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^ means that this character was created for the use of this RPG and for you to apply for, and it also means for certain characters that this character was involved in Windy's or Krista's RPG or both, please do not use their or my ideas unless you contact me and I talk with them or the respective owner of the character. I am accepting fanfics, they can be knights, villains, cats, daughters of senshi, or a senshi from the future ect.ect.

If the text is in this color, than the character is taken. If the text is in this color, the character is on hold. If the text is in this color, the character is availible for play!


  • Heero Yuy
  • Quatre Reberba Winner
  • Duo Maxwell
  • Wu Fei Chang
  • Trowa Barton
  • Keisotsu Yuy
  • (NO Relena....sorry can't stand her, don't waste your time applying for her.
  • Minako Aino,SailorStarVenus, leader of the senshi
  • NeoSailorVenus/Power over love and beauty
  • Ami Mizuno, SailorStarMercury
  • NeoSailorMercury/Power over ice
  • Rei Hino, SailorStarMars
  • NeoSailorMars/Power over fire
  • Makoto Kino, SailorStarJupiter
  • NeoSailorJupiter/Power over lighting
  • Sestuna Meiou, SailorStarPluto
  • NeoSailorPluto/Power over time
  • Michiru Kaiou , SailorStarNeptune
  • NeoSailorNeptune/Power over water and illusion
  • Haruka Ten'ou , SailorStarUranus
  • NeoSailorUranus/Power over wind
  • Hotaru Tomoe, SailorStarSaturn
  • NeoSailorSaturn/Power over destruction,death, and rebirth
Council Of Mystics
  • ^Smerggle, uncle to the Utsusemi, Mikado, and Masa
  • ^Lotasowl, aunt to Utsusemi, Mikado, and Masa
  • ^Maisaka Kaitou, male human
  • ^Cho Mahou, female human
Other FanFics ^
  • *Tansei Ketsuki
  • *Tansei Ketsuki Villains
    • Doushin Douyou

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