Denizens Land Mystic Historic Government

Random Conversation, continued

Rion Soulkeeper: (And nouns)
crazydude3141: People aren't looking for linguistic simplicity when they speak, they just want to get a point across, so, with uneducated people holding the fate of your language in their hands, what do you expect? Also, the geographically isolated area of the British Isles as opposed to the European kingdoms which were plagued by inter-country contact, certainly helped English deteriorate from the more ordered forms of its predecessors.
crazydude3141: We have gendered articles as well
crazydude3141: they're just, implied, not explicit
crazydude3141: You will never hear a sailor refer to their ship as a "he"
Rion Soulkeeper: Refer to his ship
crazydude3141: oh calm down
Rion Soulkeeper: And they're changing it.
crazydude3141: I beg your pardon?
crazydude3141: changing what?
Rion Soulkeeper: Supposedly it's no longer correct to refer to an inanimate object, even a machine like a car or a ship or a plane, with a gendered pronoun.
Rion Soulkeeper: I mean articles, though
Rion Soulkeeper: not pronouns
Rion Soulkeeper: In German, there are three different root words for "the".
Rion Soulkeeper: same with "an"
crazydude3141: But, as stated earlier, the less educated classes very rarely follow established rules.
crazydude3141: true
Rion Soulkeeper: Der, Das, Die.... Ein, Ein, Eine
crazydude3141: right
Rion Soulkeeper: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.
Rion Soulkeeper: Is music a feminine noun in English?
crazydude3141: I'd say its genderless
Rion Soulkeeper: Me too.
crazydude3141: instruments are usually feminine
crazydude3141: but not the music itself
Rion Soulkeeper: I don't know about that
crazydude3141: most abstract concepts (such as music) are gender less
crazydude3141: oh?
Rion Soulkeeper: The Italian names for the string instruments are all masculine
crazydude3141: but, like you said, Italian is very bad latin
crazydude3141: and, besides, what do italians know about music?
Rion Soulkeeper: Violoncello, Basso,
Rion Soulkeeper: Ha
Rion Soulkeeper: They only invented the notation
crazydude3141: I'm talkin english here
Rion Soulkeeper: I don't think we use gender for anything but things that actually have gender, with very few exceptions.
Rion Soulkeeper: And there's no polite genderless pronoun. That HAS to be changed.
crazydude3141: yea, true
Rion Soulkeeper: I've read various ones.... sie is the most prevalent, but there's nothing consistent.
crazydude3141: the general rule I've found is that English speakers like to associate gender with any object that can "act-up" as it were. Machines, boats, computers, ect.
Rion Soulkeeper: yeah
Rion Soulkeeper: though I don't know about computers.
crazydude3141: I've never heard any
Rion Soulkeeper: I suppose they must be female, huh?
Rion Soulkeeper: Because they're incomprehensible
crazydude3141: I always refer to my computer as "my pooter", "she", or "that godforsaken piece of scrapmetal on my desk"
crazydude3141: true
crazydude3141: j/k
Rion Soulkeeper: Ha
crazydude3141: no, I think it's mainly a guy thing, and, when computers start giving them grief I think they unintentionally associate it with a woman PMSing
Rion Soulkeeper: Just like everything else. I bet that's how the ship thing started, too. crazydude3141: probably
Rion Soulkeeper: Owww
crazydude3141: what?
crazydude3141: actually, that's not true
Rion Soulkeeper: Oh?
crazydude3141: captains usually refer to their ship as "she" more just because it's almost like their baby-girl/girlfriend/mother all rolled into one
Rion Soulkeeper: Ah.
Rion Soulkeeper: Ow.
crazydude3141: think about it, it protects them, like a mother, it has to be treated nicely or it will break your heart, and it is impressionable and takes orders like a child
crazydude3141: why Ow?
Rion Soulkeeper: When I get gum at home, I tend to get a piece, then when the flavor runs out, get another piece, until I'm eventually chewing the whole package. It's hard on the jaws.
crazydude3141: yea, I can imagine
Rion Soulkeeper: So I'm a little sore, besides the infernal eternal stomachache.
crazydude3141: why stomachache?
Rion Soulkeeper: Probably stress and unhappiness.
crazydude3141: why stress?
crazydude3141: hello?
Rion Soulkeeper: Erk.
Rion Soulkeeper: Same reason.
crazydude3141: ah
Rion Soulkeeper: Phuf.
crazydude3141: Am I overstepping my bounds to ask who it is?
Rion Soulkeeper: No, you're not.
crazydude3141: well, who is it?
