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Want to see Tales From The Darkside on DVD? Sign the petition here
  Last Updated: 2/19/2025
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Tales From The Darkside - (1983 - 1988)   SYN
Production Companies: Laurel Entertainment / Tribune Entertainment
Executive Producers: George A. Romero, Richard P. Rubinstein
Producer: Jerry Golub
Associate Producer: Erica Fox
Original Broadcast: 10/29/83 - 7/23/88
Number of Seasons: 4
Number of Episodes: 90
Running Time: 30 mins
Narrator: Paul Sparer
Tales From the Darkside was an anthology series, similar to TV shows such as The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits. It produced a wide variety of stories ranging from science fiction, fantasy to horror. The series was made for syndication, and shot on an average budget. George Romero, of Night of the Living Dead fame, was one of the show's executive producers and his style and imagination was a big influence on the series. The Pilot Episode which aired just before Halloween in 1983, was made as a one time shot, and due to the success, a weekly series was produced which aired for 4 seasons in first run syndication. Tales from the Darkside was still a very strong and prominent series when it was taken off the air. The production company replaced Tales from the Darkside with another made for syndication series entitled "Monsters". This series was a little more restrictive in its stories, as each episode had to have some type of monster involved.

Sitting alone late at night after all the television networks have concluded their broadcast and the stampede of paid programming has dominated the airwaves. You find yourself half awake listening to Tony Robbins pitching his latest self improvement book, when then Robbins is replaced by images of trees, and a country side landscape. All seems normal yet, the music is dark and unsettling. A voice warns you of a place unseen by most and leads you into the nightmarish world that is the Darkside.
Tales from the darkside was one of the best horror series produced in the 80's. Its creepy and sometimes bizarre plot lines, made this one of the most disturbing series on TV. The darkside made a lasting impression on many children of the 80's with memories of noise eating vacuum cleaners, aliens, Satan, vampires and other creatures of the night. Watching an episode, you never knew what to expect. Some were corny, strange and some were very creepy.
After its initial run on WGN, Tales from the Darkside moved to the Sci-Fi Channel in the early 90's, where it aired for a good part of the decade. In 2001, WGN re-aired the series and even promoted it with a short claymation segment "Turn to our tales of scary fun, after all, theirs a little monster in everyone. Tales from the Darkside, Saturdays @ 11 on WGN". Of course the series does pop up from time to time on local channels, usually in the early morning hours. Unfortunately, the Darkside has not been aired in recent years, but as we all know, the darkside is always there.. waiting!
   Official Releases:
Video 1

Word Processor of the Gods
Distant Signals
Everybody Needs a Little Love
Do Not Open This Box
Seasons of Belief
Video 2

The Satanic Piano
Ring Around the Redhead
The Devil's Advocate
The Trouble with Mary Jane
A Choice of Dreams
Video 3

The Odds
Mookie and Pookie
Djinn, No Chaser
The Circus
The Deal
Video 4

The Old Soft Shoe
Sorry, Right Number
Strange Love
My Ghostwriter - The Vampire
The Moth
Video 5

Monsters in my Room
Comet Watch
Printer's Devil
The Milkman Cometh
The Yattering and Jack
Video 6

The Unhappy Medium
Black Widows
Baker's Dozen
Let the Games Begin
Tales From the Darkside : The Movie

Lot 249
Cat from Hell
Lover's Vow
Thrillervideo Tales From the Darkside - v. 1

Word Processor of the Gods
Djinn, No Chaser
Thrillervideo Tales From the Darkside - v. 2

The Odds
All a Clone by the Telephone
Anniversary Dinner
Thrillervideo Tales From the Darkside - v. 3

Mookie and Pookie
It All Comes Out in the Wash
Thrillervideo Tales From the Darkside - v. 4

The New Man
Snip, Snip
Pain Killer
Thrillervideo Tales From the Darkside - v. 5

Inside The Closet
Comet Watch
Grandma's Last Wish
Thrillervideo Tales From the Darkside - v. 6

Bigalow's Last Smoke
The Tear Collector
The Madness Room
Thrillervideo Tales From the Darkside - v. 7

In The Cards
A Case of the Stubborns
Trick or Treat
The "Thrillervideo" volumes, were made for TV movies released in the early 80's. Unfortunately, everything listed above is out of print except for "Tales From The Darkside: The Movie". The good news is, you shouldn't have a problem finding a new or used copy of some of the videos mentioned above on the internet. I've found the Thrillervideo volumes to be much more expensive then the others, price ranges usually between $30 - $90. The other volumes are usually sold between $10 - $20. Aside from the videos, i've also found several laserdiscs for sale, these include alot of the same episodes that are on the other compilations, plus more. Here are some pictures
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