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For me, one of the highlights of Medical Lake are the Canadian Geese and the Goslings. The first three pictures were taken on May 1st. But look at the next four: My how they've grown by the 18th of May.
goslings1.jpg (102027 bytes) goslings2.jpg (96247 bytes) goslings3.jpg (94875 bytes) goslings4.jpg (67791 bytes)
goslings5.jpg (75359 bytes) goslings6.jpg (66122 bytes) goslings7.jpg (72638 bytes) The next six pictures were taken on May 25.
goslings10.jpg (138793 bytes) goslings11.jpg (128739 bytes) goslings12.jpg (116628 bytes) goslings13.jpg (120800 bytes)
goslings14.jpg (122355 bytes) goslings15.jpg (98801 bytes)