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Rival Existance Point-Blank Range First Rate Failure Send me a fucking letter

Well Its been a long time People, Rival Existance Records is pretty much out of action, except for maybe a future first rate failure complete discography. But that will be a little time off from now. But I'm going to keep the online zine going, i'm on my way there next to reupdate it.

So whats been up with the body? Where is point blank range? What the hell happened to First Rate Failure. PBR has hung it up and FRF went their own ways, I guess. But anyway, i'm looking to start a new band (i'd hope to find people wanting to play melodic punk but oh well i'll do what I can.)

Have you been to its a cool little local webpage about the wierdos us normal people have to put up with (normal being the people on the web page). Its pretty cool check it out if you like to widen your points of view to the next level. (Click logos to learn more about the formerRIVAL EXSISTANCE bands.)

World Wide Punk

  • No Raceist, Sexist, Homophobic, material.....
  • All material must be of good recording quality (no 4-tracks)
  • Deadline is July 15, 2002.
  • All material must be on cd, cdr, or very high tape quality.
  • No bands must put up any money for comp.