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Calendar of the Silver Lands

The Silver Lands calendar is based on our own, it has twelve months with the same number of days each month. You can get a small, cheap calendar and fill in the dates on it for easy reference. If you can, use a 1999 calendar, and the various dates will correspond to the phases of the moon. Generally, good holidays happen on a full moon while bad days on a new. Anything can happen on a half moon.

The twelve months, in order are: Ice Light, Dark Light, Water Light, Stone Light, Prism Shine, Water Days, Blue Nights, Mist Times, Woolen Moon, Tone Lyme, Dark Watch, Crystal Times.

The Dates: (and the real date they correspond to)

1. Jan 1- New Kings day. The date of the founding of the Kingdom of Lintoli. Kings crowned on this day. Also new years.

2. Apr 30 - Jordonkor Day. Holy to dwarves.

3. May 30 - Bizzenwatch. This day is holy to gnomes and their god, Bizzen

4. Nov. 7 - Nhoggod Pass. Day when the black hole prison of Loromu is closest to the silver lands. Evil stalks the night.

5. Nov. 8 - Blessed Dawn. Celebrates the triumph of good over evil.

6. June 13 - Blue Graves. People pray for all those lost at sea.

7. June 28 - Tree time. Day for Lomandronica and the elves.

8. July 12 - Safe Dark. Everyone parties all night, evil is very weak.

9. July 28 - Blue Day. Halfling appreciation day. Halfings are made especially welcome into the temples of other races gods.

10. Aug. 26 - Arrow Day. A day to reflect on history.

11. Sept. 21 - Pillar Day. The day for man and Mortinade

12. Sept. 25 - Blade Day. Celebrates the victories of gods and mortals over evil.

13. Cot 9 - Dark Themes. A day holy to evil bards, sirens, any type of persuasive evil such as vampires, etc.

14. Cot 24 - Blessed Chimes. A day for music, bards, and epic tales.

15. Dec 22 - Crystal Day. A day to give thanks for the last year, praise the gods, hug friends, and feast.

16. Feb. 16 - Thieves Watch. The night Worshach stole the jewel of flickering shadows. Thieves have especially good luck tonight. Guards extra vigilant.

17. Feb. 22 - Broken Stone. Anniversary of the end of the Age of Pillars.

18. Mar 31 - Day of Half Measures. This is the day halfings were created. Everybody does half as much work, eats half as much and parties with their halfing friends.

19. Mar 20 - Feast of Life. Huge feasts, much drinking of wine, respect paid to Lomandronica and her elves.

20. June 21 - Feast of the Sun. As above, but with respect paid to Bizzen and his gnomes.

21. Sept. 23 - Feast of Leaves. As above but for Mortinade and her humans.

22. Dec 21 - Feast of Snows. As above but for Jordonkor and his dwarves.

23. Dec 31 - Old Day. Respect shown for the old, and for ancient wisdom. It's bad luck to still have a debt owing, especially to a gnome.

24. Jan 31 - New Day. Day the universe was created.

25. Mar 2 - Holy Quatrain. Day the 4 are created. This day is holy for all non-gnomes. Iventame is remembered by half elves.

26. Feb. 19 - Holy Singular Mordem. The Day Iventame was killed. All half elves mourn.

27. Nov. 23 - Rope Day. Best day for getting married, rope symbolizes the knotting together of couples. Cynics call it "Noose day".

28. Mar 17 - Chaos Day. Commemorates Loromu's birthday. Traditionally a day of drunken debauchery among the less civilized folk of the Silver Lands. Extra guardsmen put on duty.

29. Apr 22 - Silver Day. Day the gnome Silver Fellow will be born. A very auspiscious birthday for any gnome.

30. Mar 25 - White Sparkle. Day of cleaning. All buildings, clothes, tools, etc. must be cleaned. Innkeepers especially will clean out all their rooms and none are available to rent. The only accommodations available for travelers are an inns stable or a shady flophouse (which would definitely charge a lot extra knowing how scarce accommodations are this day). Even travelers do their best to clean themselves, their gear and animals.

31. Mar 24 - Edge Day. "There's two sides to every coin and two sides to every soul." That is the traditional saying for this day, when good people are thought to be tempted to the dark side and evil people have thoughts about repenting. People gather in the streets to gamble over flipped coins. Hedge mystics tell peoples futures with elaborate coin flipping rituals.

32. Aug. 18 - Fools Day. In 4033 the Mad King Pindo the Halfing realized there was only one other holiday during Mist Times so he made fools day. The king paid for entertainers of all sorts to walk the streets and do their thing, as well as subsidizing the cost of liquor for all. In recent times the day has been scaled back, and the king offers one mass spectacle in a public place and rarely subsidizes alcohol. Instead, guilds will usually throw a big party for their members and families. This holiday was originally held when the half moon was waning, now it is held when it is waxing. This is because it is no longer a drunken near-riot but is more respectable.

33. May 15 - Trepidation Day. Commemorates the day in 1202 during the life war when Mirindorn the Dwarf, a soldier in the cause of good, woke up in the middle of the night with a horrible feeling of wrongness. He tried to rouse his comrades but they cursed his 'bad dreams' and ignored him. Eventually he went to seek the tent of his general only to find the guards asleep and the tent being opened by unseen hands. He attacked the invisible assailant, slew it and saved the generals life. During the rest of the war, Mirindorn became an even greater hero. His comrades all swore he could smell evil. Today, on trepidation day anyone with a large nose, especially a dwarf, can expect to be bought drinks in any tavern he goes to. As well, it is a good day to take trepidation's seriously.

34. Feb 8 - Foul accusations. Day in 1166 when the lifewar is generally agreed to have started.

35. May 22 - Increased Saturnalia. The day in 1266 when it is agreed the lifewar ended.

Saint Days

Oct 18 - Saint Milorifsons Day.

Aug. 23 - Saint Drendudina the Elf and Saint Vlorfkin the Dwarves Day.

Oct 2 - Saint Glomathas's Day.

Feb. 28 - Saint Lapenal's Day.

Dec 2 - Saint Wurgis the Halfings Day.

Mar 3 - Saint Borolat the Gnomes Day.

July 22 - Saint Loressa's Day.