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This is the flag, 35 Stars and 13 Bars, that all of the Union
of the Grand Army of the Republic fought under during the Civil War
Member/Veteran: EVANS, C. A., 109th Infantry Regiment, New
York Volunteers, Grand Army of the Republic, GAR Post 199, Swanton, Saline
County, NE
by Gerald E. Sherard, Reference: A Nebraska Civil War
Ancestor by Gerald E. Sherard, 38pp. (1994).
429 South Moore St. Lakewood, CO 80226-2629 (June 1995)
edited for Internet by John Chandler Clement
Accompanying this file are nine data files consisting of Nebraska
Civil War veterans. These files are made up from two sources:
Source I : An extract of civil war veterans for south central
and southeastern Nebraska counties with out GAR post numbers which was taken
from the "1890 U.S. Census for Nebraska of Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans
of the Civil War". Those veterans listed with GAR post numbers were extracted
from the first 6200 entries on the "Grand Army of the Republic, Series Ten
Rosters of Soldiers, Rosters by States", Dept. of Nebraska, (1911), Nebraska
State Historical Society microfilm. Information provided includes the veterans
name, unit served, and GAR post number.
Source II : An extract of civil war veterans which was taken
from "Grand Army of the Republic, Series Ten Rosters of Soldiers, Rosters
by States", Vol. 1 through 4, Dept. of Nebraska, (1911), Nebraska State
Historical Society Microfilm Roll No.'s 14374 and 14395. Information provided
includes the veterans name, unit served, and GAR post number.
Also, there is a file of Nebraska
GAR Posts. Information provided includes the city , county, and GAR post
The information provided in the data files is only a partial extract. More
complete information for the veteran may be found by reviewing the name in
the "Index to Civil War Veterans from Nebraska" which is a microfilm alphabetical
index of approximately 45,000 Nebraska civil war veterans at the Nebraska
State Historical Society Library, 1500 "R" Street, P.O. Box 82554, Lincoln,
NE 68501-2554, Phone 1-800-833-6747 or (402) 471-3270.
The "Fighting" 109th Infantry
Regiment, NY Volunteers
This is a very brief history of the 109th NY. This highly decorated
fighting unit was involved in some of the major battles during the latter
part of the war in Virginia. Note: I am searching for the
Battle Flag of the 109th Infantry Regiment (edt.TME).
The 109th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment
was organized at Binghamton, Broome Co., N. Y., August 27th, 1862 and mustered
in to active service of the US Dept. of War on August 28th, 1862, with Benjamin
Tracy, Colonel, Commanding; Isaac S. Chatlin, Lieutenant Colonel, Deputy
Commander and Philo B. Stilson, Major, Adjutant... its Regimental Battle
Flag was unfurled. The Regiment's 10 companies were raised
primarily from men of the 24th NY Senatorial District which comprised of
Broome, Tompkins and Tioga counties at that time. Approximately 1,250 Officers,
NCO's and Men formed this initial Regimental call to arms. Upon receipt
of initial orders by the US War Dept. the 109th was attached to the 8th Army
Corps, Middle District. The Regiment left the state, August 30, 1862
with orders to HQ, garrison and billet at Annapolis Junction, MD (about 17
miles SW of Baltimore, MD and 21 miles NE from Washington, DC) to take up
railroad guard duty protecting the rail lines that ran from Baltimore
to Washington, DC. The Regiment began it's assignment during the first
week of September, 1862. A few days later it detached several companies
to garrison Laurel, MD (about 8 miles SE of Annapolis Junction) to guard
the main railroad junctions located there. The 109th remained at this
assignment but was reassigned that October 1862 to the 22nd Army Corps as
railroad guards and part of the 22nd's overall defense of The Capital at
Washington, DC against the threat of Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern
Virginia's presumed invasion. The invasion never came. Their
job was tedious and boring and they saw no military action of any kind.
The 109th did its duty from September 1862, the remainder of 1862,
all of 1863 and through the end of March 1864. Then in April, 1864
the 109th was ordered to join the 9th Army Corps then assembling at Annapolis,
MD in preparation for action against General Lee at Petersburg, VA.
The 109th Regiment became part of Hartranft's battle-tried 1st
Brigade, Wilcox's 3rd Division, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac.
The 9th Corps left Annapolis on 23 April, 1864 headed for the crossing
at the Rapi-dan arriving there on the 4th of May, 1864. The next morning,
5 May, 1864, the 109th Infantry Regiment NY Volunteers after crossing
the Rapi-dan as one of the lead units they were immediately fully engaged
with several CSA units... The Battle of The Wilderness had begun.
