Richie's Internet Explorer & Web Browser controlDOM Tips |
Hello, these are some tips that i have been learning from time to time. Most of them have something in common: they comes to light due to questions posted at EE. Basically, in Visual Basic Area.
Hope you font them useful and enjoy them as me. Thanks for reading ;).
Level: IntermediateContents:
Override default popup menu - Web Browser Control
Create a new Standard exe project.Add a reference to Microsoft HTML Object Library. Add Internet Browser control to your Toolbox. Add the following controls: 1 textbox Text = "Whatever you want" 1 Command button Caption = "&Go!" Default = True 1 Webbrowser control Name = wb1 Your window should looks like the following picture: ![]() On General Declaration section of form1, we need to declare variables: Private WithEvents HDoc As HTMLDocumentWith this variable, we will manage Properties/Methods and most important: Events from our target HTML Document. The question here is: why we need a variable of type HTMLDocument? We need it because Webbrowser1.document (which is the same object type) doesn't expose their events and we need them to gain access to an important one: onmousedown .Besides, we will get Autolist Members feature from HDoc that, otherwise, we would miss from Webbrowser.document in VB IDE.As soon as variable is created, we can access it like any other object that belongs to form1 in the Code Pane. To set HDoc to our current loaded document, we need to set objects in the DocumentComplete event of webbrowser because until document is fully loaded, we can't access it.
More, if you want to override menu, but only for a given location, you have to check it there too.
Private Sub WB1_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant) If (pDisp Is WB1.Object) Then Text1.Text = URL ' Change url to what url you want to avoid. ' Optionally, instead of hard-coded value, you could store in ' another textbox control. If UCase$(URL) = "WWW.EXPERTS-EXCHANGE.COM" Then Set HDoc = WB1.document End If End If End SubThe If (pDisp Is WB1.Object) Then... statement is necessary due to the fact that page loaded could contains frames and this event is fired for each of them.From here, we have plenty access to document inside webbrowser control. When we right-click on the document, the first event that is fired is onmousedown , and it is the event we need to manage.To do things short, i trapped some tags only. You could manage all of them. This is the code from onmousedown event:
Private Sub HDoc_onmousedown() ' Creating a variable to hold elements inside document object, ' and pull off those awful dots that eat resources. Dim Elem As IHTMLElement Set Elem = HDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement With Elem ' Check if button = 2 (right button) was pressed. ' Otherwise, we don't do anything. If HDoc.parentWindow.event.button = 2 Then Dim msg As String Select Case UCase$(.tagName) Case "A" ' Change url to one of your test page ;) If UCase$(.href) = _ UCase$("") Then msg = "you right-clicked on " & vbNewLine & .href MsgBox msg, vbInformation, App.EXEName End If Case "BODY" msg = "This HTML code is mine!" Case "IMG" msg = "Imágen" Case "P" msg = "Para" Case "H1" msg = "Header: size 1" End Select Me.Caption = "Click on " & msg End If End With End SubThe following picture shows the result of do a right-click on a link in a test page (that i trapped with previous code). ![]() What we are doing there is check for value of tagName property. If tag name is one of we already trapped, we write its type on caption of form1, just to show that it works.The only Popup menu what we are overriding is for anchor tag, all others are trapped but not overriding. You could create your own menu (See Visual Basic help to know how) in form1 to responds to each Case statement.Following is the code for Form_Load and Command1_Click events. Private Sub Form_Load() WB1.navigate "about:blank" End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() With Text1 If .Text <> "" Then WB1.navigate .Text End With End SubThat's all. Little code, don't you think so?.
