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Some people need to grown up.
Life is full of changes
If you can't handle those changes
Then you should drink ammonia and die
Happiness is all in the way you see things
Being happy is all in your head
You make yourself the way you are
You cannot blame your sorrows on anyone
you cannot blame anyone for your faults
You cannot blame anyone for your problems
If you can't make yourself a better person
If you don't try every moment in your life to get better
Then you have no one to blame but yourself
And you should go drink ammonia and die




*~My Obsession~*

i just want all the people out there to know that if you're the type of person that can't handle your friends changing or if you can't stand someone and they with it. That's what is meant to happen in life. CHANGE HAPPENS
People say shit about me because they have nothing better to do. They have no reason to say the things they do, but because they have no life and have to build themselves up, they say shit. People talk, people don't know what they're saying. Lord, forgive them they know not what they do.

But it's okay I guess… the things they say are the thing that bother's me. It's the fact that they say them. They don't really have any reason to, I haven't done anything to them, and if I have, don't you think that they should be mature enough to tell me politely about it and ask me why I did it? NO! They have no ability to be mature. No ability to act civilized. I just can't understand why someone has to put other people down to lift themselves up, which tells me they have no respect for themselves or others. That's the part that bothers me… that's why I get upset when people say shit about's because I can't stand people that put other people down just to try to make themselves look better. I have respect for myself and I’m happy with the way I am even though I know there's ALWAYS room for improvement.

People should open there eyes to what they are doing to themselves… they should think before speaking and acting... people need to get out of their imaginary worlds built on the worlds created in books and actually try things, instead of hopping things will work out... if you can't take the time to get better or to try to make things better for others as well as yourself then they don't deserve anything good in their life and should either change or die. If you know something’s wrong, then change it. I can't stand people who can point out the faults in anyone else and expect them not to get upset, but then when someone points out one of their faults they get upset. I also can stand people who know that something’s wrong and complain about it all the time, yet won't take the little bit off effort it requires to change it. Life really isn't as hard as people try to get you to think it is. Our society spends millions and billions of dollars trying to brainwash us into thinking that life isn't as good as it could be. They always keep the attainable dream right out of your grasp and a hand over your eyes so that we can't see it. Well I chose to knock that hand from my eyes. My dream I have grasped onto and I won't let the brainwashed losers of this world drag me back to the place I was.