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The Pirate Campaign

The Party

In the center of the Sea of the Fallen Stars lies the Pirates isles. The center most isles of this chain are known as the dragon's teeth. There lies the Freeport of Immurk's hold. The ultimate haven of pirates, theives, and all forms of treachery.

Adventure Summaries:

The Short Versions: (Click here)

-0- Blood and Booty:
-Karn (Fred)-Feyright (Papo)-Rezzel (Boof)-& Driftwood (Cheez)-
--Zero Level Characters----
Three travelers aboard 3 separate ships, left 3 separate ports, on course for 3 different destinations. All would eventually share the same fate and destination. The Journey begins. Karn, the human, left his homeland in the Cormyrian city of Suzail. His original intention of becoming a purple dragon knight shattered by his new found magical urges. He takes passage aboard the military vessel HMS Concordance of Suzail bound for Thay. There Karn hopes to find aid in his efforts to understand his abilities better. Similarly Feyright, the halfling departs from his homeland in the Chandalwood. He departs from the city of Arrabar headed toward Waterdeep. There he hopes to petition the church of Tymora to take him in. Still haunted by the visions the goddess had sent him he takes passage on the mercenary ship known as the Blackbow. Rezzel, the half hobgoblin leaves his home city of Baldurs Gate en route to the Zhentil Keep. There he hopes to indulge in his dark endeavors. He takes passage on the Merchant ship Longfellow. All 3 of these vessels are attacked at separate times by the pirate ship Predator. The pirates of the Predator follow a code which states the last victim standing on a conquered ship is not to be killed. It is because of this code that the three travelers were brought together in the brig of the Predator. They exchange information of their attackers. All noticed that these pirates had strange and bizarre physical features. This conversation is soon interrupted by the ships master. A fiendlike masked humanoid known as Captain Gauntluss. He tells them that soon they will have there chance to join his crew. Apparently this is how the Predator replaces fallen soldiers. The three travelers agree and are given Gaff hooks to use as weapons. The predator attacked its next ship. The travelers joined the battle and helped slaughter the crew. All on board were slain unintentionally. It seemed there would be no survivor until cries were heard off the ship. There floating in the water was the man whom would come to be called Driftwood. The travelers participated in many more pirate attacks and moved there way up the ranks. Alas it was time to join the crew. The three travelers were lined up and sent through a crowd of the crew. Each crew member shared their blood with the travelers. Then Captain Gauntluss sent each one below to face the vortex. As each man returned he was badly wounded. Each had experience the same thing. Below the decks was kept a Well of the Worlds. When put before it the Well would randomly select a plane and infuse the subject with the power of that plane. Each of the travelers had now joined the crew of the Predator as Planetouched. Rezzle a teifling, inflicted with abyssal power, Feyright, an Aasimar, inflicted with Celestial might, and Karn the cursed afflicted with the elemental power of water making him a Gensai. The party had now truly joined the crew. Each party member would learn their trade from a member among the crew. The chief would teach Karn the ways of the Hexblade, Dirt Shizzleback would teach Rezzle the roguish ways, and Feyright would learn his worship from the fortuitous meeting with the resident clergy man. A priest of Tymora named Alfar Plumfar. Other crew members would join as well. Driftwood would become afflicted with elemental earth forces. The next captive would be man they would call skull due to a serious wound in the combat. The pirating continued and the party learned those ways as well. There was much blood and booty. But on a dark and moonless night the hunters would become the hunted. The party was awakened to find their ship now being pirated. They joined their crew in defending the ship but the pirates who were invading were the undead. The crew fought valiantly but the undead seemed endless. Alas the party would be the last ones standing as the undead swarmed them. Their leader revealed himself to be the undead ship captain known as Korthar the Accursed. Captain Gauntluss stood against him. Karn was fallen next. The party joined Skull as he was making an escape. Driftwood managed to rescue Karn and away with their lives they went. They rowed for hours and hours and then waited for days and days. Alone in the great sea in a life boat. But as Feyright was beginning to manifest his cleric powers he could feel Tymora’s fortune upon him. The merchant ship Seaglander came upon them. The friendly captain Shandus agreed to drop them at their next port. The party was relieved. Alas they would see land anew. Their training was now just beginning to come to fruitation. The skills they had learned upon the Predator would now become their tools for survival. They would need such tools very soon as the next port was not just another city. They were seaward bound for the Freeport of Immurks Hold, The pirate haven of all Faerun. A city ripe with treachery, danger, death, and perhaps even opportunity.

