control - we are urged to join hands - and hearts - reminded that together all things can be accomplished. Our tears are the tears of the ocean. Our bodies the dust of the earth. Our egos the desire for survival.  Be grateful for all - for they lead to questions that are essential in the progress that may be made toward enlightenment. This is the home of Spirit.

[In Obedience]





On The Wings Of An Eagle My Spirit Takes Flight - Abiding In Love

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Soul Flight



Suspended, soaring high above the earth,
A part of every passage, death and birth,
The press of heaven, weightless on my wings,
I sing.

Within, an echoed chorus joins my song,
In soundless cries and whispers to belong,
To majesties, beyond this fragile form,
I wing.

Embedded, are the urgings to take flight,
On inner wings of breath, and faith, and light,
To cede my stance, within creations dream,
And be.

Upon the sighs of ages as I glide,
Beyond the clouds, and infinitely wide,
Within the spiral flights of spirit realms,
I see.

To rest, within the breast of love's desire,
To pulse, within creations base and fire,
To find, that which is boundless in between,
I live.

No words can touch, nor wing caress this course,
No hand, nor mind, manipulate this force,
That thrives, within both physical and source,
To give -
And give alone.





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Elan Michaels Music Playing - Through Eagle Eyes

Spiritual, Native American Influenced - Native Earth Music in harmony with nature