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Writing/Poetry general audiance

Adult Stories N Pictures
Clean Pictures of Me

My name for those of you who dont know me is Wesley I am an amature artist and writer I like to do back ground stories for characters and yes I will do requests. Here is a small collection of characters I am writing about....

Character Bio's

Melina DarkBlade

Born into darkness to the death screams of her mother this childs this...monsters first sight is tinged with the life blood of her mother her father a demon over lord of hell looks on pleased yes this one will be strong this child will survive. He lifts the child from the mothers death clutch wailing and screaming in fear.The demon Fiant smiles malisiously yet strange it has a tender gleam in it. He looks over the tinny red skinned naked form and suddenly his eyes widen with shock and yes even fear a black birthmark on her inner thy tells a story he does not want to believe this child is the one the profecy tells of the darkblade the one who will save of distroy mankind once and for all when the final battle takes place. An ebony dagger hilt down at her feet red tendrils inside marks her inner thy the mark of the chosen the daughter of satans strongest general.

Will she save mankind or distroy it? Only she can say...

As she grows and matures she becomes aware that she is not normal things bend to her will. She notices that her father is not like other fathers he seems afraid of her almost. Yes he loves her she can see that in his touch and his gentle smile. Its when he thinks she is sleeping or when she catches the look on his face when he believes her to be asleep her briliant gold eyes slightly cracked she often sees his fear. What is it he fears she often wonders he has never told her the dark secrete never told ehr her destiny. He raises her alone no others no compainions his worst mistake since raping that human woman and planting the seed of melina in her belly. One day agaisnt her fathers orders she sneaks out to play in the forest while he is away. She is now nealy 16 years old and stunningly beautiful by human standards only the red skin could possibly detract but even so she is wonderful and aluring. She comes apon a creature she does not reconize and curiously aproaches. It looks slightly like her father but pale pink almost. and no horns or barbed tail. What could it be? She soon has met her first human and they talk he convinces her to leave with him and he takes her home. He tells her of the world her father has kept from her and her hart fills with anger. IN the morning she leaves to explore this wide world she travels from sea to sea untill on her 20th birth day her father finds her and confronts her.....


An angel that was a flame was born. Unfinished incomplete it was born neuter ,albino, with white featherless wings and translucent skin and eyes…eyes that so red they appeared to burn. It slowly grew to understand that the other angels were fearful of it and its strange powers. They whispered behind his back. "He has the fires of hell in his eyes." That it was not wanted was soon made painfully clear. It was not evil only different and strange they brought it before them after nearly 600 years in a secrete council for only the highest angels. In this council They dragged it in his wings singed and burned free of feathers. As was traditional they had attempted to deprive it of his wings through fire. And only it's feathers burned it's skin was unharmed. They drug it in and threw it to the ground before a hole in the heavens. Kneeling in front of the hole surrounded by those it had always considered his family and friends. It scans the faces of each one fearfully searching for some merciful look some hint of why they chose to do this to it but nothing but hatred did it see in the faces of the ones it loved at that moment his hart broke. It could only bring it self to say one thing…"why?" no answer did it receive only a tightening of the lips of the angel of judgement. The angel of judgement pointed to the hole and the two who it considered closest grabbed it up and cast it down to the earth below helpless naked it fell for an eternity I had enough strength to stop its fall sort of hitting the ground it lived. I walked the earth searching for friends, companions. No one on the earth would accept him. After a time it met a dark angel named Akina The angel of the apocalipse who can say how this thing felt it was happy sad angry was it evil? Shurely not it had been misstreated cruelly by the ones it loved the most . Such began the life on earth of Pyro Angelus the Fire angel it took on the mantle of the clensing flame and the blade of hell fire the cursed blade called Flame Bringer with the onset of this office Pyro was changed purrified its body grew stronger and became whole still the albino it became male. Pyro Angelus was whole. Now he began his search again looking questiong for redemption and yes love......