-1st-Death in Freeport:
The party entered The Freeport of Immurks Hold to find it a busy port of many ships, most of which were indeed pirates. Rezzle, Karn and Feyright went in while Driftwood and Skull snuck back aboard the merchant ship that had brought them. The party had just reached the Freeport of Immurk’s Hold when they were accosted by a press gang of pirates. They were trying to press the party into ship service as is a regular custom in the Freeport. The party press there faces into the ground and fatalized many of them. It seemed there were no guards to arrest them. The docks of Freeport were a lawless land. Directly after this confrontation the party was approached by brother Egil, a priest from the Temple of Knowledge. He liked the way they handled themselves and needed men of their meddle. He brought them down to a local pub called the Bilge Rat. He bought them a drink and explained his plight. It seemed that a fellow priest and good friend of Egil’s named Luscious had fallen into some trouble. Approximately 6 years ago Luscious began behaving badly and nothing like the man that Egil had known for years. After a time Lucius’s hunger for knowledge drove him to violate the most sacred portions of the Temples libraries. For this act he was cast out. Lucius left Freeport and did not return for five years. When he did he was able to purchase his way back into the Temple of Knowledge with the great wisdom he had recovered from his years of travel. Egils told that the Lucius who returned was once again his friend. It seemed that luscious had returned to himself but could not remember what had happened to him in the last 5 years of his absence. In the last few weeks Lucius had been vigorously trying to piece together where he had been and what had happened. Two days ago he went missing. Brother Egil wanted the party to track him down and was willing to pay. The party would first need to secure a place to sleep. They set a room for themselves at the Scholars Quil inn and then went to the home of Lucius. There they found papers referring two other priests named Milos and Thuran. They went back to the Temple of Knowledge to speak with these men. Thuran, the high priest was unavailable but Milos entertained them. He answered there questions best he could but in the end the nerdy man was of little help. After this the party tracked another name they had found in Lucius’s notes. A man named Captain Scarbelly. After some asking around they discovered Captain Scarbelly was the orc captain of a terrible orc pirate ship called The Bloody Vengeance. They found the ship down at the docks but the orc guards would not let them speak to the captain. The party tried a different approach by letting Rezzle sneak aboard. He recovered much recon before he was spotted. He barely escaped. The party regrouped and decided yet a third approach. They came back a lured the guards out with rocks. Then they attempted to ambush the guards. They found themselves overwhelmed and escaped yet again. The orc pirates were proving to be cunning. The party returned to the Temple for healing and then went back to the Scholars Quil to discuss a fourth approach. As this discussion raged on it seemed that the orcs had grouped themselves and were going bar to bar looking for the party. They eventually found them. Battle erupted in the bar room and the party was once again overwhelmed. Over tables and out of windows they fled. They lost their pursuers in the city streets. They decided to go down to the docks as all the ships crew were looking around town for them. They headed for the presumed able unguarded ship but were thwarted. Captain Scarbelly had left one man aboard the ship and had him take The Bloody vengeance out into the bay. As the party watched they were once attacked as the crew was now returning. They fled as was becoming their preferred method and were able to once again lose the orcs. Karn being a water Gensai used his abilities to breath water to swim out to the ship. Once there he killed the one remaining crew member and took control of the Bloody vengeance. Rezzle and Feyright grabbed a rowboat and the party rejoined. Meanwhile the orcs began slaughtering the crew of another docked ship. Once done Captain Scarbelly used his newly conquered ship to follow the party. A race of ships began. Feyright launched flaming arrows and damaged the sails of the orc’s new ship enough for them to get away. Out in the harbor the party found their friend Driftwood afloat as always. It seemed Driftwood and Skull had been caught in their attempt to stow away. Skull managed to talk his way out of it while Driftwood was cast overboard. But once again his certain tenacity at sea saved his life. He rejoined the party as they fled to the high seas. Not long after the party came upon Skull. He was in a row boat with Gold. He had stolen the merchant ships gold and snuck off in the night. The party brought him aboard and appropriated his gold. Many of the party members felt Skull had betrayed Driftwood. For the next few hours arguments ensued as Skull asked for his gold and was threatened and much insanity ensued. Eventually Skull had to fight for his gold and was able to mostly best the party in combat and to fall over board with gold in hand. He sank into the depth a very rich man. For the next few weeks the party was lost at sea. They were not accomplished seamen and could not read charts or navigate with any ability. At long last they found a port. They came into land in the city of Tazair within the nation of Cormyr. This was the worst place they could have landed. Their openly pirate ship was recognized as such and the party was arrested. The ship was seized. For weeks the party was questioned but at long last they were released as there was a lack of evidence. The party caught the first ship out of Cormyr. They made their way back to Freeport after many weeks of ship jumping. They returned to the Temple of Knowledge and announced their intentions to finish the mission they had started. Brother Egil explained that captain Scarbelly had remained in town hunting them for some time and had eventually left to pursue them on the high seas. The party had been traveling for weeks. They rested up and headed to get some good eats at Maurices Restaurant. Just as they were arriving they came under siege. A company of Mercenaries attacked them. The party defeated them and even got a captive. They interrogated him and learned that the Mercenaries were a semi famous band called the Yellow Shields. They had been hired by a man named Enzo at the Black Gull Bar. The party disguised themselves as this company and went to meet this Enzo. Enzo proved to be a total coward and spilled the beans. He was acting as a middle man of behave of a Cult doing dark deeds in the city of Freeport. He lead them to the Cults secret base. The party kept an eye on the place for a while and learned something terrible. The assistant head priest from the Temple of Knowledge arrived at this destination. Milos was in on this. The party launched their assault. They went room to room into the secret chambers below. They battled Serpent men and skeletons and fought through to the bitter end. They located a library with many dark texts. There were also notes consisting of the progress of the building of something called the Lighthouse of Drac. In the final chamber the party came upon a shrine to a god known as the Unspeakable one. Before the shrine stood Milos and 2 serpent men guards. The nerdy Milos challenged the party and his demeanor changed to one of threatening malice. The party cut through the guards and then they slaughtered Milos. As Milos fell his form transformed from a human to a serpent man. With his dying words he promised that “The Yellow Sign would rule”. Deeper in the complex the party found Lucius. He explained that the cult was holding him captive to learn from his great knowledge. It seemed something Lucius knew was of particular importance to this cult. The party feared that this cult might still operate within the city. They explained all this to the Temple of Knowledge. Brother Egil was eternally grateful as was Lucius. Lucius helped the party evaluate and identify the numerous items of magically abilities they had procured from the cultists lair. Next the party began to make repositions with the great amount of gold they had just acquired. They made many stops including an important visit to Otto’s magic sword shop. There the mysterious Otto gave them great deals and exchanged items for magic blades and other weapons. Freeport had proved to be every bit as dangerous as it was reputed. The party planned to be staying for a while and now held the means to make that presence possible. There were darker days ahead.

2nd-Holiday in the Sun:
-Karn-Feywright-Rezzle-and Driftwood-
Karn, Feyright, and Rezzle had been staying at the Broken Mug inn for two weeks. They had now gotten a greater feel for the city of Freeport and the dangers it presented. They decided it was time to get a more stable residence. They made an exploration of the city using a rickshaw cart from the Blinkdog rickshaw company. They visited numerous locales including The benevolent association of halflings, the wizards guild, the Freeport academy, The one ring fighting pit, The golden pillar society, and numerous shops. Eventually they were able to secure an apartment in the merchant district. As the events transpired the entire city of Freeport was preparing for the cities biggest holiday. The Holiday of Swagfest which celebrates the Great raid many years ago when all the pirates of Freeport set out and performed 3 months of pirate raids on all the maritime nations. The commemoration of that event was celebrated every year with a 2 day party. On the morning of Swagfest the party rushed to see the show. There Captain Lydon was performing the MC responsibilities. He guided the city folk through numerous games and events. Karn even partook in one event known as One eyed Jacks stand. Where a contestant had to be tied to a boat and attacked by men dressed as Locathah. Whoever could knock out the most opponents wins. It came down to Karn vs. Moradon the charismatic paladin. In the end Karn won the event. Towards the end of the day the party participated in the final event. A large dire rat was released in the city and whoever could recover it would win. Rezzle managed to track the rat into an abandoned building. When the party arrived the rat was paralyzed. The creature had stumbled on to something. An Arcanea spider had been feasting on townsfolk and had many cocooned in the abandoned building. The party defeated the creature and freed the towns people. They recovered the rat and won the prize. They were hailed by many a folk. Afterwards they celebrated but only Karn was able to consecrate the celebration the company of a lady. Thanx in great part to the help of Moradon, the extra charismatic Paladin. As Karn was heading home that night things went bad. Eight of captain Scarbellys crew came upon him. He ran for his life and was lucky enough to catch up with his party. They considered running until Driftwood appeared out of no where to attack the orcs. The battle commenced and soon captain Scarbelly himself was on the scene. But the party had learned much since their last encounter with Scarbelly. In the end all the orcs were slain and Karn put an end to the legend of Captain Scarbelly. After the battle the party went back to their new home to rest after a long and exciting holiday.

