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As you can see, Katie and I are a little behind on determining all the winners. We're sincerely sorry! I've been soooo busy lately, I haven't had very many opportunities to actually get on the net and sit down to work on my sites and work on these awards. I never imagined I'd be this busy this year! It's crazy. But, Katie and I hope to have the winners posted soon, and are working on getting them all scored and determined every chance we get. I will try to check back soon with more updates.

Voting is officially closed. Thanks to everyone who has voted! I was surprised to see how many total votes there were! Katie and I are working on judging and scoring the fanfiction, and we hope to have everything done by the stated deadline. I have been seriously considering expanding these awards when the next ones roll around. I'm still working out all the details, but I've been thinking about extending it to have Nsync fiction and 98 Degrees fiction, and possibly a few others, however, in order to do that, I'll have to take on Nsync judges, 98 Degrees judges, etc. Katie and I will remain the BSB judges, but if we DO expand the awards, we'll have to recruit a few people onto our FORBIDDEN FRUIT fanfiction AWARDS team! Okay, hmm...I think that's all for today. No...wait...I added a fanfiction site link in the links section. Oh, and I hope to have a new layout up soon!!! Okay, that's all for today. Check back soon for more updates!

We are still receiving nominations...unfortunately we can not accept them. It has been stated perfectly clear many times that nominations would no longer be accepted after August 04th. The polls have already been made and posted...and I'm unable to change them now. I decided to take down the form on the nomination page in order to keep anyone from nominating any more stories until the next awards roll around. Hopefully we'll have more updates soon. Keep checking back! :)

The polls are up! Yay! So everyone go read up on all the stories an vote for your favorite ones. Don't forget to advertise about your story being in the awards if you have one or more entered. The more votes you can get, the better your overall average will be. :) Check back later for more updates!

The nomination period is over! The voting polls will be up soon. :) Nominations are no longer being accepted, so if we receive any they'll immediately be discarded. Katie and I had to throw out quite a few categories because there weren't any nominations for them at all. We hope, in future awards, that we won't have to throw any out. Anyways, we need people to join our yahoogroup for the awards to help with voting, and Reader's Choice. The Reader's Choice stories will be sent there for everyone to read and go vote for their favorite one. I hope to have the voting polls up by the 7th, but seeing as how I'm swamped with stuff right now, I don't know if that'll work out. Well, that's all for now. Check back for more updates...and please join our yahoogroup. :)

Three more nominations were added. Thanks to Kiana and Jen for their nominations. We still need more nominations for some of the categories though, so if you've got or know of any fanfics/short stories that fit any of the categories, PLEASE feel free to nominate them! Oh, and if anyone would like for us to link them to this site, please let me know! I'd be glad to link anybody. Also, if you have any yahoogroups or anything that you'd like to get more publicity, let us know. That's all for today, hope to see more nominations soon!

Okay, I've decided to extend the deadline for the submissions until August 04, since we're still in need of more nominations! Please help us spread the word around, cause we really don't wanna throw out any categories! If need be, I may extend it even longer...however I won't extent it for too long because Katie and I obviously need to start reading and scoring the fanfictions, and voting needs to begin as well. Anyways, nothing too major updated today, just the date change. Check back soon for more updates, cause we'll hopefully have more nominations to post! :)

Hiyah everyone! I added three more submissions today! Yay! Keep sending 'em in! Much thanks to Amanda and Jessica! Also, I added three new codes, so go check 'em out! Also...if anyone would like us to link your site to ours, let us know. Also, we're looking for some sister sites as well. Anyways, keep sending in those nominations! Oh, and it looks as if we may be pushing back the deadline, which is scheduled for the 28th of this month. If we see the need to push it back for a little while, I'll post it here! Thanks, and check back for more updates. :)

One more nomination was added. Thanks Jessica!
Okay, come on people, we're in dire need of more nominations! Some of the categories are bare...and Katie and I really don't wanna have to throw any categories out! I know there's more fanfiction out there, cause hundreds of them have filtered through the yahoogroups. Okay, anyways, check back for more updates. That's all for today. :)

Hey, I just wanted to bring you all up to date on the minor changes I've made in the scoring. I've decided to also have voting for each category. When the time comes, a link to vote for each category will be posted, and when the voting period ends, the voting will be added in with the rest of the scoring, and will be averaged just the same.
Also, I'd just like to say that Katie and I were heartbroken over the AJ situation, however, we are soooo proud of him for realizing his problem and realizing he needs help. Katie and I are both keeping AJ in our prayers, as well as everyone close to all the Boys, and the Boys themselves. That's all I'm gonna say, because this situation has affected me deeply (and I don't care to go into detail with reasons why) and I know everyone would rather not hear about it anymore. We've accepted it, and all we can do is, out of respect for AJ, go on with our every day lives, keeping him in our prayers, and wishing him the best. I'm sure he'll be back and better than ever soon! We all love you AJ.
So that's all for right now. Hopefully some more nominations will start to come in. It's been pretty bare for the last few days. Start sending in nominations please! We love it when new nominations come in! It just brightens our day. :) lol. Take care everyone! And don't forget to keep checking back for updates!