Tiburon Wink

The winds and rains tore and the small house on the shore of the largest ocean in the world.A womans screams of pain ring out only to be swept out unheard by the storms furry.The screams Rise to a fevor pitch then her screams are joined by two more the deaper tones of a male and the high pitch wailing of the terrified midwife.What could cause such a reaction on a birthing bed? let us go in and see...

Inside the father and mother of the newborn are huddled together as far away as possible from the screaming infant laying in a pool of blood at the foot of the bed. The midwife has passed out on the floor.The mother trembling in shock and fear mumbles over and over again "Tiburon" let us look closer now first at the parents...

the male who huddles in such abject fear is large and strong his face linned and darkened by many days spent in the sun his hands are calloused and worn from a life on the ocean.The hair receding on his head gives his skull a rounded look.

The woman is beautiful even now in her terror at the child she bore. Slender lithe with long flowing blond hair and ice blue eyes her skin is white as newly fallen snow and her skin as soft as silk.

Steeling himself the father rises and takes the child into his arms. Now let us look finnaly at the staring unblinking eyes..Skin white pure white a patern like splashing water. Rough skin turns blue from his mouth up and over his hairless head and down over his back. His jaws are large streached ..distorted filled with row after row of sharp triangular teeth horozontal slits..gills adorn his neck. his body is mostly humanoid other then that and the lack of either a nose or a pair of ears like a fish he has holes in his skull for these organs.

The father hurries out into the storm and jumps into his boat with the screaming bundle in his arms. Unfurling the sail he rides the storm out into the darkness. Screaming to Anthius the water demon who watches over him and his wife the man hurles the child into the waves as an offering.

The infants screaming is instantly cut off by the water filling his lungs as it sinks below the waves. The demon is angered at this distorted offering he reacts with violence incresing the furry of the waves. The fathers boat is lifted high by an ocean swell to be dashed on its side swamped. The father sinks below the waves, just before he looses consouisness a juvanile great white shark pushes him to the surface then accross the surface to shore... The infant saved his murderous father... Continued on... Tib

Kennith Faun

Freak! Thats Discusting!Sicko! these are all things Kennith hears all the time. You see since he was a child he has liked to dress up normally this isnt a bad thing but well...He never grew out of it. He is a slender elf with green flowing hair that falls down to his butt. Nice right? Well he likes to dress in womens atire long dresses and lipstick eye shadow. Even this isnt normally a problem. But ..well Kennith is gay, and being so good a cross dressing men dont realize at first that he is a guy. They take him home all happy to be getting laid then they realize ACK he is a guy!that is when he hears all those hurtfull things. Kennith grew angry at this and he went to find his own strength..He learned of an old necromancer who lived alone in the forest and he went to meet him. The necromancer took him in and trained him in the dark arts. Kennith to the old mans suprize surpassed his greatest expectastions in less then a year he was stronger then even the necromancer himself. He left and went to make his way in the world finnaly meeting some one who cared for him enough to become his lover a beautiful strong anthro white leapord named Dustyn...

Intro for short stories

The year is 2012 approximately seven years after the so-called war to end all wars... It started when the leader of a religious cult decided to strike back against a country that was more prosperous then his own, in what can only be termed as a terrorist attack. The United States rose up in righteous wrath declaring war not only on the perpetrator, as well as on all that would condone such acts or hide those responsible. Day after day the bombs fell tearing through the terrorist’s organization disrupting supply lines and communications soon they were in full rout. But before the final blow could be struck, the leaders of the terrorist forces went into hiding, resulting in a wholesale surrender of much of the standing forces. After several years and many other devastating attacks on the United States he was finally cornered. In a last act fueled by religious fervor or perhaps by shear insanity he fell back on his final weapon. His best kept secret the possession of a high-grade atomic missile. Pointed at the ionosphere the detonation spread an EMP pulse through out the entire atmosphere destroying all communications and all of the delicate electronic equipment the world had become so dependent on. The delicate electronics that controlled the launching of the remainder of the warheads and missiles malfunctioned sending them rocketing towards the heavens only to come crashing back to earth. The result almost total destruction of the planets surface. The world as it exists now is a barren and hostile place. Eighty percent of the surface water was vaporized in the initial explosion the planets surface is ninety percent inhospitable to straight human life. But,rawling out of the darkness came others. Some barely recognizable as human. Mutations humans horribly changed by the huge doses of radiation. Some of the mutations are beneficial to the mutant but most do not survive or are little more then twisted wretches wracked by pain and madness. These mutated humans with in only a few years have taken over all the habitable surface area of the planet leaving the few humans who remained in underground government bunkers and caverns. They ventured out armed with what ever weapons they could scavenge to find food forced to fight there way across dangerous mutant territory, simply to feed the few women and children that survived the blast.



