Hello and welcome to Harry Tholen and Tilly Tholen`s de Block Family homepage. We are not breeders with a kennel, but just owner of two great Irish Wolfshounds. This site is about us and our Irish Wolfhounds, or as it is called in Norwegian, Irsk Ulvehund, or in Dutch de Ierse Wolfshond. We're from Holland but have been living in Northern Norway for almost 12 years now so that is why we made these pages available in three different languages. This is also the reason why sometimes more documents are available in one language compaired with the other, and vice versa. You can choose from the menue on the left where you want to go, to our wolfhoundpages, or to our familypages. It's almost 37 years since I got my first dog, on doctor's orders because my father had just died. I was only 7 years old and since that day I have practically not been without the companionship of dogs, have no recollection of a life without them either.
We welcome your comments and tips. Feel free to send us a link to your own page as well.
If you have any questions about the Irish Wolfhound / de ierse wolfshond / irsk ulvehund , Friese Stabij hound, or life in Norway please mail them to us and we will try to answer them.
At the moment we have only one Irish Wolfhound living with us. In the past we have had 2 Friese Stabij Hounds as well, a dutch breed of dog. Regrettably both are gone now. Tommy the oldest left us 4 years ago, 17 years old! And Flipje, 14 years old had to be put down in 2005 after he was attacked by an American Stafforshire Bull terrier in a freak accident. I have started making a small tribute site for our two Stabijs, Click on the link to go there.
Amy, who joined us in 2001, click here to see a babypicture of her, regrettebaly left us this spring, 7 years old. So Bonney is now the only Wolfhoud living with us. She is almost 8 years old. The daily walks are getting shorter and her hair is getting more grey. But she is in very good health though, not being to the vet in 5 years:-)
We would appreciate it if you wrote a few lines in our guestbook before you surf on to the next amazing site on the internet. Tip: hold your cursor over the pictures on this site.
May the Hounds be with You, and the wind in your back always be your own...(Noel H.)