-3rd-Terror in Freeport:
-Karn-Feywright-Rezzle-and Driftwood-
The Party was relaxing at the Broken Mug tavern on a very hot day when their old friend Brother Egil approached them. Egil seemed nervous and explained he’d become very suspicious as of late. He said he had seen shadows everywhere and was fearing that the Serpent people where still meddling in the affairs of Freeport. He went on to say that he was recently hanging out with Lucius at Lucius’s home when he say a serpent man scuffling through some of Lucius’s things. Apparently these foul creatures were not content to leave the poor man along. Egil hired the party as he had done before. He told the party that he had learned that Milos had maintained an alter ego named Devlin and that this Devlin had stayed at one of the bars in the Old city. The party set off into the old city and found their way to the bar known as The Marquis Moon. There they convinced the bartender to allow them to enter the room this Devlin had stayed in. Within the room they found many books and strange arcane paraphernalia but nothing of use. The party visited the room next door and encountered a lizard man ranger named Lantanus. Lanatnus did not respond well to the parties intrusion and he and Karn came at odds. At last this confrontation was resided when both men agreed to combat each other at “The One Ring” arena this coming Friday. Upon exiting the Marquis moon the party found a group of Orc Mercenaries jumping a simple messenger. The party interfered only to have the messenger turn on them. The party killed the orcs but the messenger lost the party in the streets. Feywright used to detection spells to locate the messenger. All indications lead the party to the abandoned temple of the serpent people. The complex the party had raided on their first adventure in Freeport (Death in Freeport). The complex was of course subterranean but the entrance was a small brick building. This building was now guarded by guards from house Verlaine. Verlaine was of course the chief councilor of the Captains Council, Freeports ruling legislature. The party tried every means possible to enter the building but the guards would have none of it. Eventually the party hired Black Adder, an 8 year old child and aspiring their to break in. Black Adder did not return. Rezzle was able to make the guards let him in saying he was Black adder’s father and that the boy was lost. They let him go in alone only to ambushed by Serpent men. Rezzle fled and the party decided they would all have to get in there. The party resorted to infiltration. They climbed atop the building as Feywright created a sphere of magical silence. Then Karn used a saw to cut a hole in the roof. The party infiltrated the place and was once again encountered by the serpent people. There were six such creatures lead by a cleric of the yellow sign. The party slaughtered them and then rescued Black adder and members if his gang that had been captured. Down in the tunnels the party found a large crate with a message designating it to be delivered to “100 Wave ave.” the house of Chief Councilor Verlaine. Inside the crate the party found strange relics and many bricks. Rezzle broke on of the bricks open to learn that inside each brick was concealed a silver insignia of the Unspeakable one. These bricks were the same make as the bricks being used to construct Drac’s Lighthouse. (Note: The Sea Lord Milton Drac of Freeport has been obsessed with constructing the largest lighthouse in the world for some time. The lighthouse is partially complete.). The party rested and then returned to the Temple of Knowledge. Along their travels they encountered Skull, the only other surviving member of the Predator who tries to join their party at every turn. They also encountered Moradon, the Paladin ladies man. He and Karn had become good social friends of late as they both enjoy similar pursuits. Unfortunately the party had little time for social endeavors and entertaining exchanges. Though they did join up with their good buddy Driftwood, his magic would be needed. After hearing what the party had to say Brother Egil recommended they head down to the Hall of Public Records. Once there the party encountered the irritable Reed, he told them that Verlaine was not to be trusted. After leaving the hall of Public records the party was accosted by Captain Lloyd and the guards of Verlaine. The party was to be brought to the courts for unlawful entry into the Serpent Temple. Karn and Rezzle fled while Feywright and Driftwood remained to take the blame. The guards took the remaining party members to the courts where they were met by Chief Councilor Verlaine. Verlaine chastised the party and told them this was not a lawless town and that they were to leave town before dawn. Feywright told the councilor he knew that the councilor was working with Serpent men to take over the city. The councilor replied in shock that he already held huge power in the city. Feywright had little more to say. Eventually the whole party was captured and brought to the same terms. Karn tried to argue but the party simply did not have enough evidence to bring against the Chief Councilor. During the interrogation Brother Egil busted in. He gave the guards a piece of paper and took the party out of there. He told the party that his church had claimed them as members granting them special privileges to not be bothered by the local guard of the councilors. This at least would buy them time. Egil seemed more urgent then normal and was cursing a lot which he mostly would never do. Egil gave the party information which lead to the sewers. The party followed Egil but it was a trap. Egil lead them into a room and locked them in. The party was now in a huge mortar mixing machine destined to become part of the foundation of the new Lighthouse. The party was nearly crushed but Feywright managed to escape and stop the machine. The party came above ground to find that they were at Crock’s Rock and Mortar. The party returned to the Temple of Knowledge to find Egil and that he had never left. It had been an imposter. The party elected to enter the sewers once more and try to track this phantom Egil. There pursuit brought them to the sewers beneath Councilor Verlaine’s house. There the party found a secret entrance into the new Serpent Temple. The guards of Verlaine had been carrying out the relics from the old temple and rebuilding here. Inside the party killed many serpent men and another cleric who had one of the brothers from the Temple of Knowledge captive. After the battle the party freed brother Omar. Another secret passage lead the party into the basement of Councilor Verlaine house. The party infiltrated the house waiting to ambush Verlaine but instead they were ambushed. Two assassins attacked but the party managed to defeat them. The assassins had been sent to kill Verlaine and they had falsified documents which would make it seem like the party killed Verlaine. It seemed maybe Verlaine might not be a villain after all. The assassins also had a map of the Temple of Knowledge with markings indicating attack points. The cult of the Yellow sign planned to attack the Temple tonight. The party fled to the temple and showed the documents to Egil, Omar, and Norton. Then the party was finally brought before High Priest Thuron. The high priest made the decision that tonight the priest of knowledge would take up arms battle. He promised that after the battle he would tell the party much of what they did not know. Only moments later 13 priests showed up at the Temple. They were all wounded and had been attacked. But it was but a ruse as all 13 priests turned into Serpent men and the assault began. The party and few priests rushed to battle. More and more serpent men came. The high priest exhibited awesome prowess and kept the odds even. The Black Adder gang even showed up and lent a hand from a distance. The battle was long and brutal but in the end the serpent men were defeated. After the battle the priest did their healings and the High Priest Thuron summoned the party. He brought them into the catacombs of the Temple and showed them the body of the true Thuron. Then he revealed himself to be a Serpent man. He explained that he was the last worshipper of Yig. The original good god of the serpent men before the coming of the Unspeakable one. He said he had spent his life battling against the forces of the unspeakable one. He had come to this temple long ago seeking the knowledge that Lucious had caught onto. The night he arrived he found the dead body of Thuron and decided to take his place. But he never had a hand in any of the evil. He revealed his true name was K’stallo, enemy of the yellow sign. After this revelation the party asked him to translate some documents they had recovered that were written in the scribe of the serpent tongue. The most important document was apparently an address to be given by Sea lord Drac tomorrow which would explain the events of tonight. The address stated that the party had killed Verlaine and then attacked the temple of knowledge. All the priests and the party was killed. But of course these events never came to take place. The most frightening thing about these documents was that they were all addressed to Sea Lord Drac, ruler of Freeport. It seemed that perhaps the evil infecting Freeport might rise all the way to the top. The party would rest here the night and consider what to do next.

-Interlude: A Night at the Fights:
-Karn-Feywright-Rezzle-and some Driftwood-
The party waited at the Temple of Knowledge to see if any further attack would come. They did not. The party left the Temple to see if they could find and speak to Chief Councilor Verlaine. They found the councilor’s home overrun with guards. The party was soon met by these guards who gave them great praise. Apparently the city believed that Verlaine was the Secret head of the Cult of the Yellow Sign and that the party had killed him thus saving the city. The party was once again hailed for their great heroics. The party tried to tell some people they had not killed Verlaine but few would listen. For the next week the party followed their own personal pursuits. Rezzle finally took some action on his long time interest in magic. He struck a deal with Loremaster Falthar that Rezzle would help maintain Falthar’s curio shop and in exchange the Loremaster would help Rezzle with his magic. It did not take long before Rezzle had already summoned a bat familiar. Meanwhile Karn was doing the same thing. After a week of reequipping it was time for battle. On their last adventure the party had run into Lantanis the ranger, a lizard man adventurer. The party had barged into his room and he and Karn had fallen into argument. They both had agreed to meet at “The One Ring” arena to settle the matter. Due to Karn’s new found popularity this fight had been moved up to the main event. The party arrived at the One Ring to find it bustling with excitement. The whole party made many wagers. Not long after arriving Karn was summoned to a halfling gangster named Finn, a man of ill repute. Finn offered Karn plenty of gold to take a fall. Karn respectfully declined. Back down at the fights Rezzle was doing the same thing. Rezzle paid another fighter named Leopold the Fellblade to fall in battle against Merc Markinson. Leopold agreed and Merc defeated Leopold in the warm up match. There was much anticipation before the big fight and everyone was out to see it. Moradon the paladin bet heavily on Karn. Karn and Lantanis met in battle at last. The fight opened with Lantanis stabbing Karn right in the face. But the grizzled Karn took the blow and responded with a furry of accurate slashes. The battle was hard fought and gory but in the end Karn prevailed. His named was hailed through the streets and the party had won much gold and the mouch more of the real Freeport currency… Respect.

