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"Good things come to those who wait."---Greldum Drobe, captain of the White Rhino's military corps, addressing his young apprentice.

Elmore’s Convoy: Throal’s Finest Taxi Service

Elmore’s Convoy was founded just before the sealing of the Dwarf Kingdom of Throal. It started off as a protection service, selling well trained guards to escort people around the Kingdom. This protection service was a total flop. People were interested in the service to start for they feared that they would need such protection in case any horror’s breached the kingdom’s defenses. The Service flourished for about five years but it soon fell into disuse. The citizens of Throal realized that the kingdom was sealed tight. The convoy had no choice but to disband. After twenty years, Elmore decided to recreate Elmore’s Convoy. This time, it wouldn’t be a protection service but would be a taxi service instead. Elmore realized that he could make a huge profit by transporting people all over the dwarf kingdom.

Elmore’s Convoy used many different means of transport. First, the company used foot taxies. Strong men and women would pull a small carriage around with them. This service was not too bad to start. Elmore could taxi people around for short distances but it would be impossible to transport people great distances. Once the company gained a bit of money they purchased three carriages and six horses to pull them. Now Elmore could take people virtually everywhere within the kingdom.

Today, the taxi service is run by a dwarf man named duggen. The service has 125 carriages that is capable of holding up to six passengers comfortably. Duggen has also created large communal taxies. These long carriages can hold up to 30 passengers. They are pulled by Thunder Beasts. The company has 30 of these larger, communal taxies.

Fees for the services are flat rates depending upon where a person is traveling to. The six passenger carriages go everywhere within the Kingdom. Renting a carriage to take you to a location within the same city costs 5 silver. Inter-city travel costs more. The going rate is 3 additional silver per city past. For example, a person going to Oshane from Hustane would cost them the initial 5 silver, plus an additional 6 silver because two cities (Bethabal and Valvria) are in-between the travels. Anyone taking a taxi to or from the Grand Bazaar pays a flat rate of 25 silver. Any services which require the destination to be in the Dahnat can range from 10 silver all the way up to 50 silver. The price is dependent upon distance and how long it takes to get there. The large communal taxies can only be found with in the cities, and they follow pre-determined routes. Prices are 1 silver. Elmore’s Convoy is currently setting up routes for inter-city travel and city/grand bazaar travel with the large communal taxies.

The taxies themselves can be noticed by their pure white paint scheme. A blue stripe runs down the middle of the taxi and Elmore’s Convoy is written in similar blue paint. The seats in the taxies are soft velvet (except in the communal taxies which are just wood benches with padding.) The velvet is a wine red colour. The Taxi drivers dress in nice clothing that display their name on a tag. They are required to be polite to all customers as well.

Earthdawn Sites

The Endless Stair
A site with lots of material and lots of links.

Living room games
The new company that is going to take the production lines or Earthdawn over.

The Nexus
This page is nicely done. It offers all sorts of material so I suggest you check it out.

The page that is considered by many as the cornerstone of Earthdawn webpages. Nuff said.

Qui~toi the Liberator
A players page dedicated to his Earthdawn character.

Non-Earthdawn Sites

Yolander Nimblefigers: Through the Eyes of a Kender
A dragonlance page that tells the story of a kender. It is going to be shutdown soon and turned into a Shadowrun page.

Heroes Reborn
An old school Marvel Super Heroes RPG page. Has not been updated in a long time.

The Verge
A nice Alternity page that is just getting started. Well worth the time to look at.

Role Playing's Most Memorable Moments
Just a side page that 'm running. It has the most memorable moments of my campaigns that I've run and also from games I've played in. This page also will accept submissions.font>