1. Personal online time with Prophet Dent or an assigned prophet or
prophetic minister.
2. In-dept chat classes to teach, activate, and assignments to develop
your A.I.M. (Accuracy, Integrity & Maturity) level.
3. Prophetic fasting will be assigned at appropiate levels with medical
Normally 1 to 3 days: starter level
Beginners level 4 to 7 days
Intermediate level 7 to 14 days
Maturing fast level 14 to 21 days
Prophetic fast 21 to 40
Revelational teaching & training in how to activation
these levels of fasting grace within our life and ministry.
4. Mentoring & Fathering relationship to receive impartational
anointing and generational blessing.
5. Opportunity for licensing & ordination as sons & daughters in
6. Prophetic Insight to receiving and finding your inheritance (nation,
Ethnos, people group).
If you feel or know God is calling you into the prophetic & apostolic ministry within the church or market place. This indept training & mentoring is for you.
Prayerfully fill out this survey form, requesting more detail information on upcoming Advance A.I.M Mentoring manual, courses, school, dates, matterials, and cost. REQUEST INFORMATION
PayPal.com has agreed to donate $5.00 to our ministry for everyone that sign up at our site to use their E-commerce service. Signing up is free! Once you complete this form you will be return to the front page of this site, where the Paypal.com sign up form is, or you may scroll down to use the Ministry Support Form. Thanks in advance for your support to this ministry.
We would like to set up a personal phone or chat room interview with you. We want to minister to your prophetically, & seek the Lord’s will about your joining this ministry family. Fees and donations will be discuss after interview.
Spiritual Gifts Manuel
This is a copy of our prophetic training manuel used within churches. To develop prophetic teams that flow in accuracy, wisdom, integrity and with the vision of the House:
This is the "Prophetic Standard of
Agreement form sign by all students, a copy is given to them, their pastors and one to this ministry.
Protocol:Prophetic protocol deals with understanding the apostolic rule & order the pastors play in setting and releasing the member gifts to flow within the church.
Spiritual Gifts Defined:This section give a biblical definition of all nine gifts of the spiritual, the five fold office gifts, and the ten motivational gifts. The motivational Gift are most important for beginners, they allow you to walk and minister in the unqiueness of your personality.
Personal Prophecy:What is personal prophecy? Can all learn to prophecy? Does prophecy make me a prophet? These and many other question will be answered in this section.
Three Steps to Releasing spiritual gifts:This section teaches the "How to's" of learning to hear the Holy Spirit and steps to yielding to his voice. How to operate in prophecy, word of knowledge & word of wisdom.
Spiritual Gift Discovery Test:This is a discovery spiritual gift questionnaire, the will reveal your experience level with the nine gifts, show your focus on the five fold gifts. And most importantly reveal your "motivational" gifts, which are key to you understand how to relax in the spirit and be your unique self.
If you want a personal & private prophetic evaluation of your scores simply, cut and paste the final scores then email them to us at Spiritual Gift Evaluation.
We will email you back a detail evaluation with prophetic insight, and a scheduled personal chatroom interview time, if you want personal ministry.
More On: Gifts
Online spiritual gift activation class 2nd. & 4th. Tuesday nights 10:00pm eastern starting Oct. 2001. On site chatroom classes (12 classes). Class workbook (Spiritual Gifts Manual) and a prophetic training certicate will be awarded. Cost workbook & certicate
is $60.00, pay by email and
receive a $20.00 discount.
If you would like to sow a financial seed into this ministry of any amount. You may now do so, by "EMAIL" yes with the press of the Paypal.com button, this ministry will receive your love gift of any amount and $5.00 from Paypal, just for signing up for this program. So if its on your heart to send us $5.00 and you don't have it, just sign up and paypal will send it for you. God bless you for your prayers and faith support of this ministry.