-4th-Madness in Freeport:
The came home one day to find an invitation to the Sealord’s Ball. Apparently the Sealord Milton Drac was having a large ball in celebration the nearing completion of the Lighthouse. The party was to be guests of honor and to receive the order of Drac for their great deeds. The party went to see Garrak the half man (actually half ogre) and he tailored them up the finest suits in Freeport. Karn even had a miniature suit made for his toad familiar. The party arrived at the Sealord’s palace looking more regal then ever before (perhaps more regal then any other PC ever). Inside the ball room the party saw all the who’s who of Freeport. At the head table of Sealord Milton Drac who honored them and gifted them with the order of Drac. After the ceremony it was time to celebrate. Driftwood started dancing the night away while Karn became the pinnacle socialite. Feywright ease dropped about the room while Rezzle just sat alone. The discussion of the night dealt with Politics. Who would replace Councilor Verlaine on the captains council. Apparently Sealord Drac had nominated Captain Mendore while Captain Elise nominated Captain Lydon. Most believed the Sealord’s nominee would get through. Though the party was holding out that their friend Captain Lydon would make it. In the middle of the party an interruption came. An old man wearing simple cloths burst into the room and began to scream at the guests. During his rant he recanted poem of ill script.
"Heed me well! The words of an old man should not be
ignored. In the ancient scriptures of Yig, it is written:
"The Yellowed Sign once again shall appear.
Then the time for Yig's revenge will be near.
As the finger of evil rises toward heaven,
One must pay heed to the calling of his brethren
. Search below the waves for that which was unmade,
And return with the Serpent carved of Jade.
When the madness is unleashed upon the land,
The icon of jade alone shall stand.
The end of the creature from outside
Contained within the Serpent deep inside.
"Remember these verses well, citizens of Freeport.
The prophecies of Yig do not lie."
After the incident the man transformed into a small snake and was crushed by one of the guard. The music started up anew and the festivities continued. Some time later the party was called over by Captain Brock Wallace of whom they had never met. They new the captain to a brave and wise member of the Captains Council. Brock brought them into a private room and told them that their suspicions had been right. He explained that Sealord Drac was evil and the Lighthouse was actually a huge gateway to summon an army of monsters. He told the party that the danger was eminent and needed to be dealt with tonight. He unveiled a plan were he would lure Drac out of the ball room and into a private chamber. Once there the party would kill Drac and flee. Brock would stay behind and piece things together and in time the party would be hailed as heroes. The party was not entirely receptive tot his idea though Karn kind of liked it. During this conversation Captain Lydon walked in and said his god byes. He also informed the party that Feywright used his clerical powers to discern that Captain Brock was using some kind of illusionary magics. Feywright jumped the captain and Rezzle dealt him the one shot KO. The party now wanted to escape and take the captain somewhere for interrogation. Karn and Rezzle staged a fight outside while Feywright and Driftwood carried the unconscious captain away. The party then carried the captain through the streets pretending as though he were a drunk man. They arrived at the Temple of Knowledge in the middle of the night. They were greeted by brother Norton, Egil, and Omar. Egil was a little disgruntled that they had brought this to the Temple. After some discussion the clerics recovered a scroll of dispel magic from the library and utilized it. Captain Brock was revealed as a serpent man. The party now wanted to torture him but Egil did not want that in the Temple. An argument began and the party began to suspect Egil was a serpent man. Feywright dispelled that notion but the argument persisted. Driftwood and Egil exchanged insults. Finally it seemed the party would have to leave the Temple. The party took the captain down into the sewers. There they began their interrogation. They tortured the creature badly which included Karn sticking a burning sword into the creatures excretive glands. The creature however would not speak. All it would say is that the Cult of the Yellow sign would rule. After this interrogation the party elected to bring the creature to justice. They brought it to the Sea lords palace and the Sealord killed the thing. The party was once again hailed for their heroics. It was soon revealed that the real Brock Wallace had been home sleeping for two days. The party left the palace and tried to investigate by other means. They arrived home to find a message summoning them back to the Temple of Knowledge. The message was from High Priest Thuron and it said that matters had grown worse. The Madness in Freeport would continue.

