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Totem by Susan Seddon Boulet
The Archive of Names
Friday, February 15, 2002

253rd most popular female first name in the United States; frequency is 0.080%; percentile is 63.118. It is also the 57th most popular male first name in the United States; frequency is 0.311; percentile is 49.351

Terry is actually a form of the names Terrance, Terrell, or Teresa. It is Latin for "tender", "gracious", or "good".

Some related webpages: Terry Moore, Terry Pratchett, Terry Brooks, Terry Mosher, Terry Hershey, Terry Goodkind, Terry Nelson, Terry Gajraj, Terry Owens, Terry Lindsey, Terry McMillan, Terry Bradshaw, Terry Jones
[ posted by S. Y. Affolee at 12:45 PM | link ]

Thursday, February 14, 2002


4th most popular male first name in the United States; frequency is 2.629%; percentile is 12.361

Michael means "like God" or "who is like God" in Hebrew. Some different forms of this name are: Micaela, Michaela, Michaelina, Michaeline, Michaelyn, Michal, Micheal, Michel, Michela, Michele, Michella, Michelle, Mick, Mike.

Some related webpages: Michael J. Miller, Michael Ondaatje, Michael S. Brown, Michael Collins, Michael J. Fox, Michael Douglas, Michael Pickett, Michael Dorris, Michael Gordon, Michael Nyman
[ posted by S. Y. Affolee at 10:32 AM | link ]

Wednesday, February 13, 2002


276th most popular male first name in the United States; frequency is 0.052%; percentile is 77.578

Julian can actually be used either as a male or female name. It is Latin for either "downy-haired" or "youthful". This name also means Jove's child. It is a form of Julius and family clan name of several powerful Roman emperors. Biblical Roman centurion Julius saved Paul's life during a hazardous voyage.

Some derivatives and variations of Julian (both masculine and feminine) are: Gillian, Jilian, Jillanne, Jillayne, Jillene, Jillesa, Jillian, Jilliane, Jilliann, Jillianna, Jillianne, Julee, Juleen, Juliana, Juliano, Julie, Julienne, Julina, Jyllina.

Some related webpages: Percy Julian, Dame Julian of Norwich, Julian Bond, Julian Schwinger, Julian Rhodes, Julian Carrillo, Julian Thompson, Julian Dawson
[ posted by S. Y. Affolee at 10:08 PM | link ]


407th most popular female first name in the United States; frequency is 0.038%; percentile is 71.520

Chelsea means "harbor" or "port" in Old English or Anglo Saxon. This name is also the place name for a London district.

Some related webpages: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Phyllis Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea's World, Chelsea Clinton, Chelsea FC, Chelsea (Greater London)
[ posted by S. Y. Affolee at 10:06 PM | link ]


6th most popular female first name in the United States; frequency is 0.932%; percentile is 7.586

Jennifer is Celtic for "white wave". It is also Welsh for "white spirit". This name is also a derivation of the name Guinevere. Other English derivatives of this name are: Jen, Jena, Jenalee, Jenalyn, Jenalynn, Jenarae, Jeneen, Jenene, Jenetta, Jeni, Jenice, Jenifer, Jenilynn, Jenise, Jenita, Jenna, Jennabel, and Jennah.

Some related webpages: Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Kimball, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jennifer Dunn, Jennifer Rauch, Jennifer Bawden, Jennifer McCreary, Jennifer Todoroff
[ posted by S. Y. Affolee at 10:02 PM | link ]



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