The 109th had tasted blood for the first time exactly 1 year 8 months
and 9 days since they formed way back the late summer of 1862 at Binghamton,
New York. for three bloody months and from August 1864 until April
1865, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac. (edt. TME)
Duty Record:
Duty at Annapolis Junction, and at Laurel, Md guarding
the railroad leading to Washington, D.C.September 1862 - March
Campaign from the Rapi-dan Crossing
to Petersburg, Va. May 4, 1864 - June 16,
Battle and description | Killed | Wounded | Missing |
Battle of the Wilderness May 5th and 7th, 1864 | 11 | 64 | 1 |
Battle of Parker's Store Road, May 7th, 1864 | 14 | 32 | 2 |
9th Corps Charge against CSA defenses about Spotsylvania Court House, May 8th and May 21st, 1864 | 25 | 86 | 29 |
Note: before the second charge on 21 May, 1864,
Col. Tracy resigned his command 20 May, 1864 and later accepted the position
of Commandant of the infamous Elmira Prison in NY. Lt. Col
Isaac S. Chatlin, a gallent and meritorious officer succeeded
to command the 109th Infantry Regiment.
Ny River, May 9,10, and 12, 1864 | unk | unk | unk |
Po River, May 21, 1864 | unk | unk | unk |
North Anna River, May 22 - 26, 1864; | unk | unk | unk |
Totopotomoy Creek, May 27 - 31, 1864 and the bloody skirmishes Near Hanovertown, May 28, 1864 | 2 | 22 | 1 |
Battles of Cold Harbor, June 1 -12, 1864; and Near Bethesda Church, June 1, 1864 | 25 | 81 | 20 |
Campaign & Siege of Petersburg, June 16, 1864 - April 2, 1865:
Flank march on Petersburg, June 12 - 15, 1864 | unk | unk | unk |
Assaults on Petersburg, June 16 - 19, 1864 | unk | unk | unk |
Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad, June 18, 1864 | unk | unk | unk |
Mine explosion and Battle of the Crater, July 30, 1864 | 11 | 24 | 18 |
Weldon Railroad, August 18 - 21, 1864 | 7 | 12 | 1 |
Operations near Poplar Spring Church, Pebbles Farm and Pegvan (sp) House, September 30, 1864 | unk | unk | unk |
Reconnaissance in force and action on Boydton Plank Road, October 2, 1864 | unk | unk | unk |
Squirrel Level Road, October 8, 1864 | unk | unk | unk |
Battle of Boydton Plank Road and Thatcher's Run, October 27 - 28, 1864 | unk | unk | unk |
9th Corps held the right of the line before
Petersburg from the Appomattox to Battery Number 26 and Fort Walker, until
November 29, 1864. Movement to co-operate with Warren's Raid on the Weldon
Railroad, December 7 - 11, 1864. The Recluse on attack on Fort
Stedman, and Recapture of Battery Number 11, March 25, 1865.
The 6th and 9th Corps held the front from the Appomattox to Fort Davis,
March 29 thru April 2, 1865.
Assault On and Capture of Petersburg, Virginia; April 2,
1865, the final campaign for the
"Fighting" 109th.
The Flags of the 9th Corps were the first to wave over the city, April 2,
1865. Duty in Petersburg until April 19, 1865. The Corps marched to Washington,
May 19 - 22, 1865, and participated in the Grand Review., May 23, 1865.
148 Killed-Wounded or Missing in all other
actions not marked
On 9 April, 1865 General Robert E. Lee's
Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House, where it was virtually
surrounded and out of food and supplies; and only 9,000 of Lee's 20,000-odd
troops carried muskets at the last roll call; General Lee surrendered his
army to General U. S. Grant. For
all practical purposes the Civil War was over.
The 109th mustered out June 4, 1865 at the Delaney House, D.C. For
the 11 months from May 1864 to April 1865, that the 109th was in the field
engaged in almost daily battles or on pickett duty, they sustained
614 casulties either Killed, Wounded or
Missing/Captured that represented nearly 50% of the Regiments
organizational number.
Officers of the "Fighting"
This roster of officers
is given as it stood on the day of muster out - 4 June 1865. Dates next to
names are the date of promotion to that rank.
Colonel , Commanding
Issac S. Catlin 29 July 1864
(Breveted Brig. Gen. 11 Mar. 1865)
Lieutenant Colonel, Deputy Commander
Philo B. Stilson 29 July 1864
William E. Mount 27 Aug 1862
Zelotus Z. Gordon 27 Aug 1862
*Edwin Evans 16 Oct 1863
Evan R. Jones 13 Feb 1864
Seth M. Mitchell 12 Aug 1864
Solomon Oakley 31 Dec 1864
Robert McA. Johnson 11 Jan 1865
Oliver H. Millham 1 Feb 1865
J. Warren Tibbetts 1 Mar 1865
George H. Bristol 1 Mar 1865
* Ref: The Petersburg Camppaign - The Battle of the Crater June 25 - August
6, 1864, by Michael A. Cavanaugh and William Marvel, 1989.... Captain
Edwin Evans was in charge of the 109th Reg. during the Battle of the Crater,
June 30, 1864.