Rion Soulkeeper: Um. It's sort of an anguished state of being torn between two, and feeling ignored by one and comforted unknowingly by the other.
crazydude3141: Anyone I know
crazydude3141: ?
Rion Soulkeeper: Yeah, you know both of them.
crazydude3141: okay
Rion Soulkeeper: The second one is sort of a recent development, or maybe a recent epiphany of an ancient truth or something.
crazydude3141: well, that really sux. I know how it is to be ignored by someone you care about. I also know how it is to like someone who is completely unaware of it, but pays attention to you. I think the latter is more annoying, personally.
Rion Soulkeeper: Yeah.
crazydude3141: If you don't mind me saying so, you're being rather cryptic in your answers.
Rion Soulkeeper: That;s intentional.
Rion Soulkeeper: I'd hate to disrupt extrapersonal relationships.
crazydude3141: If you don't want to tell me who they are, I can appreciate that, but at least tell me that, so it'll spare me the suspense
Rion Soulkeeper: One is Lyndon, the other I'd rather not say.
crazydude3141: I figured on that one
crazydude3141: and I can respect that
Rion Soulkeeper: I still have a fourteen-page soliloquy on him. I sure looks like trash now....
crazydude3141: I didn't know you ever had a 14 page soliloquy on him
crazydude3141: cool
crazydude3141: did you ever consider persuing a relationship with him
Rion Soulkeeper: It's kind of a record of the changing situation.
Rion Soulkeeper: I have, yes.
crazydude3141: did you ever act on those considerations?
Rion Soulkeeper: It's kind of a long story.
crazydude3141: I shouldn't be getting off for a while
Rion Soulkeeper: You want me to just give you the directions to the soliloquy and answer the questions that will inevitably arise from the opacity of the writing?
crazydude3141: works for me
Rion Soulkeeper: from the main Ailurian site, click on: (I could just give you the url, but tis more fun to see the complicated and secret directions.
Rion Soulkeeper: ) the bottom pane of the stained glass window
Rion Soulkeeper: from there, the last sentence of the third paragraph
Rion Soulkeeper: the word "this"
Rion Soulkeeper: the s is the link
crazydude3141: I like your style of hiding links
Rion Soulkeeper: Me too.
Rion Soulkeeper: As I said, it's quite a long story.
crazydude3141: It's certainly a well written one
Rion Soulkeeper: Um.
Rion Soulkeeper: If you say so.
crazydude3141: Writing is not my forte, but I can appriciate a good writing style when I see one, and you have astounding literary abilities, I must say.
Rion Soulkeeper: I tend to just throw out a wide range of vocabulary just for effect, never mind if it's necessary or not.
crazydude3141: Vocabulary has no good use except for effect.
crazydude3141: unless you're going for scientific precision or exaggerated ornamentation.
Rion Soulkeeper: Writing with big words just to prove you know them, is what Mama says
Rion Soulkeeper: And she's not illiterate in the least.
crazydude3141: You like painting vivid pictures, that's admirable. I wish Faulkner were more like you in that way.
Rion Soulkeeper: What do you mean?
Rion Soulkeeper: How is it different?
crazydude3141: I was making fun of him, nothing more.
Rion Soulkeeper: well I appreciate a good analysis as much as the next amateur
crazydude3141: Anyone can throw in random long words to make a manuscript seem of a higher intellectual level. However, the ability to use that vocabulary in ways that preclude the use of any lesser word, that is nothing to scoff at. Your word choice is necessary for the style in which you chose to write.
Rion Soulkeeper: Hm.
Rion Soulkeeper: Thanks.
crazydude3141: no prob
Rion Soulkeeper: That's what I was going for, but I was sure I hadn't got it.
Rion Soulkeeper: besides, it's really old.
crazydude3141: Shakespeare is also really old
Rion Soulkeeper: That's not what I mean, and you know it.
crazydude3141: I know, but it's fun to be literal
Rion Soulkeeper: True, it is
Rion Soulkeeper: I like to be literal in annoying ways.
crazydude3141: same here
Rion Soulkeeper: Max is asking for your sn, should I give it to him?
crazydude3141: Max DeLeon?
Rion Soulkeeper: yeah
crazydude3141: Sure
Rion Soulkeeper: K, he has it.
crazydude3141: ok
crazydude3141: It would be nice if modern humans shared some of the more antiquated value systems of the past, wouldn't it?
