February 4, 2001 - Why would you say that?

When we were at the Marquee, I said something to Lisa about Jeff that makes a lot of sense. That night he was in my room, he said, "I'm half-Indian." I had figured that. He's really defensive about it. I don't know how to react to that. So he's not Christian. I don't think someone who's a firm agnostic is either (Christmas is a family tradition, and it makes more sense within the pagan context, and Easter is a celebration of Spring). What am I supposed to say to him or ask him? Where's your mother from? I mean, I look like such the typical person - so white as to be translucent, reddish brown hair, hazel eyes - from the typical family - my last name would suggest I was an Irish Catholic. But my family's history with religion is sorted at best - marriage has always changed someone's until it came to my parents who had both given up their respective churches. And they decided not to decide for my brother and I. I thank them for that. I grew up a lot more accepting of what would have been considered different where I grew up. Like Nadia was a moslem, and Greg was wicca. I was accepting of both of those things. And what do I identify best with? Taoism (have you read the Tao of Pooh? It's excellent). I have a problem with missionaryism. Going around converting people on purpose isn't right. I believe there's no one religion. I don't believe there's one god either. I have this feeling that there's a big immaterial glob up there that makes up the spaces between the visible world. That's what makes the world what it is. And, due to an argument I once had with Jan on paper in her church, I know that you have to believe your religion is the most right to really have faith. I have faith that humanity hasn't figured anything out yet. Science is too easy. It explains things in a way people find easy. If it were the real explanation it wouldn't be easy.

And no matter what people say about astrology, palmistry and all those things, I honestly think they work with the spaces between things. Would our palms be marked if it weren't important?

So I've been thinking about my hands a lot because of the stitches. So what?

Last night Chris and I went out to eat. The food was so good. And I did not want dining hall food again. It's been terrible lately. When we came back, the rest of them were giggling at us and acting like it was something scandalous to have gone out to dinner. Whatever. It's Chris. If I've ever been just friends with a guy, it's him.

Oh, the government is sending out fuel rebates because of the extremehome fuel prices. I got one. I don't have a house. But I get the money and it's lots so I'm not going to complain. Sometimes I fluke into great government treatment.

oh the intergalatic laxative will get you from here to there
relieve you and believe me without a worry or care
if shitting is your problem when you're out there in the stars
the intergalatic laxative will get you from here to Mars
- Donovan

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