Override default popup menu - Internet Explorer Object
Basically, it's almost the same. Here are those diferences:Create a new exe project. Add a reference to Microsoft HTML Object Library. Add a reference to Microsoft Internet Controls. Add the following controls: 1 textbox Text = "Whatever you want" 1 Command button Enabled = False Caption = "&Go!" Default = True On General Declaration section of form1, we need to declare variables: Private WithEvents HDoc As HTMLDocument Private WithEvents IE as InternetExplorer ... WithEvents IE ... is necessary to gain access to DocumentComplete event.In that event, we add code similar to previous one: Private Sub IE_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant) If (pDisp Is IE) Then Text1.Text = URL ' Change url WWW.MICROSOFT.COM to what url you want to avoid. ' Optionally, Instead of hard-coded value, you could store in ' another textbox control. If UCase$(URL) = "WWW.MICROSOFT.COM" Then Set HDoc = IE.document End If End If End SubFrom here, the code is the same ... Private Sub HDoc_onmousedown() ' Creating a variable to hold elements inside document object, ' and pull off those awful dots that eat resources. Dim Elem As IHTMLElement Set Elem = HDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement With Elem ' Check if button = 2 (right button) was pressed. ' Otherwise, we don't do anything. If HDoc.parentWindow.event.button = 2 Then Dim msg As String Select Case UCase$(.tagName) Case "A" ' Change url to one of your test page ;) If UCase$(.href) = _ UCase$("") Then msg = "you right-clicked on " & vbNewLine & .href MsgBox msg, vbInformation, App.EXEName End If Case "BODY" msg = "This HTML code is mine!" Case "IMG" msg = "Imágen" Case "P" msg = "Para" Case "H1" msg = "Header: size 1" End Select Me.Caption = "Click on " & msg End If End With End Sub...with this little diference: Private Sub Form_Load() Set IE = New InternetExplorer ' Creates new Internet Explorer Instance If Not IE is Nothing then Command1.Enabled = True With IE .navigate "about:blank" .visible = True End With End If End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() With Text1 If .Text <> "" Then IE.navigate .Text End With End Sub
Meta Tags - Internet Explorer
Create a new Standard exe project.Add a reference to Microsoft HTML Object Library. Add a reference to Microsoft Internet Controls. Add the following controls: 2 TextBox 1 CommandButton 1 ListBox Your form could be like this: ![]() This little app shows the names and contents of meta-tags for a given page. It only works with Internet Explorer. Option Explicit Dim WithEvents IE As InternetExplorer Dim oMetaTags() As HTMLMetaElement Dim sUrl As String Private Sub Command1_Click() IE.navigate Text1.Text End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Set IE = New InternetExplorer With IE .navigate "about:blank" .Visible = True End With End Sub Private Sub IE_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant) If (pDisp is IE) Then Dim t As HTMLMetaElement, idx As Integer Dim hdoc As HTMLDocument Set hdoc = IE.document With List1 .Clear For Each t In IE.document.All.tags("META") ReDim Preserve oMetaTags(idx) If t.Name = "" Then .AddItem "[None]" Else .AddItem t.Name End If Set oMetaTags(idx) = t idx = idx + 1 Next End With If URL = "about:blank" Then sUrl = "about:blank" Else sUrl = IE.document.Title End If End If End Sub Private Sub List1_Click() With Text2 .Text = "" .Text = oMetaTags(List1.ListIndex).content End With End Sub
Hide scrollbar - Web Browser Control
Create a new Standard exe project.Add Internet Browser control to your Toolbox. Add the following controls: 1 Webbrowser control Name = WB1 To this time, i think that the only person who knows this trick is me. On all forums that i have been visiting is the old same thing: How could i hide scroll bar from WebBrowser control?. The answer always is: Put inside a PictureBox control and set PictureBox's Width (or, ScaleWidth, i just don't remember ;) to WebBrowser control minus scroll bar width. To me, that is a waste of resources. So i did a little dig and got the following: ' On Declarations section of the form ' that has WebBrowser control. Private Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As LongPaste this code in Form_Load event: WB1.navigate "" ' And just in case you don't know exact width: Const SM_CXVSCROLL = 2 Dim ret As Long ret = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL) WB1.Width = WB1.Width - (ret * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX)And paste this code in DocumentComplete event of WB1 control: Private Sub WB1_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant) If (pDisp Is WB1.Object) Then WB1.Document.body.setAttribute "scroll", "no" End If End SubVoilà!. say goodbye to scrollbar. But, it has an awful behaviour: If you refresh the page, scroll bar shows again!. To avoid this unwanted "error", we have to handle one more event. Private Sub WB1_DownloadComplete() WB1.Document.body.setAttribute "scroll", "no" End SubThere is another way too, see the following code: Private Sub WB1_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant) If (pDisp Is WB1.Object) Then ="hidden" End If End SubYou can implement this with an Internet Explorer Object, just as we have been reading from previous tips. I mean, instead of using wb1 object, declare an object variable (withevents) of type InternetExplorer and put that code inside appropiate events.