-5th-Madness in Freeport Part 2: (The Freeport Trilogy Finale)
The party arrived at the Temple of Knowledge where High priest Thuron informed them they would need to recover the Jade Serpent of Yig. This was a powerful artifact from the ancient Valossian Serpent civilization. With this artifact Thuron believed the party could foil the plans of the Cult of the Yellow sign. The artifact was last known to rest within the Grand Temple of Yig. Lost long ago when the Valossian empire sank beneath the seas. Thurons research had discovered that a ship Captain known as Blackdog had found a temple which matched this description. The party researched what they could to try and find this Black dog but it was no use. Finally they managed to bribe the harbor master who informed them that one of Black Dogs mates still lived in Freeport. The party came to the home of Gareath, a 70 year old scarred, peg legged pirate. The pirate gave the party the information they needed for the healthy sum of 250 GP. He explained that the temple they found was located in an underwater cave on the eastern shore of the island. The cave could be located for the water line there was marked by 2 statues of rising serpents. The party rented a small boat from the fat Captain Meatball. The captain even sent one of men along. This is when Ethan the junior mate joined the group. Ethan was a quite and strange young man but an accomplished sailor. He seemed obsessed with a lantern he carried everywhere. Regardless of this silliness Ethan unerring took the party to their destination. The party entered the half filled water caves and explored the complex within. During this exploration Driftwood finally caught up with his party. They battled a Tojanida sea monster and a Allip undead of vengeance. Rezzle recovered the Cutlass of Sorrow. In these tunnel complexes the party came to a boarded up tunnel. Beyond was the ancient Temple of Yig. Murals depicted the Temple as it was stood. It was built to resemble a massive coiled snake. The party was now entering the top level which was the head of this snake construction. The party proceeded with weapons drawn perhaps forgetting that Yig was in fact the original good benevolent god of the Valossians. They would come to learn that the inhabitants of the Temple had been cursed and lived on in undead shadowy forms for hundreds of years. Those who remained sentient were greatly insane. The party slaughtered many of the undead Shadow serpent men until they came to one who was performing a ritual. This spirit was the man who had once been the high priest of the temple. His name was Alisstar and he wished only to break the curse. He told the party he would recover the Jade serpent for them if they would recover the items with the temple needed to break the curse. These four items were The venom of the serpent, The scales of the serpent, The amulet of the Serpent, and the fangs of the serpent. The party agreed and fought endlessly against undead spirits. More and more of the parties life forces were drained in each battle. Karn recovered the amulet, Rezzle recovered the venom, and the party as a whole defeated the supreme champion of the Yig worshippers and recovered his armor known as the Scales of the serpent. In the lower levels of the complex the party became overrun by their enemies. They retreated to a room and rested to recoup and regroup. They set out once more and in the pit at the bottom of the Temple they faced and defeated a 30 foot long Undead Shadow Serpent anaconda. The thing nearly killed Karn but his friend managed to save him. From this monsters mouth the party recovered the Fangs of the Serpent. They brought the items back to Alisstar who asked them to perform the ritual needed but one of the party would have to make a great sacrifice. Driftwood agreed. He laid the scales of the serpent upon the altar, then place the amulet atop the scales, Then he drove the fangs of the serpent into each wrist drawing blood. Then he mixed his blood with the venom of the serpent and poured it upon the other items. Driftwood gave of his own essence to please the snake god (2 permanent points of Con). The god was pleased and the curse was broken. As Alisstar disappeared to meet his long awaited rest he left the party a gift. The Jade Serpent of Yig. Not long after the complex started to collapse. The party barely escaped. They returned to Freeport in the early morning to find more ships in Harbor then ever before. The Lighthouse of Drac was at least complete and all the ships of the fallen stars had come to see the marvel. The party returned to Thuron and he was pleased. Now they would have the tool they would need when next the Cult might strike. The party went home and took a well earned rest. This rest was cut short however as explosions could be heard. The party awoke to find the harbor in Turmoil. All the ships of Freeport were at insane war with each other. It was a clustered melee of berserk insanity. A madness brought on seemingly by the emanating light of The Lighthouse of Drac. This light was growing brighter and now expanding into the city. The time had come. The party ran outside to find the Paladin Moradon waiting for them atop his Rhino mount. He said he had had a vision and that the party would need his steel. The party made their way to harbor and procured a boat. Unfortunately to reach the Lighthouse they would have to make their way through hundreds of yards of absolute mayhem. As they progressed they saw ships at war. Some ships manned with Bamsmack cannons. Others engaged in pirate duels. They witness Huzza the Hill giant single handedly assaulting a ship. They saw a Gnomish submarine launching torpedoes. The party was hit by stray arrows, shrapnel and even bullets. At long last they reached the shores near the lighthouse. They stormed the lighthouse but found they way blocked by a group of Serpent men sentries. Moradon said he would handle the group and that the party must push on. They thanked him and did just that. In the upper levels of the Lighthouse the party was blocked once more by A serpent man priest and his guards. They dispatched the creatures quickly and proceeded. In the uppermost stairwells of the Lighthouses infrastructure they came upon their enemies. It was Milton Drac himself and N’tal, the serpent man wizard and terrorist organizer. Milton told the party it was time to die and that he would not be denied from spreading the madness to all the ships and that they would carry the madness to all corners of the world. The Unspeakable one would return to the world of the living. Milton Drac fled leaving the serpent wizard to deal with the party. The serpent unleashed sorcerers of fire and lightning upon the party. Feywright responded by dispelling the wizard and bringing him down to the parties level. There the party overran him and proceed their chase of Milton Drac. In the lighthouse pinnacle the battle would be fought. Upon reaching the room the party could see a gem of some malefic evil emanating the light which was spreading the madness. Drac, his body guard and a serpent man stood to face them. Driftwood quickly blasted the serpent man sending the creature out the window and down to the beaches below. Drac and his guard engaged in battle. It became a war of maneuvers as all the combats stove for supremacy. The battle became more dangerous as the lighthouse came under cannon fire. Driftwood was nearly killed by one such assault. The tower was being destroyed around them as the party strove to finish this conflict. The guard fell to the sorcerers of Driftwood . In the end it was the party in its entirety facing Drac alone. Rezzle drove his sword through Drac’s throat while FeyWright dealt the telling blow severing the basterds spinal cord. Drac morphed into his true form of a serpent man. He fell forward in his dying fit and clasped his hands around the neck of Karn. Karn caught the lunge head on with his great sword driving the weapon up through Dracs chest and out of his back. Drac in his madness refused to die and continued to squeeze the throat of Karn. In this climatic moment the naval assaulted heightened and a cannon ball smashed through the floor beneath Karn. Karn and Drac fell through the belly of the lighthouse locked in a death embrace. The party looked on helplessly. As the two fell Drac continued to squeeze the life from Karn promising that his people would rule. As the falling pair approached the ground Karn grabbed the body of Drac and using his already embedded sword forced the weapon through Drac’s body utterly dismembering the body. CRASH. Karn impacted through the steps and through the next two levels of the lighthouse. From the rubble he arose. Badly wounded but alive. A surviving serpent man rushed to attack but was met by the steel of Moradon the Paladin. Moradon and Karn made their way back up. Meanwhile Rezzle and Feywright were still in the apex of the tower. They removed the gem which was powering the lighthouse and supplanted it with the Jade Serpent of Yig. A green light of peace washed over the lands below. The battle ended as people came to their senses. The Madness had been stopped. The party had defeated the cult and their wicked plan to bring back the unspeakable one. But in doing so they had also killed the ruler of Freeport. The bloodied adventurers exited the tower and wearily walked out into the sun.

6th-Cutthroats Island: (Tales of Freeport)
The party had killed Milton Drac, the Sealord of Freeport. They felt it best to keep this fact a secret. After taking some rest they returned to the caves they had located on their last adventure. There they acquired a small pirates hoard and found a treasure map which would lead them to the treasure of Black-hearted Billy. They purchased a ship and hired a crew and the Voyages of the MoonCutter began. They enlisted an ancient pirate named Gareth to help them find the island this treasure was said to be on. On route to their destination a giant sea crab attacked the ship. The crew valiantly fought it off. When at last they arrived they found the island to be a dense swampy jungle. The adventures set off and encountered numerous dangers including giant snakes and lizard men patrols. They at last came to vast and ancient ruined city. A river now divided the city. The same river served as the boundary for the two factions now vying for control of the ruins. On one side there was a clan of lizard men. On the other the undead reigned supreme. As night came the undead began to attack and the lizard men fought to stop them. The party used this chaos to infiltrate the ruins in an attempt to locate the treasure. As they mad e their way across the battle they saw another group of adventurers doing the same thing. The party made their way toward this party and a confrontation ensued. The other party was revealed to be captain Morgan Bauman and her sea dogs. Morgan was a particularly savage and well renowned pirate of Freeport. The two parties discussed an alliance but it was apparently not to be. The negotiations went bad and the parties clashed. Bauman’s men were slaughter but the captain escaped into the water. The party thought her probably dead .At this point the party was too weakened to continue. They escaped the city and rested. The following day they began to explore the city and came upon a temple of Yig. Yig being the benevolent god of the serpent men. Inside they found treasure but were blocked from taking it. The lizard men stopped them claiming the treasure was gifts to their newly adopted god of Yig. Not long after the party was visited by a ghost serpent man named Svaalish. Svaalish had once been a priest here and now acted as protector of the Lizard clan. He told the party of The Necromancer Thomas Harlot. Harlot had taken control of the other side of the city. He was distributing these treasure maps to lure victims to him to later be killed and raised into his army of darkness. What treasures the city did have were now controlled by Harlot. The party left at once and entered the bad side of the city. They were met with hordes of undead. The party fought their way through to the cave they were protecting. Inside they faced the Necromancer and were barely able to kill him. They too the treasure which was revealed to be 1,000’s of gold pieces in Valossian artifacts. The mission had been a success but when the party returned to their ship they realized there was yet more to do. Captain Bauman’s men had pirated their ship killing most of the men and maiming the others. They had also taken their sails. The party set off and located Morgan’s ship on the other side of the island. The party launched a full on assault flying onto the ship and engaging the entire crew. A massive battle ensued but it was simply too much for the party. Karn was killed and the others barely escaped. Though in the melee they were miraculously able to steal the sails of “The Krakens Claw”. Sometime later the party brought their ship around and found the first mate Shantar Froese had returned to the Krakens Claw. Shantar explained they were looking for captain Morgan. Froese called a pirates truce and items were exchanged. The right sails ended up on the right ships and Karns belongings were returned. The two ships having lost their captains left one another alone. The party returned to Freeport and had Falthar sell the artifacts for gold. However most of this gold went to the church of Harimast to resurrect Karn.

