
Shop Jobs
- For these jobs you literally do nothing at all.

  • Box Boy - Paid 300 zeni per week.
  • Janitor - Resumes are looked upon better for those with multiple basic skills at Level 2+. Paid 500 zeni per week.
  • Clerk - Resumes are looked upon better for those with multiple basic skills at Level 5+. You must own a home for this job. Paid 750 zeni per week.
  • Store Manager - Resumes are looked upon better for those with multiple advanced skills at Level 1+ and atleast a condo. Paid 2,000 zeni every other week.
  • Store CEO - Resumes are looked upon better for those with multiple advanced skills at Level 3+ and own a large home(or bigger). Paid 3,000 zeni every other week.
  • Chain Manager - Resumes are looked upon better for those with multiple expert skills at Level 1+ and must own a large home(or bigger). Other means of pay are frowned upon. Paid 4,000 zeni every other week.
  • Chain CEO - Resumes are looked upon better for those with multiple expert skills at Level 5+ and must own a large home(or bigger). You may have NO other means of pay. Paid 10,000 zeni on the first of the month.

- Gladiators are paid to fight. There are three ranks of gladiators and to move up in ranks you must increase the average of stats points in Strength, Weaponry, and Ki energy.
  • Rank 1 Gladiator: Need an average of lvl 0 skills. Paid 150zeni for every 2 training posts.
  • Rank 2 Gladiator: Need an average of lvl 6 expert skills. Paid 300zeni for every 2 training posts.
  • Elite Gladiator: Need an average of lvl 4 expert skills. paid 500zeni for every 2 training posts.
  • Major Matches: 500-1000 zeni.

    Ultimate Fighting Championship
    Some time, we will open a gladiators tournament. Right now, we're too busy, and lazy.

    Planet Guardians
    Planet Guardians are paid 2250 zeni a week. Please visit the Planets page for more information.

    Bounty Hunters
    Don't like somebody? stop bitchin and put a bounty on their head. If you cannot pay a bounty, then a bounty will go on your head for double the price you put up. If somebody see's that you are bounty'd they may FORCE you into a fight. If you postpone for more than 3 days, you automatically die. Being killed by a bounty will send you directly to HFIL for two weeks. If you do not get killed within 2 weeks, your death is notified as honorable and you spend 3 weeks at the galaxy guardians.
    Current Bounties