Three more nominations! Yay! But we're still in need of more! Some categories are completely bare, and others only have one or two nominations. So nominate your stories! :) Thanks to Julienne for her nominations! Katie and I appreciate it so much, and Katie will be so stoked when she sees a nomination in her *special* category! Okay, so keep on nominating more stories and take care. Keep checking back for updates!

Sorry it's taken me so long to update, but recently a family member very close to me passed away. But I'm back now and have added two new nominations! Thanks to Lauren and Lisa. However, we're still in need of more nominations. Please nominate your favorite fanfictions! Katie and I don't wanna have to start going around and bugging people! lol. Naw, we wouldn't do that, but we would really appreciate it if anyone would help spread the word around about these awards. Well, I guess that's all for today! I'll update again once we start getting more nominations! Keep checking back!

I've added five more nominations. Thanks to everyone who has send nominations in! Those of you who haven't...start sending in your stories, or your fave stories by other authors (with their permission). I also added 10 more codes: 2 AJ, 2 Brian, 2 Howie, 1 Kevin, 2 Nick, and 1 group. Add a code or text link to your site and help spread the word about the awards! Although we've gotten many nominations, we still need a lot more to fill up most of the categories. Anyone who adds a code to their site, either to help promote the sight, or because they've nominated a story, let me know and I'll put a banner or text link to your site in the links section...that is, if you want to have your site linked to this one. Anyways, I think that's all for today! Keep nominating your favorite stories, sign the guestbook, and keep checking back for updates! :)

Seven more nominations were posted today! Thanks to everyone who have sent in their nominations. Katie and I appreciate it so much! Anyone who has a Backstreet Boys site and is willing to put up one of our codes to help spread the word, please do so! Just give me the url to your site and I'll link back to you. Anyone who is willing to help spread the word about these awards, please contact us. I also added two new codes! :) Well, that's all for today. Don't forget to sign the guestbook!

Yay! Seven more nominations have been posted. Thanks to Becky and Dani for all of their nominations!
I fixed the codes!!!! So if you've copied and pasted a code to your site, please check back in the codes and re-post it. Angelfire is no longer allowing remote loading or remote linking, so if you linked to a banner at this site, the image probably didn't show up. So, I fixed it and now the images should work. Just go to the codes page, copy the code in the text box, and past it to your site.
Get the word out about the awards! Email all your BSB lists and let em know about it. Tell em to nominate their fanfictions, you can nominate your favorite fanfictions, as long as you have the author's permission, and tell everyone that you're nominated. There's an unlimited number of stories that can be in the if you'd like your story in the Reader's Choice category, where people can vote for it, then nominate it! Keep in mind, Reader's Choice DOES NOT count toward the limit of five categories you're nominating a story for!
Okay, that's all for today! We hope to see more nominations soon!!

Yay! We've posted our first nominee! Go check it out under the nominees section. Thanks for your submission Leslie!
So, I just wanna stress a few things. We've already received other nominations...however they didn't meet the requirements listed in the 'rules' section. This is a BACKSTREET BOYS fanfiction awards site. As of right now, for these awards, we are only accepting fanfictions/short stories that are centered around one or more members of the Backstreet Boys. If the rules haven't been abided, the submission WILL be discarded. Katie and I have over 56 categories to judge, which will hopefully be at least 5 fanfictions in each category. So it's needless to say we have a lot to do. Yes, we both love reading fanfictions, but there really isn't any time for us to worry about fanfictions that have been submitted that don't meet the requirements.
Okay, that's enough of that. I hope to see a lot of submissions soon! I'm so eager to read ALL of your fanficitons/short stories, and I know Katie is too. Just PLEASE read the rules before submitting any stories! :) Well, I guess that's all for today. Thanks again to Leslie! Please joing our yahoogroup, also! The link is down at the bottom of this page. That will be where the Reader's Choice fanfictions are sent! If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact us. Bye bye now! And don't forget to sign the guestbook. :)

Hello, 1/2 of the FORBIDDEN FRUIT fanfiction AWARDS team, Tiffany, here. Well, it's officially open! Yay! After working my butt off on all of this for 3 days straight, almost non-stop, it's finally finished and now we're open for business! LOL! Just a quick note, nominations will be accepted until July 20th. More about when nominations end and when the winners will be announced is in the About section. Well, I hope you like this site...although we should be getting a custom made layout in soon...but please sign the guestbook, nominate your fics, etc. If you have any questions at all, feel free to email us (Katie and Tiffany) with any questions you have! Enjoy! (Oh, and click on the site title at the top of the site to return back to this page.)

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