7th-Soul of the Serpent: (Tales of Freeport)
The adventure began as the party was visiting the Temple of Knowledge were they were encountered by Egil, the new high priest. Apparently High priest Thuron had retired and left to explore the world for more Knowledge. The party were still the only ones aware that Thuron was actually a good serpent man named K’stallo who worshipped Yig. Some time later the party was called upon by their old Friend Captain Lydon. The Captain needed a favor. It seemed that a wealthy merchant name Matthias Brack had lost his daughter Gwendolyn. She had disappeared some days ago and could not be found. The party agreed and Lydon promised a reward. The investigation led the party to a society that called themselves the daughters of the guild. A group of rich daughters that liked to party and hang late and keep the pace with thugs. The leader of this group was Nilfur Roberts, daughter of councilman Captain Marcus Roberts. The party tried to question the girl but were met by resistance from Captain Marcus Roberts guards. The captain was currently away and there was no way his guard were going to led the party question the captains daughter. This encounter led to Karn cutting down The head guards man. The guards man survived and the party fled from the other guards. Sometime later the party was able to lure Nilfur out and interrogate her. She told them that night they had gone bar hopping. The party was later approached by Malley, one of Roberts Guards. Malley could not openly help the party so he instead had them meet him at the Last Port. Their he explained that he and his men follow the daughters on their party trips and reconnaissance runs. He took the party along the course of where they had been that night. By following clues and asking a lot of questions the party discover evidence that the girl had disappeared into the sewers. They followed the trail to cavern where serpent men ambushed them. After slaying these creatures the party found evidence that the girl and other hostages had been held here but had since been moved. The party launched a much larger investigation of the sewers but to no avail. The decided to go see Falthar who had pawned many serpent men artifacts for them. They figured perhaps they could find out who had bought these artifacts. Could it have been the serpent men themselves. Falthar told them his main buyer was a merchant named steal. The party lured this Steal with an advertisement for more artifacts. The party met with the men and held discussions. After the meeting the party followed steal. He entered into the sewer and led them to a structure beneath Freeport itself. It was a temple of Yig. The party infiltrated and spied many serpent men priests inside. They made they way up the temples floors and came upon the head priest of the Temple. It was non other then K’stallo, their old friend Thuron. K’stallo explained that he had a new mission he was trying to bring the worship of Yig back to the serpent people and already many had joined. The party explained the events that were occurring and he promised to do what he could. The next day the party was contacted with a location. They traveled there and found a human leading a cell of the cult of the yellow sign. The rest of the cell were serpent people and they were preparing human sacrifices. Among the sacrifices was Gwendolyn. The party flew into action and began killing serpent man by the dozens. They cut them all down and slaughtered their human leader. They saved most of the hostages and especially Gwendolyn. The party was at last well paid for their services. They traveled down to do some bargaining with Otto the swords man. This meeting went bad as the party was rude and it ended with Otto using his vorpal blade to cut off Driftwoods Limbs. The party once again paid most of their treasure to the Temple of Harimast to have their friend regenerated.

8th-Black Sails over Freeport Part 1: Red Skies at Morning:
The Black Sails saga began with a sudden influx of Orcs into Freeport. These orcs were being hired to rebuild the Lighthouse of Drac. But this sudden mass emigration began to fuel hatred. The orcs were a new faction and were willing to work cheaper then dwarves or men or elves. Hostilities were only beginning. Meanwhile the city was still without a Sealord and many political maneuvers were being made to this end. Early one morning the party was walking the docks when they were suddenly met by a gnome named Flint Swiftfoot. Flint offered the party gold to hold onto an item for an hour or so because he was being chased. Not long after the party saw pirates chasing the gnome away. Rezzle spied the item he was given and discovered it was a treasure map. The party began an investigation and learned the map was supposed to lead to Yarashad, the treasure horde of Harimast god of pirates. The treasure was told be held on some islands in a distant realm beyond Hell Triangle. But no one had ever returned from hells triangle. Some time later the party went to find Flint and found him being tortured by pirates. The party killed them all. Flint explained much to the characters and that he had summoned his friend Lucien Buche, a great sage to come to the city and aid him. But Luciens ship had been attacked by The Krakens Claw and he was no hostage of Morgan Bauman. The party agreed to join this treasure hunt and now it was time to find this Lucien and save him from the bloody hands of Captain Morgan Baumen. They infiltrated and attacked the Smoking Dragon club. A club owned by Morgan Bauman. They found the place to be a drug haven. They rescued Lucien Bushe and defeated Morgan once more. Still she managed to escape. Lucien informed the party of all his knowledge surrounded Yarrash. Wrapped up I the legend of the treasure was the story of Yarrash, champion of Harrimast and his soldiers known only as The Full Fathom Five. Little more information on this could be discovered. As far as the treasure Lucien had determined by the ancient map that a magical sextant was needed to navigate successfully through hells triangle to reach Yarashad. The party began to investigate about the city for such an item. The party next went to their friend Captain Lydon. The captain offered his aid but informed the party that with this new information he too would be searching for Yarashad. It was fair game now. The party began to realize that they should start to keep this thing quiet. They sought Egil at the temple of knowledge who allowed them to search through the libraries. The party learned that all events and information regarding the treasure of Yarashad had been sealed by one of the former sealords (Cromley) long ago. There was one book that seemed important called “The cycle of Yarrash” but the book was not there.. Apparently the book had been borrowed by a man named Blaine Henry who still lived in Freeport. The party found henry in bad shape. Ruffians had come to him demanding information on the sextant. The party was not the only ones looking for Yarashad. Blaine gave them “The Cycle of Yarrash” for their aid. The Cycle spoke again of Yarrash and the full fathom five as well as implicating a man named Carthy. The party next headed to the Temple of Harrimast where they hoped to find some answers. Outside they saw a display. An Orc named Drac Socket was addressing the people. He was some kind of revolutionary claiming to be the descendant of the Drac line. He and his followers known as “The sons of Krom” were speaking to corruption in the government. Inside the temple the party met with their friend. The high priest Peg-Leg Pelegro. At first the high priest pleaded ignorance. But as the conversation continued an ambush came upon them. It was dozens of orcs infiltrating the temple. The party and the temple preists defeated the assassins and discovered them to be pirates dressed as orcs. They also had a strange magical tattoo on their palms. Peg Leg explained it was the symbol of the full fathom five. These men were neither Lydons nor Morgans men. It seemed now that multiple factions were in the hunt. The high priest told them about a man named Ezkiel Carthy. Ezkiel apparently knew much of Yarashad and was magically protected by his god Harrimast. He was protected because he held many important secrets. But with things now coming to a head Peg Leg decided he had to trust the party. He gave them Ezekiel address and the alias he was currently using. He reminded them that Carthy was protected by Harrimast but that the dark minions were protected by someone as well. Carthy appeared as a tired old man. Carthy explained he was a patriot of Freeport and a long time ago took an oath to protect the city. He went on to tell that the Full Fathom Five were the wickedest pirates that ever lived. Finally he told the party that the sextant they were seeking was in the sealords vault. The party next visited the hall of treasures. Their they discovered that there had been a sextant cataloged but that it was missing as of last inventory. The clerk explained that the last sealord Milton Drac had allowed many of Freeports treasures to be squandered. The mention of Milton Drac made the party think of Drak Socket. Miltons supposed descendant. They next went to find him and learned he had been arrested on public disturbance and conspiracy charges. He was being held at the Hulks, the prison barges in the bay. Rezzle used his stealth and magic to sneak out there. Drak was being held in a cell next to an old acquaintance. Skull had been here too languishing in prison. Drak agreed to work with the party should they free him. Skull blackmailed Rezzle into freeing him as well. Back on shore Drak explained he did have the Sextant but needed it to prove his legitimacy to the throne of Freeport. The party pleaded and explained they would return it and aid Drak in proving his claim. Drak handed the item over and the party returned home. They moved Flint and Lucien into their apartment where they could continue their research on this matter. The party was not yet ready but soon they would make their bid for the greatest booty of all ages. (Left off on page 41)