Select all contents of active web page - Internet Explorer Object
As always, we will manage DocumentComplete event:
' This code assumes that you already have declared ' a variable of type Internet Explorer called IE. Private Sub IE_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant) If (pDisp Is IE) Then With IE .ExecWB OLECMDID_SELECTALL, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT .ExecWB OLECMDID_COPY, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT End With End If End SubWith previous code you have selected entire contents of web page and put it in clipboard, ready to paste wherever you want. How about copying only selected text? Well, we need some more objects variables to get it: ' In general declaration section of main form Dim WithEvents IE As InternetExplorer Dim WithEvents HDoc As HTMLDocument 'We need to know when user does something with his mouse. Dim TxtRng As IHTMLTxtRange ' To manage selected text.As always, we got handle to document object in DocumentComplete event.
Private Sub IE_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant) If (pDisp Is IE) Then Set HDoc = IE.document End If End SubTo select text, user has to use the mouse. So, we will trap only one event to set our TextRange. These are (in order) the actions that takes place when user selects text from web page:
Private Sub HDoc_onmouseup() ' We create a TextRange based upon user's selection Set TxtRng = HDoc.selection.createRange ' We can change text selected if we want... 'TxtRng.Text = "It works!" ' ...or copy it to clipboard IE.ExecWB OLECMDID_COPY, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER End Sub
Login automation - Internet Explorer & Web Browser Control
Sometimes, we need to login to gain access to complete site. I will show you a way to log to, which requires user id, password and to push a button.Before go further showing code, we need to know how login process takes place. Sites needs to know where you enter things and we need too. Generally, textboxes used to enter id and password have names to diferentiate among others textboxes and it is marvelous. We need those names too. Those names are located inside HTML code. We have to "read" HTML code the first time we access login page. To this time, i already did that. The textbox name for user id is: login and textbox name for password is: passwd. The name of the button we need to press is: enter. By now, you already know how to set object variables for InternetExplorer and you have been using WebBrowser control, so, i will not explain here again. Private Sub Form_Load() set IE = New InternetExplorer With IE .navigate "" .visible = True End With End SubLet's go to DocumentComplete event:
Private Sub IE_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant) If (pDisp Is IE) Then If InStr(1, URL, "", vbTextCompare) Then Dim inp As Object Set inp = IE.document.all.Item("login") inp.Value = "myname" 'replace with your id Set inp = IE.document.all.Item("passwd") inp.Value = "passwrd" 'replace with your password Set inp = IE.document.all.Item("enter") inp.Click End if End If End SubA variation: Private Sub IE_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant) If (pDisp Is IE) Then If InStr(1, URL, "", vbTextCompare) Then IE.document.all.Item("login").value = "myname" 'replace with your id IE.document.all.Item("passwd").Value = "passwrd" 'replace with your password IE.document.all.Item("enter").Click End if End If End SubWe are almost finish. To actually read mails from Hotmail, you need one more click. I will let you know how to automate this by yourself. ;) ©2001 - Richie Simonetti |