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I made these images below and would love it if you adopted them onto your own site, desktop or wherever. If you have any special requests, don't hesitate to tell me!

Just a few rules:

1. Please mail me at and give me the URL for your site (I prefer LotR-based ones, but I'll consider non Tolkien sites also.)

2. Please link this site to your own. I have banners on the Link me page.

3. Your site cannot contain R-rated material (you know what I mean!)

4. And finally, take care of these little beauties!! They were made with love and affection!

Frodo and the Ring



This site is in no way connected to or affiliated with any Tolkien representatives or their respective clients. The pictures are the property of the respective owners and the movie caps are the property of New Line Productions.

"Oh no! Gandalf's doing the moonwalk again!"

days until the release of
Return of the King.

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