. SCABS Brochure
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South Carolina Association of Blind Students

a Division of the

National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina

tion that endeavors to protect the rights of blind individuals as well as create and facilitate the creation of opportunities for blind citizens. The organization is very supportive of its members, and much time and attention is given to the development of independence for all blind citizens.

The organization also provides social gatherings that allow the development of support networks as well as strong and lasting friendships. These meetings are usually in the form of chapter or division meetings, and they provide insight into modern issues that face blind citizens. The strength and support that blind citizens can find in the South Carolina Association of Blind Students combined with the past experience and expertise of its members make it an invaluable organization for blind and visually impaired citizens.

Q: Why should I join the South Carolina Association of Blind Students?

In joining the Student Division of the NFB of SC, you are part of a larger community that all have one thing in common: blindness. We are students who are willing to give our time and share our stories with fellow blind students about challenges overcome, discrimination defeated, and pride in academic successes.

But, the South Carolina Association of Blind Students offers more than experience and support. As a part of the larger blind community, we are participating in the effort to better the lives of all blind citizens. We are active in the state-wide organization, working with former Student Division members to stop negative attitudes from causing us to be considered second-class citizens. However, we know how to have fun in the fight. There is always something exciting about meeting others with a common bond. For that reason, we plan social events into our calendar so that we can enjoy each other's differences and energy.

As blind people continue to gain power and influence, we will fight for the education promised to all citizens. Therefore, we are always interested in searching for and providing the information you need while working to achieve your dream of a college education. As our former president and current mentor, Dr. Kenneth Jurnigan, has asked: "Will you join us on the barricades?"

Q: How do I become a member of the South Carolina Association of Blind Students?

The South Carolina Association of Blind Students is open to blind or visually impaired college-bound high school, college and graduate students. Associate membership is open to sighted high school, college, or graduate-level students with an interest in participating in the efforts of the organization.

All members pay $3 for membership dues in the South Carolina Association of Blind Students annually, and $2 for membership in the National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina. Since the NFB of SC and its chapters and divisions are governed by the blind, associate members may not vote in elections or policy meetings or hold office, but they may chair and serve on committees appointed by the President. All members are expected to participate fully in Student Division events and activities. Many members of the Student Division have gone on to hold office in the local chapters, state affiliates, and national board of the National Federation of the Blind.

For further information on membership, holding office, and the policies and procedures of the South Carolina Association of Blind Students and the NFB of SC, see the South Carolina Association of Blind Students' Constitution and/or the Constitution of the NFB of SC. Copies of these documents are available upon request from the Federation Center of the Blind.

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This page was last updated on 2 June 2000

© Copyright 1997-2000 South Carolina Association of Blind Students