First Lieutenants
Benjamin C. Wade 27 Aug 1862
Henry L. Jewett, Adj't 22 Oct 1863
P. W. Hopkins, R.Q.M. 22 Oct 1863
Ansel P. Coddington 19 Dec 1864
W. Gus Chittenden 1 Jan 1865
William Kennedy 1 Jan 1865 (Brevet Captain 2 April 1865)
Dewitt L. Cole 24 Jan 1865
Don C. Cutler 28 Feb 1865
Edward Plough 3 May 1865
Charles F. Terwilleger 4 May 1865
Charles H. Perry 6 May 1865
Second Lieutenants
Jesse A. Ashley 25 Mar 1864
Frederick M. Snooks 2 Dec 1864
James R. Bowen 4 Jan 1865
Edwin Slosson 28 Feb 1865
William H. Gates 27 Apr 1865
Alvah A. Bell 1 May 1865
William E. Johnson, M.D. 24 Feb 1864
Assistant Surgeon
Asa J. White, M.D. 4 Sept 1864
Rev. Ransom A. Washburne 16 Aug 1864
Promoted (1)
First Lieutenant James S. Thruston, R.Q.M. Aug 1863 to additional Paymaster.
Resigned (date is date of resignation)
Colonel Benjamin F. Tracey, May 20, 1864. He organized the Regiment. Then
was named Commandant of the infamous Elmira Prison
Captain Edward L. Lewis, February 17, 1864.
First Lieut. John S. Hopkins, March 12 , 1863.
First Lieut. M. L. G. Spear, January 8, 1864.
First Lieut. Selah V. Reeve, March 30, 1864.
Second Lieut. George L. Haynes, January 10, 1963.
Second Lieut. James L Rightman, October 31, 1863.
Second Lieut. Richard McChristian, December 10, 1863.
Second Lieut. F. S. Cowan, March 1, 1864
Discharged (date listed is date of discharge).
Major George W. Dunn, March 8, 1865
Captain Robert H. S. Hyde, May 7, 1863.
Captain Austin W. Alvord, January 18, 1864
Captain Anson W. Knettle, September 27, 1864.
Captain Moses B. Robbins, October 27, 1864.
Captain Benjamin R. McAllister, December 21, 1864.
First Lieut. Michael Kelly, April 18, 1863.
First Lieut. John S. Giles, June 19, 1864.
First Lieut. Mathew Watson, July 18, 1864
First Lieut. Charles C. Meade, August 25, 1864
First Lieut. William Benedict, October 12, 1864.
First Lieut. William Austin, January 4, 1865.
First Lieut. William H. S. Bean, (Brevet Captain August 18, 1864.).
Discharged February 7, 1865.
Second Lieut. David A. Sigmer, February 10, 1863.
Second Lieut. Mathew (sic) Nathan W. Chandler, November 5, 1864. His
rank to date was First Lieutenant... promoted July 6, 1864.
Second Lieut. Charles Nelson, November 11, 1864.
Second Lieut. A. J. Labar, November 11, 1864.
Second Lieut. M. A. Waterfod, December 15, 1864.
Second Lieut. Frank L. Olmstead, February 27, 1865.
Surgeon Sanford B. Hunt, March 31, 1863.
Surgeon Seymour Churchill, January 16, 1864.
Assistant Surgeon S. H. French, June 17, 1864.
Chaplain Albert Wyatt, July 29, 1863
Chaplain William Wyatt, June 11, 1864.
Died: (date listed is date of death)
Captain John Gorman, killed in action near Hanovertown, Va., May 31, 1864.
Captain William Warwick, killed in action near Petersburg, Va., June 17,
First Lieutenant, N. J. Griswold, killed in action near Petersburg, Va.,
July 30, 1864. The Battle of the Crater.
Second Lieutenant, Daniel W. Barton, killed in action near Spottsylvania,
May 12, 1864.
Second Lieutenant, E. C. Jones, June 17, 1864, died of wounds received
at Petersburg, Va.
Second Lieutenant, James W. Tunison, was dismissed on November 25, 1864.
Second Lieutenant, Gilbert D. Craft, was cashiered out on August 31, 1864.
No Brevet appointments are entered on this register except those announced
in the General.
This information courtesy Bill Cudlipp
Last Update: 2/7/98 Name: Vicki Titus
Email: vtitus@ipa.net
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