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Starwars And Burgerking

No other combination out there better!

I know what your thinking, starwars and burgerking together, sounds way to good to be true. Belive it or not it really happened a long long time ago.

Way back in 1981-1983 Lucas had a aliance with burger king. They had two seris of toys come out. All the toys now are highly collectable, and since they were coming out the same year I was born I don't have any. Oh which by the way, was the fall after Return of the Jedi came out. So if you get a hold of some or still have some e-mail me and we'll talk.

This site is in NO WAY affilated with starwars or burger king, I just thought that it would be cool to combine them. - the offical site, If you have not yet goten a membership at I suggest you do so, it's free! - the offical site, their current sandwitch is the italian chicken crisp, go check it out.
( BurgerKing & Starwars | Me, The Webmaster )