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Wildfire's Page

Wildfire's Page

Link to second page of my web site is at the bottom of the page. My email address can be found on the second page. Check it out!

Sean and Jordan would like to say "Hi!"
Sean is in the 4th grade; Jordan is in the 2nd grade.



Hi!  I'm Christine and you are looking at my first efforts at building a web page.  Since I am still experimenting with all the cool stuff to be found on the Web, don't be surprised if this site changes a lot. (I get bored very easily...)  I hope you will come back and visit this site, if for nothing else to see what I've either screwed up or improved.  Any suggestions, ideas, or feed back will be most appreciated.  Feel free to e-mail me at the address below.



This is Wildfire and one of many of her babies, Misty.  Wildfire was a gift for my 12th birthday.  I am now 31.  She's a great horse and a great friend.  I always think of her when I hear Michael Murphy's song, "Wildfire".  She is a strawberry roan Missouri Fox Trotter -- the best ride and the gentlest horse.  I love her!!!


UPDATE: June 2002 - Sean is now 12 & Jordan is 10. In February 2002, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and now am half-way thru my chemo treatments. I don't look like my picture right now; I lost all my hair! But it will grow back. Wish me luck!! Christine

July 1, 2002: Happy 4th everyone! I've got 2 more treatments to go and then reconstructive surgery. So maybe for Christmas I'll be good as new!

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Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

My Favorite Web Sites

Page 2 of Wildfire's Page
My Favorite Drag Production Company
International Social Networking