As Flint and Lucien Buche continued to reseach Yarashad (The greatest treasure ever told of) they realized they had made some inaccurate observations. A great deal more research would be required. The party moved the two men into their apartment which would soon become a research center. In the meantime the Moon Cutter was put in mothballs. The party members went about their separate pursuits. Six months would pass before they would once again feel the call of adventure.

-9th-Hell In Freeport:
-Feywright-Rezzle-Moradon (NPC)-and Karn-
Over the past couple weeks the city of Freeport at fallen victim to a serial killer dubbed the Firebrand Killer. No one had seen the basterd but for the last 6 weeks the killer had murdered over a dozen men. The charred remains if these victims had been located but no clues had garnered any hint of who the assailant might be. Meanwhile the Circle of the Moon was all but disbanded. The group seemed to be waiting on Flint and Lucien Buche to make a break through on their research to find Yarashad. Karn was currently out pirating and only the gods knew where Driftwood could be. Rezzle and Feywright decided they would investigate this Firebrand Killer themselves. They set up a stakeout down at the docks and intercepted the killer before he could make his next murder. The killer however was far worse then they could have ever expected. It was a flying Cornugon Devil wielding a spiked chain and fireballing the buildings and ships of Freeport. The party flew into action and where immediately joined by Moradon the Paladin. Together they managed to destroy the fiend. The party and Moradon received much accolades for this feat. The following day the party collected their reward and had Skull arrested for falsely trying to collect his own reward claiming he had aided the party. Not long after the party was summoned to the Church of Retribution by a lesser priest named Samael. There they were brought before a Inquisitor Hess (A Bishop). The Inquisitor explained that 200 years ago the armies of hell entered the prime material plane but were fought back by the Church of Retribution and their allies. The devils were cast back into the gate from which they came. Now The Inquisitor believed the gate had been reopened and that is where the Firebrand Killer had originated. He told the party that the gate was located on an island some 3000 miles northwest of Freeport known as Devil’s Cry. Rezzle and Feywright decided they needed backup and thus enlisted the eager Moradon. The party decided not to take their ship (The Moon Cutter) out of mothballs and instead to enlist a ship. They paid Captain Bloody Jenkins to take them to the island on his ship The Raging Gale. The party traded numerous treats with the Captain but all seemed well. On route to the island the ship was attacked by a Dragon turtle whom was quickly defeated. Upon arriving at the island the party utilized a teleport spell to reach the island itself. They entered into an underwater cave and battled past some very clever Aboleths. Soon after Karn arrived. Karn had only his sword. He explained he had taken the Moon Cutter and hired a crew to catch up with the party. He entered into battle with Captain Bloody Jenkins. The resulting battle left Karns entire crew dead and most of Jenkins crew as well. Karn was defeated. Jenkins took the Moon Cutter as booty and all of Karns equipment. Karn pleaded for his magical sword that Jenkins agreed to give him if he gave his word not to seek vengeance. Karn agreed and was shown mercy. The party dispelled some magical doors and proceeded beyond them. They battled past 2 clay golems but were turned by 2 enormous earth Delvers. Luckily they found another way. The turned some Wraiths and slaughtered some wights. Eventually they reached the last chamber of the underground structure. Inside was an altar. Before the party could react an ethereal knight atop and ethereal dragon sprang fourth. The party reigned down powerful spells and destroyed the creature. Karn went down to search the altar. As he touched it a darkness came…

-10th-Hell in Freeport Part 2:
The party had killed a devil in Freeport. Sometime after they were summoned by Inquisitor Hess of the Church of Retribution. Hess explained that long ago there existed a gate to hell on the island of Devils Woe. The party was sent to this island to close the gate. There they located an altar. As Karn touched the altar a darkness came. As the party’s vision adjusted to the darkness they could see that the occupants of the room had changed. There were now dozens of bodies piled around the party and Karn the curst was gone. The party backtracked out of the complex that had changed remarkably since they had entered. They battled a band of pirates and took control of their ship (The One-Eyed Bastard). Not long after boarding the ship the party battled a Purple worm and decided it was time to disembark. As they party sailed out into the open air they knew at once they were no longer on their home world. The sky was a deep purple with yellow clouds. The seas were consistent of scum and slime with patches of ice and gas that burst sporadically into flames. A hot wind carried the smell of sulfur, brine, and rotten flesh. The island they were leaving resembled the island they arrived upon but was not the same. The party elected to navigate back to Freeport of at least to where Freeport would be in this realm. Instead of Freeport they found a different city. Yet one that was also similar except populated by a beaten people. They soon explored the place and learned it to be Freetowne. The inhabitants informed them they were in the third circle of hell. This town had been created long ago by escaped slaves and maintained since that time. In a local saloon the party briefly encountered a Black Knight wearing the symbol of charred black rose. The man spoke with another great warrior who claimed to have served the Dark lord Baalzebul. After a grotesque display of power by the unknown man the party opted to avoid an encounter. Soon after the party fell victim to an assassination attempt. They killed the two assassins who wore the symbol of the Seven leaves. Soon Marshal Khaali arrived with his guard. He explained the assassins were terrorists working for a man named Rogal who sought to undermine the mayor of Freetowne. The party was soon able to broker a meeting with this mayor. Major Khaali brought the party to the Mayors mansions that they noted stood roughly in the same location as The Church of Retribution. The party was soon greeted by the friendly Mayor Wycleffe. The mayor immediately recognized the amulets Inquisitor Hess had given them. He told of a prophecy that spoke of heroes that would come bearing such amulets. They would come to free Freetowne from Hell. The prophecy said the heroes would venture into the eighth circle of hell and enter the frozen city of Tyre. There they would restart the clock tower and upon the stroke of midnight Freetowne would be freed from Hell. The party reluctantly agreed to embark on this endeavor. If Freetowne was leaving Hell that might be the parties way out too. The Mayor arranged transport on a ferry that consisted of a small rowboat with a skeletal ferryman. As the party made payment (1/10 of their wealth) the ferryman opened an extra dimensional hatch that revealed a cargo hold. Inside the hold the party met many strange planar travelers, one of which was kind to them. It was a warrior named Lucas who was traveling to the eighth level to barter an evil artifact to a Pit Fiend named Scratch. Eventually the party reached their destination and embarked onto a frozen wasteland. Rising from beneath the ice the party located what seemed to be the top of an enormous lighthouse. They entered and descended deep into the core of the ice. When the exited at the base they found themselves in the lost city of Tyre. Here the city sat timeless buried beneath a mile of ice. A surrounding mountain range had protected the city in a bowl holding the ice far overhead. The party transgressed through the city and came to ancient and enormous clock tower. Feywright dimension doored inside where the party found a labyrinth of cogs and gears. Inside the tower they battled ice mephitis and an enormous guardian Naga. Feywright located a key and inserted it into a hidden chamber. At once the gears began and the party rejoiced. Their celebration ended soon however as the gears began to spin at an ungodly speed. The tower was beginning to collapse. The party exited the tower by teleporting out into the city. Something went wrong with the reckless teleport and the party was nearly ripped to pieces. The injured band turned to see the entire tower ripping itself apart and tearing the ground open as it went. It seemed the whole city might be destroyed. The party fled back to the light tower and climbed up to the surface. There someone was waiting. Three mercenaries greeted the party. They were Rogal (Human Rogue Chainmaster), Filthy Ike (Half Orc Barbarian), and Plutonius (Gnome Illusionist. Rogal immediately threatened the party and demanded to know why Wycleffe had sent them here. Feywright responded with “Fuck You”. Rogal returned the gesture and attacked. The battle did not progress to far before something far worse appeared to threaten all combatants. It was an infernal slaving party consisting of a dozen Bulguon ice fiends and led by 2 Gelugon Ice Devils. Feywright teleported the party to make an escape but the Gelugons teleported right along with them. The party tried to flee but were simply overmatched. It did not take long for the entire party to meet with defeat. As they lie dying in the snow their last images were that of the ice shattering a massive clock tower climbing up from the depths propelled by eight mechanic legs.

