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Rules About Making Teams
  • If you want a team tell me what you want the name to be, co-leader and members if you have any that want to join already
  • Pick a team move but cannot have dragonfist as a team move and learn move automatically
  • If you put some of your money in the team profit it saves up and when you want can buy items when all on something together
  • If you buy an item with the team profit money then you all get that item
  • You can only buy one item a day from the team profit money
  • You can fight against other teams
  • The Leader fights leader and co-leader vs. co-leader
  • But the members depend on their Pl, like if a person on the other team has the closest Pl to you then you fight them
  • But you can fight a person on another team
  • If a leader dies the co-leader takes it place until wished back
  • If a co-leader dies the person with the highest pl in the members takes his place until wished back
  • If both leader and co-leader die then the 2 strongest members take their place
  • If a member dies no one takes his place <BGSOUND SRC="No_will_Power.mid" AUTOSTART=true LOOP=infinite>

    Goku's Z Force
    Best of the Best
    Death Raiders
    Majin elite Crew
    Ssj Family