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These haunted places are described as accurately as can be - they have been verified by paranormal researchers or by people around New England who have submitted the stories from their personal experiences.

Choose your state below to find stories and locations of various haunted places!

Take a look at the map of New England by county if you want to find out more specifically where the haunted site is. We also recommend Mapquest for the best door-to-door directions.

Please check back soon as more stories are added weekly!

REMEMBER: Never trespass on private and/or posted property without specific permission from the authorities. We have purposely left out haunted places involving private residences to avoid possible trespassing, but even in public places, please be respectful and receive any proper permission from owners or authorities if necessary.

The information is only as reliable as our readers' reports. We assume no credit for your adventures, and accept no liability for misadventures. Use common sense. Before visiting any "haunted" site, verify the location, accessibility, safety, and other important information. Accessibility may become limited without our knowledge, due to excessive visits by curiosity seekers. Never trespass on private and/or posted property without specific permission from the authorities. Okay, we're done. :-)


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