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by hakan c.

I'm cross with city, master; But I'm also disappointed with her! Bulent Ozcan, translated from Turkish by hakan ç.

From "I Die the Most Beautiful Death of All" to "Poppy Sprinkles" Ali Zulfikar (translated from Turkish by hakan ç.)

I am duelling with a river Ozkan Mert, translated from Turkish by hakan ç.

The Life of Voltairine de Cleyre, Paul Avrich, Sel Publications, Istanbul, 1998 Poems translated into Turkish by hakan ç.

by others

The Gravitational Carnation Edip Cansever, translated by Feyyaz Kayacan.


SONra [Turkish] hakan ç.

Huznu ancak huzunle ben yasarim [Turkish] hakan ç.

Composed upon Hammersmith Bridge Niall McDevitt

Sonnet 30 Shakespeare

Lucky Man John Gartland

Charlestown John Gartland

O sweet spontaneous e. e. cummings

Evening Philip Madden

The Moon is in my Belly Jocelyn Chaplin

See J. Chaplin's painting the moon is in my belly

Opposition Kaneko Mitsuharu

I dreamed this dream and I still dream of it Arseny Tarkovsky

"Everyday we put borders on our mind and borders over our ears to keep out all the crap of advertising, from experts and politicians, from the boss at work. These nomadic poems cross borders – there are many voices, many languages, the mixing of worlds, energies that are not controlled, not part of the proper bourgeois social order but outside of it, molecular, moving and dynamic, with the potential to carry us to new places. It’s the soundtrack of real human beings messing up the respectable borderlines of Nationality, Tradition and Authority."


On the Peninsula [english] Suzanne Burrows

Canal Trip [english] Yuko Minamikawa Adams

Dreaming of Waiting [english] Cliff Ashcroft

Dreaming of Still Water [english] Cliff Ashcroft


Poems in many languages (Spanish, French, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Albanian, Russian, Greek, Japanese...) are read at the Untranslated Nights in the Arts Cafe in Whitechapel, London.

Photogrammes [French] Stéphane Zaparo

Record in the Morning [Japanese] Yuko Minamikawa Adams

Horse Cliff Ashcroft


Ethereal Flames

Ethereal flames light my life

Dancing in the glory of our love

Showing me the truth nestled

Within our bodies, minds and hearts.

In our love I glory

Weilding the axe up high

To free the bonds of attachment

That would have us whither and die.

In our love glory shines

Like the burnished metal shield

Starlight dramas played out

Upon it, reflected and revealed.

I see the glory in you my love

So strong and bright and clear

A flame that burns through eternity

Lighting my way right now and here.

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Last modified: 28 November 2002 since Oct 2001.