February 5, 2001

I feel like I'm in the third grade and not my third year of university. Besides not being able to hang out with Chris without everyone assuming there must be something happening between us, I keep being, well, not nice to Jeff in that way that you're supposed to be when you like guys when you're eight. Like last night, Jeff was eating edible oil product- faux whipped cream - on his ice cream and I was singing "I Don't Want To Go To Toronto" by Radio Free Vestibule with Lisa. Jeff is from Toronto. And he was eating edible oil product. In Toronto, they don't have bagels. They have donuts! Donuts! Made of edible oil products. See? Anyway, then Mutt went to get ice cream, which he'd never done at dinner before so he couldn't find the scoops (they are kind of hidden if you don't know). We told him where the scoops are and he headed back. Jeff yells, "There's nothing like the first time, Mutt." And someone says, "As if you'd know." And Jeff says, "That's true." I started saying my ears were bleeding and they took me seriously.

Oh dear. All of this after that whole discussion with one of my friends about not going after virgins.

So then I went to play diplomacy. They thought I wanted to play with Chris because they figured he and I were together. Eeek. Anyway, Jeff played and he crossed me and he did it bad. He got angry when I retaliated. Stupidly angry. But that's what the game is like. And then at the end of the game (I survived despite being crossed by almost everyone) I jokingly said I was only playing for the points toward my award for participation and Jeff spouted off on how he thought that was evil. Whatever.

So I'm thoroughly over any designs I may have once had. Blech. He's such a dork.

And he's from Toronto.

Oh yeah, speaking of that, these are the poems I wrote yesterday: the new math and Zeppelin Boy
© lily keller 2001

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