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Marble - 2000


Marble (otherwise known as Mr Ed)

Marble is our German Coollie whom we love. Since the recent arrival of Kito, Marble has gone to live with my sister who has always had a really soft spot for him. Marble will still spend some weekends with us as we wish to have him involved in our lives as much as possible.

In 1996, we purchased Marble as a puppy for Tony and for a companion for Buffy. Marble is half brother to Buffy. They never looked alike but had very similar personalities, although Marble would just die if I tried to jog him for seven kilometres at a time like I did with his sister Buffy.

Marble is a German Coollie and his whole aim in life is 'throw that ball' so I can 'catch that ball'. I find it amazing that a dog can have a completely one eyed view of the world. Nothing else matters, not even food.

Marble is the dog that we commonly refer to as having his brains in his toes. He's a little nut to put it nicely, but we adore him. Marble would walk into danger without even realising it. When Cleveland (cat) has her feral attacks Marble is so concerned for her that he actually tries to approach her, whilst we are madly trying to pull him away to get him to safety.

BUFFY - In Memorium