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"I love the Lord for He heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy.  The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.  The Lord protects the simple hearted; when I was in great need, he saved me."  -Psalm 116:1, 5, and 6

Worship - "worth" ship  Giving something worth.

Worship is to feel in the heart . . . Real worship is, among other things, a feeling about the Lord our God. . . . If we are led by His Holy Spirit, our worship will always bring a delighted sense of admiring awe and a sincere humility on our part. (A. W. Tozer)

God commands us to worship Him in both Spirit and in Truth.

Honest Worship Is:
1.  We must come to God with a broken spirit - Psalm 51:16-17 Brokenness is key! I am convinced that it is impossible to Worship God in full without being broken first.  This means we must first come to him humbly and confess the sin in our life, and make ourselves clean.  It is not until we are broken that God teaches us to worship!!!!!

2.  We must come to God already practicing worship! - Hebrews 13:15, Psalm 34:1
It won't just happen if we just talk and learn about worship.  We must practice worship daily in our lives.

3.  We must come to God with a desire to know Him in all His fullness! - Phillippians 3  God is more interested in us knowing Him than our commitment to form or tradition!  In other words, God is more interested in us knowing Him than the way "we have always done it".
4.  We must come to God having already spent time with Him in private.  Public worship must be an outgrowth of our private time with God!

By Vernon M. Whaley, Ph. D.

We all worship something.  Worshipping God is giving Him the worth, telling Him that, giving your life to Him, and living for Him daily. (there are many definitions, like the one at the top of this page by A.W. Tozer, but this is just one that I have come up with in my own life)

Worship is NOT just singing!  Singing is a part of worshipping God, but I believe it is having a love relationship with Jesus Christ.  In order to have a love relationship with someone, you must spend time with them.  Worship is spending time with God through prayer and studying and meditating on His word, the Bible.

Here are seven steps in corporate prayer, that I believe should be part of your private prayer life as well.  In order to have that relationship, we MUST spend time with God, and not just requesting things through prayer.  These ARE in a specific order of a suggested way to pray.

Systematic process of public (corporate) prayer:

  1. 1  Exaltation of God
  2. 2  Praise to God
  3. 3  Expression of Thanks and Appreciation
  4. 4  Confession and repenting of Sin
  5. 5  Public Praise
  6. 6  Intercession
  7. 7  Petitions
By Vernon M. Whaley, Ph. D.

It is interesting to me that we sometimes use words in worship, and actually have no idea what they mean OR the wrong idea of what they mean.  find out what a couple of "worship words" mean by clicking below.
Words used in Worship
Learn About the Names of God:
Praise Jehovah

Worship Songs (with tabs for guitar)

Before going on to any of the links below, please read this quote by A.W. Tozer and think about whether or not you are truly worshipping God with your life.
If you do not know the presence of God in your office, your factory, your home, then God is not in the church when you attend. I have come to believe that when we are worshipping - if the Love of God is in us and the Spirit of God is breathing praise within us, all the musical instruments in heaven are suddenly playing in full support . . . . It is my experience that our total lives, our entire attitude as persons, must be toward the worship of God (A. W. Tozer)

About Me
My Testimony

Worship Songs (with tabs)