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An O-Town Fantasy v 6.5
Webmistress: Mona Miller

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New Single
"We Fit Together" is definitely O-Town's third single and the song will be out on radio airwaves on September 3, 2001 (the day before Dan's B-day), and MTV will release the video for it on August 20, 2001.

2002 Calendar & new book
Go to to purchase O-Town's 2002 calendar! While you are there, you should purchase O-Town's book "Hangin' With O-Town". The published date is set for October 2001, but you can pre-order it and you'll recieve it when they get it!

2002 Guinness Book of World Records
O-Town will be in the 2002 Guinness Book of World Records for making history as the first group to ever have a single debut at #1 on the Sales Chart!!

O-Town's debut, self-titled album, "O-Town" went PLATNUM with over 1,000,000 copies sold!!!

Copyright © Mona Miller: An O-Town Fantasy 2001
All Rights Reserved