Rion Soulkeeper: Depends on the systems.
crazydude3141: true
Rion Soulkeeper: I mean, chivalry was good when women weren't fighting for equal rights, but now that facet of it's just silly.
crazydude3141: I don't know, I disagree
crazydude3141: It's just nice
Rion Soulkeeper: I'd have to admit it's charming, but it's also wrong and annoying.
crazydude3141: it's not meant as derrogatorry
crazydude3141: and I know that doesn't have two double-Rs
Rion Soulkeeper: it doesn't even have one
crazydude3141: There ya go
Rion Soulkeeper: It's not derogatory, it's just not impartial
Rion Soulkeeper: If you're going to be chivalrous, be chivalrous to everyone
Rion Soulkeeper: Women should not be special.
crazydude3141: the quest for impartiality is futile, and inevitably destined for failure. Men and women, though equal in rights, are not created equal. Men were not designed to be attracted to other men, nor women to women.
Rion Soulkeeper: If they want to be equal, that means relinquishing privliges that came with their underclassness
crazydude3141: Equality is a thing of fiction
Rion Soulkeeper: I know, I know.
crazydude3141: no two humans are equal
Rion Soulkeeper: Equal status should not be, until people prove themselves unworthy of equality
crazydude3141: Ryan, are you religious?
Rion Soulkeeper: Religious?
crazydude3141: are your belief systems religion or science oriented
Rion Soulkeeper: Um.
Rion Soulkeeper: I'm a firm believer in the 4-billion-year old Earth, if that's what you mean?
crazydude3141: not exactly. You see, I'm looking at this whole thing from a genetic perspective. Rion Soulkeeper: Evolution cannot be disproven.
Rion Soulkeeper: People came from apes.
crazydude3141: true
Rion Soulkeeper: I believe that
crazydude3141: god cannot be disproven
Rion Soulkeeper: No.
crazydude3141: nor can Zeus, Jesus, Mohammad, Budda, ect.
crazydude3141: nor can a person's soul
Rion Soulkeeper: I think (theoretically, because it has yet to apply to me) that maybe evolution was directed, as was spontaneous origin.
Rion Soulkeeper: I believe that nothing is impossible, which is somewhat unscientific crazydude3141: In other words "believing in the big bang, doesn't correlate to not believing in god; If god wants to bang, god can bang!" Right?
Rion Soulkeeper: Yeah, something like that
Rion Soulkeeper: I hate to be vague, but I'm still somewhat confused.
crazydude3141: Actually, believing that nothing is impossible until proven to be such is the definition of imperial logic.
crazydude3141: its okay
Rion Soulkeeper: empirical, you mean?
crazydude3141: yea that
crazydude3141: what I was getting to is that, if you believe in some kind of "divine" then, yes, all are created equal, and all should be treated as such, no exception. However, if you're a science person, like I try to be, you have to be a bit more pragmatic.
crazydude3141: not to put down faith-oriented people
crazydude3141: I know some brilliant scientists who are stalwart Christians
Rion Soulkeeper: Well, people are definitely not all equal, else what is a bell curve good for?
crazydude3141: So true
Rion Soulkeeper: But You don't know which piece of the curve you're talking to unless you know them, so you treat them all the same.
Rion Soulkeeper: You have to assume that people are all the same until they prove otherwise, or justice will not be served.
crazydude3141: True, but 99.99% of the time, I can tell at least one difference immediately, that being gender
Rion Soulkeeper: true
crazydude3141: Although I must say, I am confused for a girl quite often
Rion Soulkeeper: Really now? IRL?
crazydude3141: yes, only in real life, actually. I don't speak to people I don't know online.
Rion Soulkeeper: Me neither.
Rion Soulkeeper: You don't look like a girl to me.
crazydude3141: four out of five times if I don't know a person, I'll be called "Maam" at least once
Rion Soulkeeper: Ha
Rion Soulkeeper: I refuse to believe that.
crazydude3141: it's the truth
crazydude3141: it didn't happen through most of Jr. High, cause my hair was shorter, but before that it was Really common, and it's getting more common now, with my longer hair
Rion Soulkeeper: How? I mean, you make as good a friend as a girl, without all the usual baggage that comes with guy friends (or at least you conceal it better than most), but you're definitely not a girl phenotype.
crazydude3141: Well, i guess the hairy legs don't give it away
Rion Soulkeeper: I guess not.
