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Characters of Freeport

Skull: Skull is the only other surviving member of the Predator. He is a theif, a liar, and a cheat. But he still feels some kindship with the party and constantly tries to join them.

Black Adder: Black Adder is a dramatic eight year old street Urchin who runs a small gang of kids whom he refers to as his guild. Despite his age and arrogance he actually has some skills and is willing to take on serious tasks.

Moradon of Far Amrii: Moradon is a Paladin and Lady killer. He has become a social friend to Karn. Moradon is almost always encountered with ladies at hand. Though some say they see them stalking the streets of Freeport at night on more serious matters of smiting evil and such.

Chief Councilor Verlaine: Verlaine is the Chief of the Captains Council which serves as the Legislature and ruling body for Freeport. The council is only overpowered by the Sealord himself. Verlaine is a politician and aggressive pursuer of what he desires. The party is on uncertain ground with Verlaine. Many indications lead toward Verlaine being in league with the Serpent men. His men were at the old temple bringing relics to his manor and where beneath was being constructed a new temple. Verlaine also opposed the party and tried to push them out of Freeport. But the party also discovered that the Cult planned to assassinate Verlaine. This remains a mystery.

SeaLord Drac: The current Sealord is Milton Drac, distant cousin of the cities founder (Anton Drac). He came to power through the captains council and immediately cancelled all aid to allied nations. He launched an endeavor to make Freeport the preeminent power of the world. He has since bankrupted the city with his seemingly obsessive notion to construct the Largest Light House in the world. A project the common folk have to call “Milton’s Folly”. The city has seen great highs and lows through Drac’s rule. Many believe his plans will eventually benefit the city while others think he is ridiculously outrageous and should be butchered. The party has gained some evidence which links Sealord Drac to the Cult of the Yellow Sign.

Otto the Swordsman: Otto is a retired adventurer who remembers the foils of treasure. Finding the wrong weapon and such. To answer this demand Otto collects magical swords and makes them available for trades and purchases of all kinds.

Githc: Gitch alone runs the Freeport Fire department.


Captain Gauntlus: Captain Gauntlus was the captain of the Plane Touched pirate vessel known as the Predator. He appeared as a half fiendish masked figure. The party last saw him battling captain Kothar on the deck of his ship.

Captain Kothar the Accursed: Captain Kothar was a Freeport Pirate active in the area 100 years ago. His ship was called the Wind of Hell and was well known for savagery. In an affair that occurred Captain Kothar was insulted by another pirate captain. Kothar and his crew killed the captain and all the shipmates so that none would ever discover what happened. But a cabin boy survived to tell the tell and Captain Kothar and his crew were arrested. The Sealord arranged a special punishment. Kothar was tied to the mast of the ship he had attacked. His crew was locked in the hold. Then the ship was sent out in the harbor and all were burned alive. Since that time Kothar the Accursed and his crew have returned as burning specters of undeath their Necromatic ship still sails hunting endlessly to destroy whatever they come across but reveling mostly in the death of pirates. The party’s first ship and crew were destroyed by The Wind of Hell and Captain Kothar.

Captain Lydon: An old Sea dog and well known pirate. Lydon now has aspirations of joining the captains council. The party saved Captain Lydon from an assassination attempt on the holiday of Swagfest. His ship is the Salty Dog.

Captain Scarbelly: (DEAD): An orc captain of Great brutality. Captain Scarbelly had allowed Lucius to ride on his ship during Lucius’s “Estranged years”. The party came to create enmity with Scarbelly and even stole his ship “The Bloody Vengeance”. Scarbelly hunted the party down only to be slaughtered.

Captain Huzza the Hill Giant:Huzza is a hill giant who successfully took over a pirate ship. He later recruited goblins to crew it and has been a successful pirate ever since. One of his favorite modes of attack to through his goblins into the riggings of enemy ships.

Temple of Knowledge: Dedicated mostly to Oghma

Brother Egil: Brother Egil is a true up keeper of good and a paragon of virtue. He is a bookish and kind man. He is good friend to the party and honest fellow by all accounts. He interests always lie with helping others especially his church and most importantly his tortured friend Brother Lucius.

Brother Lucius: Lucius is perhaps the wisest men in Freeport. But his pursuits of knowledge have lead his life to be one of great suffering. Many years ago he began to act strangely and was expelled from the Temple of Knowledge. He returned a year ago remembering non of those events nor the five years that followed. He has been a continuous target for the Cult of the Yellow sign. Lucius is most greatly for the parties aid but remains a quite and scared man.

Brother Norton: Brother Norton is keeper of the Temple and a fine greeter. He is given to excessive speaking and questions but is a good young man. His father is an important figure though few know exactly why. Norton endeavors endlessly to please his father who is know only as Mister Anavarus.

High Priest Thuron: AKA K’stallo: The true High Priest Thuron died years ago. The man who holds that name now is actually a serpent man called K’stallo. K’stallo is the last worshipper of Yig. The original good and benevolent god of the serpent men. K’stallo is brave and powerful and works to thwart the Cult of the Yellow sign.

Brother Milos: (DEAD) Brother Milos was actually a serpent man and servant to the Yellow Sign. K’stallo was never aware of him. Milos kept many identities in Freeport one of which was Devlin. Milos acted as the Cults sage maintaining his position in the Temple allowed him access to massive knowledge. Milos tried to kidnap and Torture Brother Lucius to learn what great secrets the brother held but Milos was Thwarted and killed by the party,

Brother Omar: Brother Omar holds low rank in the temple. He was also kidnapped and tortured by the seprent men using him to learn the weaknesses of the Temple for an upcoming assault. The party rescued him and thwarted that assault.

The Cult of The Yellow Sign:
The cult is an evil organization fo Serpent people. The serpent men ruled this region of the world in Millenium past. Some now still survive and still give worship to their evil deity known only as The Unspeakable One. The cult maintains a persistant presense in Freeport where they work towards dark and mysterious ends. Whatever their goals may be it seems obvious that they include The Temple of Knowledge and information perhaps held by Brother Lucius.
Milos: Cultist: (DEAD) AKA Brother Milos, AKA Devlin: -(See entry for Brother Milos)
