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Air Koryo : The gateway to DPRK

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard! This is AIR KORYO's flight number JS 188, from Macao to P'yongyang......."

Air Koryo timetable
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AIR KORYO timetable.
Chosonminhang barf bag
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Chosonminhang barf bag.
Air Koryo barf bag
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AIR KORYO barf bag.

AIR KORYO (IATA code: JS) is the only state-owned airline of DPRK. It currently operates domestic routes within DPRK as well as international routes to various destinations in Asia and in Europe.

It was founded in 1954, just after the Korean war, by the DPRK government. Its pervious name is known as Chosonminhang (CAAK). At the early stage, CAAK runs a fleet of serveral Soviet-made propeller planes such as IL-12, IL-18 and AN-2. In 1975, CAAK acquired a TU-154 to its fleet and the age of jet-engine plane began. CAAK was renamed as AIR KORYO in 1993. Nowadays, AIR KORYO runs an entire fleet of Soviet-made planes including, AN-24, IL-18, IL-62, IL-76, TU-134 and TU-154. Comparing with the airlines in South Korea which not a single Soviet-made plane can be found, this combination is very unique and charming!

Stamp Published in 1997 in DPRK featuring its state-owned airlines AIR KORYO.

Current AIR KORYO Fleet
Aircraft TypeTotal in ServiceFleet NumberYear of Manufacture
Antonov AN-24-B


Antonov AN-24-RV


Ilyushin IL-18-D


Ilyushin IL-18-V


Ilyushin IL-62-M


Tupolev TU-134-B3


Tupolev TU-154-B


Tupolev TU-134-B2


Ilyushin IL-76-MD


* P-618 belongs to DPRK government.
Special thanks to Lukas Musil for providing the above information to Kimchi & Insam's Avaition Page.

Click the above banner to view the Chosonminhang Ilyushin IL-62 safety card.

Click the above banner to view the Chosonminhang Tupolev TU-154-B safety card.

Current AIR KORYO Routes:

P'yongyang (FNJ) -- Bangkok (BKK)
P'yongyang (FNJ) -- Beijing (BJS)
P'yongyang (FNJ) -- Macao (MFM)
P'yongyang (FNJ) -- Moscow (SVO) -- Berlin (SXF)
P'yongyang (FNJ) -- Shenyang (SHE)
P'yongyang (FNJ) -- Vladivostok (VVO)
Domestic routes operate between P'yongyang (FNJ) and Chongjin, Hamhung, Kaesong, Kilju, Kanggye, Sinuiju & Wonsan.

Other Information:


Address: Sunan District, P'yongyang, DPR of Korea
Tel: 850-218111~999 ext 8108
850-23814410 ext 4625 

Ticketing Offices: 

Address: Tongsong-dong, Central District, Pyongyang, DPR of Korea. 

Address: 942/135.4, 4/F Cham Issara Tower, Rama 4 Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand. (Town)
3062, 3/F, Central Building, Terminal 1, Donmuang Airport, Thailand. (Airport)

Tel: 66-02-2342805/2342806 (Town) 66-02-5353974 (Airport)
66-02-2675009 (Town) 66-02-5355974 (Airport)

Address: Swissotel, Hong Kong-Macau Center, Dong Si Shi Tiao Li Jiao Qiao, Beijing 100027, China.
Tel: 86-010-65011557/65011559 (Town) 86-010-64591253 (Airport)
Fax: 86-010-65012591

Address: Grunbergallee 2, 12526 Berlin, Germany.
Tel: 49-030-6765003 (Town) 49-030-60913664 (Airport)
Fax: 49-030-60913665

Address: Rua Da Praia Grade 55 20 Andar-C Centro Commercial 'Hoi Vong', Macau.
Tel: 853-3536634/3536635 (Town) 853-861329/861111 Ext 3878 (Airport)
Fax: 853-356631 (Town) 853-861329 (Airport)

Address: 101000 Mosfilmovskaya 72, Moscow, Russia (Town)
103340 Airport 'Sheremetyevo-2' Room 617 (Airport)

Tel: 007-095-1436307 (Town) 007-095-5787580 (Airport)
Fax: 007-095-1436302

Address: Airport, 41, Portovaya Street, Artyorn Primorski Krai, 692800, Russia.
Tel/Fax: 007-4232-307684

And an AIR KORYO Video:

Being the state airlines of a communist country still hiding behind the iron curtain nowadays, AIR KORYO is most likely not serving your home town. Even if it does, it is highly unlikely being one of the most popular airlines in your nearby airport. So, to most of you, it is not easy to see an AIR KORYO plane running on a runway.

Fortunately, Air Utopia makes this easy to all of us! An excellent video titled "Airplanes in Action: World Airports Series Volume 2" features one of the most busiest airport in Southeast Asia: Bangkok International Airport. By refering to the information above, you will know that Bangkok is one of the few cities being served by AIR KORYO. And inside this video, an AIR KORYO IL-62M was filmed running on the runway!

Here comes an AIR KORYO IL-62. P-885: The fleet number can be clearly seen.
Decelerating. Taxing.

Screen shoots from the video.

This section lasts 82 seconds long. It is the only video I can find featuring an AIR KORYO plane. All AIR KORYO fans should keep a copy at home. This is what I would highly recommend.

Want to order a copy? No! Don't send any email to me for ordering! I just try to share this video to all of you. I'm not working for Air Utopia nor their vender. Please visit Air Utopia's homepage for ordering details.

Finally, an AIR KORYO MTV!

Finally, I have found something featuring an AIR KORYO plane uptaking!

This is a music video called "Looking forward to see you". It is produced by Mokran Video, DPR of Korea. It is about a songwriter going to study in a foreign country and need to leave her friends in her motherland. Which way did she choose to leave her country? By AIR KORYO of course!

From the video, P'yongyang Sunan International Airport looked very busy with a lot of travelers in the terminal and planes traveling to various destinations worldwide! At the last few seconds of the MTV, you can also see an AIR KORYO Ilyushin IL-62-M uptaking!

If you cannot view the video, please download the latest version of Microsoft Midea Player from Microsoft. You need Microsoft Media Player version 7 or above and Internet Explorer 6 for viewing.

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