Rion Soulkeeper: Or the total absence of pectoral endowments.
crazydude3141: Well, I know plenty of girls who are rather lacking in that area
Rion Soulkeeper: true, but a lot fewer in HS than you'd think
crazydude3141: true
crazydude3141: Well, part of it is probably that I usually have moderate manners, and most people think that's a feminine attribute
Rion Soulkeeper: Ha
Rion Soulkeeper: I wish they didn't.
crazydude3141: Remember, girls mature (mentally) faster than guys
Rion Soulkeeper: Ah.
crazydude3141: guys are still supposed to be complete retards at this age
Rion Soulkeeper: well, I guess most of them fit the bill
Rion Soulkeeper: Is that why 70 is a passing grade?
crazydude3141: actually, most places, 60 is
crazydude3141: and, that's probably a big part of it
Rion Soulkeeper: Weird.
crazydude3141: the programming class I'm taking has 70-79 as a C and 60-69 as a D
Rion Soulkeeper: ack
crazydude3141: pretty pathetic, isn't it
Rion Soulkeeper: It certainly is.
Rion Soulkeeper: I think it's better in Europe.
Rion Soulkeeper: You know what?
Rion Soulkeeper: Hotel California is a really good song.
crazydude3141: What I like, though, is in one county in Florida, on this 100 point grading scale, you only have to make a 32 to pass.
Rion Soulkeeper: Random thought.
Rion Soulkeeper: Oh my goodness.
crazydude3141: that's okay, I like those
Rion Soulkeeper: Are you kidding?
crazydude3141: nope, the scale was recommended by the school board
Rion Soulkeeper: that's less than half.
crazydude3141: I think 65 is an A
Rion Soulkeeper: What does that say about the final ballot count?
crazydude3141: like 43 is a C, 55 is a B, or something
crazydude3141: lol
crazydude3141: that they had a whole lot of illiterite people counting it
Rion Soulkeeper: Illiterate nothing... retarded, maybe.
crazydude3141: not physically retarded, this is an institutionalized retardation
Rion Soulkeeper: Yes... lower the standards and encourage them to be stupid.
crazydude3141: Can't you see a mom saying "Oh, you got 4 out of every 10 questions right, we're so proud!!"....
crazydude3141: I know
Rion Soulkeeper: Ack.
crazydude3141: Yea, well
crazydude3141: They are just trying to make sure everyone stays at the proper social level
Rion Soulkeeper: Huh. Harrison Bergeron's not too far off.
crazydude3141: Oh, we don't have to worry about that. If Society doesn't destroy itself in the next few centuries, governments will have to cease to exist with the coming of the age of space colonization.
Rion Soulkeeper: When is that? Can I come?
crazydude3141: It'll be in the near future. I'm working on it
crazydude3141: the key is learning how to negate gravity, I'm sure of it, but anyway.....
Rion Soulkeeper: All right. Remember, you have to take me with you. Head bonks and all that.
crazydude3141: lol
crazydude3141: I think you'll want me to run some orbital tests first
Rion Soulkeeper: Well, ok.
Rion Soulkeeper: But I want to at least see them
crazydude3141: okay.
Rion Soulkeeper: Inform me when you come up with something substantial.
Rion Soulkeeper: Or maybe I'll be helping you.
crazydude3141: okay
Rion Soulkeeper: Who knows. I like languages, and they're probably not going to be much help. Biology or music, either.
Rion Soulkeeper: Unless I can make a dragon.
Rion Soulkeeper: Which can teleport. Like a Pernese dragon.
crazydude3141: You're good at unconventional thinking, that's an absolute necessity
Rion Soulkeeper: Have you read about Nikolai Tesla?
crazydude3141: and an area in which, unfortunately, I leave something to be desired
crazydude3141: sounds familiar. can't place him
Rion Soulkeeper: He's who they named the magnetic field unit after
Rion Soulkeeper: tesla and gauss
crazydude3141: Ah, that's right. what about him?
Rion Soulkeeper: he looked at a lot of unconventional stuff. Apparently he put some vacuum tubes in a car's dashboard and never had to put gas in it again, driving it all over. He said it ran off the ether.
crazydude3141: lol
crazydude3141: that's aws
Rion Soulkeeper: yeah.
Rion Soulkeeper: My cousins had a book about him
crazydude3141: cool
Rion Soulkeeper: But my uncle was telling me about it on the drive up there
crazydude3141: up where?
Rion Soulkeeper: Missouri
crazydude3141: Cool. Well, I have got to go to bed, I have a piano lesson tomorrow.
Rion Soulkeeper: Phoo.
crazydude3141: sorry. It was good talking to ya
Rion Soulkeeper: Were you still slogging through the reading, or had you abandoned hope?
crazydude3141: I postponed it until another time when I'm not fading in and out of conciousness.
Rion Soulkeeper: Ah.
Rion Soulkeeper: Got sleep last night?
crazydude3141: Some
Rion Soulkeeper: I see how it is.
crazydude3141: I've been having restless nights lately
crazydude3141: anyway, I will talk to you later
Rion Soulkeeper: Byebye
crazydude3141: goodnight

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