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This is the Frequently Asked Questions page.

yep I'm putting on up so I don't have to answer the same questions over and over and over...

OK you get the point, if there is a question you think is asked a lot but isn't up here email me.

I'll put it up along with giving you credit for letting me put it up.

-What is GodModing??

This means I don't want anyone too make their character invincible. You have to take a hit every now and than, the more hits you take the more I like you(jk). This also means that you can't control another person's character, unless you have the permission of the player. Example, SailorMars uses her attack on a villain you can't say that her Fire Soul hit the villain and instantly killed it let the person who plays the villain block it or whatever.

What is an RPG??

An RPG is a role playing game(RPG) this gives you the chance to portray a certain character and play him/it/her as you think it/he/she would react to the current situation.

-How do you play RPGs??

You can play RPGs in three different ways Internet wise, 1) Chat, 
2) Email, 3) Message board, all three are playing on the Internet there 
is one that isn't that is when a group of people, like a bunch of your friends 
get together and you just act it out or something like that I'm not to 
familiar with that please don't ask about it.

-How do you play Chat room RPGs??

A chat room RPG is played when a whole bunch of people choose a time 
to meet and play in a chat room. This method is fast but it takes a lot 
of work to get everyone on at the same time and usually people forget 
or mess up the times. You also have to find an RPG that is stationed in 
your time zone, or in one near by. This one isn't very easy and they usually 
don't last long.

-How is an Email RPG played??

An email RPG is played when you write something on an email than e 
it to all the members this method is fast but not the easiest and the RPGs 
sometimes don't last very long.

-How is a Message Board RPG played??

A Message board RPG is played over a long period of time, the 
members post their replies after the last post. This method can be slow 
but it is much easier, neater and organized.

-What kind of RPG is this??

This is a Message Board RPG because thats the way I like to play 
RPGs, like I said earlier its easier.

Ok all of these questions and answers I read off the Planetary Princesses RPG FAQs.

I reworded the answers so I need to thank Windy for not yelling at me.

I basically copied off of her site ^^

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