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Tarzan actors...Page 1

10 year old Gordon Griffith played Tarzan as a boy; Stellan Windrow was the first adult actor chosen
to play Tarzan, but when World War 1 broke out, he left to join the Army; Elmo Lincoln ended up
as Tarzan. He made "Tarzan Of The Apes" (1918), "The Romance Of Tarzan" (1918)
and the serial "The Adventures Of Tarzan" in 1921.

Gene Pollar, a New York fireman,
was the second Tarzan in
"The Revenge Of Tarzan." (1920)

Kamuela Searle played Korak in "The Son Of Tarzan" with P. Demsey Tabler as Tarzan. Tabler was a poor choice as the apeman. Tarzan and Jane were shown getting married in this film. (1920)

James Pierce, who married Burroughs daughter, was the next Tarzan in "Tarzan And The Golden Lion." (1927)

Frank Merrill, a stuntman on Lincoln's last Tarzan production, replaced an injured Joe Bonomo in the serial, "Tarzan The Mighty" (1928) and followed that up with "Tarzan The Tiger" (1929). "Tiger", which had some sound effects but no dialogue, featured the first "tarzan yell" heard on the motion picture screen."

For the first sound Tarzan film to be filmed by MGM, Herman Brix was the first choice but injured his shoulder while filming the movie "Touchdown." Johnny Weissmuller was spotted by writer Cyril Hume and the rest is history. Weissmuller went on to star in 12 Tarzan films, starting with "Tarzan The Ape Man" (1932) and ending with "Tarzan And The Mermaids" in 1948. The first six were MGM productions and the last six were for RKO.

Producer Sol Lesser had obtained the rights to make a few Tarzan films and selected Buster Crabbe to be the next Tarzan in "Tarzan The Fearless" (1933) which was released as a serial and a feature film.

Herman Brix (Bruce Bennett) finally got his chance to portray Tarzan when ERB decided to get involved in making a more faithful Tarzan adventure. The result was the serial "The New Adventures Of Tarzan" (1935), which was also edited and released as two movies. "Tarzan And The Green Goddess" (1938) was the title of the second film.

Sol Lesser had the rights to produce one more Tarzan film in 1938. Glenn Morris, a decathlon champion in the 1936 Olympics, was the star of "Tarzan's Revenge." It was not well received by the public.

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