Walking in the shadows of life
I move with grace through all strife

One day my life will end
This is the final trend

All will die one day come soon
All will die midnight or noon

My choice to come is mote
Should I travel cherons boat

The only thing I must ask
Is when shall I begin the task?

Shall I leave my chores undone?
Or do I act as if just begun?

The Dark RIDER

The dark rider is comming for me
through the fire through the smoke.
see there his grim face should I run or flee?
flames fall away with each stroak
of that blade glimmering like death
His hand reaches out it grips my soul
I gasp in my throat catches my breath
he tugs relentless ripping it away is his goal
He ripps it away my soul is gone from me
am I to go now to heaven see?

Wesley Tiburon Lloyd

Fire Angel

::is more then he seems yet less::
::an angel yet only fire and fear were his dress::
......::cast down from heaven out of fear::
::this one holds in him power to create and stear::
...........::from his hand palm up a fire grows::
.........::it takes the form a slender rose:

........::flames of green::
..::flames of red::
::apone a womans eyes they sheen::
::does she feel his dread: :
::locked in eturnal stillness::
::the flames so still as in illness::
..........::his eyes tell her to trust him no words does he speak::
By Wesley Tiburon Lloyd 8:56 EST monday march 5 2001

dedicated to the one who inspired it Stacey (Jekse

Lost Life

dark as night
twin embers alight
a spark flies
darkness dies

Flames an angel born
Drear the heavens torn
The prophet fears
This angel's tears

The heavens saved
Or angels slaved
His Destiny calls
but this angel falls

Throw from heaven by his peers
His last sight was his families lears
Feathers Gone burnt away
translucent wings join the fray

falling, falling, earthward bound
His wings they beat a mighty sound
alittle rise a little slowing
avoid to hell this one going

landing on earth
like one newly birthed
everything new
every one true

No fear
no drear
a second chance
at life this dance

writen by Wesley Lloyd 4 minutes before his birthday march 7th 11:56 EST dedicated to his dear friend joy who has always been there for him even when he was not there for himself


A wolf staring with golden eyes
A jackal waits a buzzard cries
Peaple live and people die
peaple weep and people cry

Angels fall from heaven thrown
fields forgotten over grown
How to say what I believe
How to know if you decieve

A heart beats then goes still
what comes next is it ill?
Darkness rises in your sight
darkness yes where is the light

were you kind in life
or did you cause only strife
now comes time to pay
what have you now to say

A prick a pin pain enfold
shiver tremble your not bold
shreaks of pain assult your ears
now ... now is the time for your tears

A rose grows rooted in pain
the devils plant his to train
Thorns black ..deadly venom drips
slashing your flesh your skin it strips

Icey cold deep inside
untouched by fire storm outside
vapor trails left every breath
now you feel the chill of death

Warmth begins to grow inside
rising flowing like the tide
Pain grows faint the flames receed
shuddering a spark light indeed

remember love remember life
returns the pain like a knife
This pain is good memory inspired
the darkness is gone..away..retired

a heart beats again the light returns
you remember your pain your burns
you draw a breath sweatest taste
and vow now your life not to waste

writen my me wesley lloyd 04-09-01

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