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March 2003, New AJ story up in the hosted stories section, called Sneakin' Around. It's really good so I hope you'll all check it out. The author's already sent me some more stories, with Kevin as the main character so they'll be up soon too. As for me, I'll update selfish when I get the chancewhich could be a little while.
December 2002, I'm back again! I've put up a slash fan fiction site now, the link to it is just underneath the fan fiction link. There are only two stories for now, both Kevin/Nick. One finished short story and a longer one which I've posted 12 chapters of so far but I promise to try and get some more posted. Let me know what you think if you decide to read them! Thanks a lot.
December, 2002. Ok, so it's been a REALLY long time since I updated and like I explained last time that's because I've been writing slash, so, to cut a long story short I've decided to post my slash stories on this site as welll, I'll post them completely seperately to the other stories so that anyone who doesn't want to read them doesn't do so by accident. I'm going to start posting them now. If anyone has any questions feel free to email me! Wow, it's been a long time since I did anything to this site.To tell you the truth it's because I've kind of been into slash lately but I'm really bad at writing it so I've just been surfing the net reading it. I think I'm going to put up a page of yahoo groups that people can join if they like slash but don't worry, I won't be posting any of my own slash (not yet anyway) so this is still a het fiction site. So as usual I'm really busy with college work which is another reson for the lack of updates and I'm still working. I've started some new stories which I'm going to start to post after I've finished this little ramble. October 4th 2001,Sorry about the wait for updates. I've started college now, I start work on Saturday and on top of all that I'm doing a pre-teaching course, which doesn't leave much time for BSB and even less for writing about them. Half term's coming up soon and I'll try to update again then. Hopefully I'll be able to manage at least one update a month. On to the updates! Two new chapters of 'All or Nothing' by Brianna, a few of you have asked me about this story so I thought I asked her to send me more chapters. Chapters 4&5 are now up! I've added a new page called 'In Bed With BSB'. Just a bit of fun. I'm trying to upload more files to my multi-media page but my computer hates me! :( I'll try to update soon! Let me know what you think and if any links are broken, Love Jo!
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