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Kitt Photo Gallery

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I'll see if I can get more photos, But meanwhile check out Flag Crew&Other, which also contains photos.

This is KITT's front, with the scanner.

This is what KITT's panel look's like.

That is a KITT replica.

This is KITT in SKY MODE from the episode SLAMMIN SAMMYs.

This is Kitt in turbo boost, in the episode Good Day At White Rock, i think.

This is the KR intro, on every show.

What kitt looks like in SPM, that one is a bit messy...

See? He dosen't have Any manometers, its DEE GEE TAL

This is KITT's new voice modulator.

Another pic of KITT in turbo Boost...

Kitt's old Voice Modulator.

Kitt's Panel, with 2 monitors and all.

Created and Maintained By Andrew 2003 - 2004