-11th-Hell in Freeport Part 3:
-Rezzle-Feywright-Moradon (NPC/Buck)-
The party had been sent to close a gate to hell. Instead they had inadvertently entered hell and gotten involved with a cause to free the trapped city of Freetowne from Hell’s vile clutches. After restarting a clock tower which should have saved Freetowne the party was ambushed and slaughtered by Devils. They awoke in a prison line filled with all sorts of exotic creatures. There beside them was the men whom they were battling when they were ambushed. A renegade band of mercenaries led by Rogal. Now that all was lost their seemed no reason not to converse with the so called outlaw. Rogal admitted to undermining Freetowne and its Mayor. He explained that long ago he was Wycleffe chief lieutenant but that Wycleffe had turned evil and betrayed him. Now Wycleffe served a Duke of Hell known as Jalie Squarefoot. This conversation did not last long as soon the party had reached the admitting area of the prison. An erinyes devil serving as a secretary bombarded the party with questions. Some of the questions made sense while others were completely inane. After the interrogation the party was dropped through the floor into a prison cavern. They were immediately attacked by a gang of ogres but with Rogal and Ike’s help they defeated the cretins. Rogal informed the party they were in the Forge, a particularly nasty prison in the Infernal city of Dis. The party began to explore the caverns and found a massive complex that seemed segregated by gangs. Beyond this cavern that found what seemed to be a small town. There they encountered Galfar the fat. Galfar was the man here and controlled the town and maintained the peace. The party spoke with Galfar long enough to learn their escape route. It seemed there was something called the ladder here in the forge. The ladder was a gladiatorial contest that occurred every week. The tournament consisted of teams who would battle for the title of Lion. The Lion was granted freedom to leave the prison if they so desired. In addition all the gladiatorial teams were given their weapons and equipment back to do battle. All the party had to do to get on the ladder was to be selected. And the only way to do that was to display particularly violent behavior. Galfar provided them with an excellent target. For a small trade the party agreed to kill the lord of the gnoll gang. An Ettin of considerable power. The party located the Ettin and quickly dispatched him. The plan worked perfect and soon the party was selected for the ladder. They were given new quarters fit for a king and all their equipment was returned to them. They were fed the best food and given the company of beautiful slave women. After a couple days of this the party was finally br0ught to fight. The party declared its team to be the Circle of the Half Moon with Moradon as its captain. Rogal and the barbarian Ike were also on the squad. For the first battle the party had to battle an Elder Earth Elemental. The colossal creature was powerful but fell to the party’s onslaught. Next the party had to face a group of human knights who fought with honor. But they too quickly fell to the party’s wrath. For the third fight the party had to face a group of Slaadi fiends. The creatures were viscous but not ready to handle the now fully acclimated party of doom bringers. For the fourth fight the party had to battle a group of Fire Giants. This battle ended prematurely as the captain surrendered when his mate was cut down. For the final battle the party would have to battle the reigning champions. Three demons of considerable power. The demon team consisted of two Vrocks and one Glabrezu. Both the party’s team and the Demons were beaten badly at this point and low on resources. The demons fought well but were in the end defeated. The party was declared the Lion and congratulated by the Pit Fiend warden of the Forge. They were treated like kings and considered not leaving at all. Eventually better sense took hold and the party made their way out of the Forge for good. The Half Orc Barbarian known as Filthy Ike declared his intention to stay. The party protested to no avail. Now the party was loose on the city of Dis. They knew they would have to return to Freetowne and hopefully set things right. They stay in Hell had not been pleasant so far and they were eager to leave.

-12th-Hell in Freeport: Part 4:
The party had escaped the hellish prison and were now running around Dis trying to get back to Freetowne. They eventually were able to pay some illithiads to teleport them back. Upon arriving in town their friend Rogal sought about rallying the townspeople into turning against Wyclefe. A civil war erupted and the party headed to the clock tower to stop Jalie before it was too late. In the bowels of the tower Jalie and his Devil servant were waiting. The battle was viscous and casualties were great but in the end the party was victorius. Both Freetown and Freeport were saved though Freeport did spend a couple seconds in hell. The party returned home having never received the recognition for what they had accomplished. The party had saved Freeport countless times and had plenty of booty to show for it. As the year went by they often considered once again seeking Yarshad and the greatest pirate booty of all time. But this like many ambitions was never pursued and probably for the best. The Heroes of Freeport had earned their peace and prosperity. YARRRRR…
The End

Interlude: The Last Word: An Invincible sidetrek:
The party semi-retired now had but one last obsession. One they believed they could spend the rest of their lives giving limited effort too and regardless would probably not achieve. But in the end these men were pirates and the promise of the greatest booty in the Multiverse was too much not to consider. Over the course of the last few years they had continued to work with Flint the explorer and Lucien the Sage united to find the pieces of the puzzle needed to locate Yarshad. This time it was the Aurumn Triangle. Magic compass like device. The party was joined on this adventure by Mordenthax and Alstott (The Righteous Might) and eventually Mergin. This adventure took them across the world and eventually the Vault of Vortis the locksmith. There they unlocked the Vault and slew the undead forms of Mergin’s adventuring party. They returned home with the Triangle and some good booty. One step closer to Yarshad.
4-21-07 (This was a triple campaign crossover. Righteous Might, Pirates, and Invincible. For a compete module summary see Invincible campaign module 37: The Last Word)

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