"Good things come to those who wait."---Greldum Drobe, captain of the White Rhino's military corps, addressing his young apprentice.
King Varulus III Monument
This huge monument in the likeness of a young King Varulus III is over 2000 feet tall.
The monument is carved from solid stone and took almost twenty years to complete.
Varulus’ son, Neden, paid the best sculptures in Barsaive to create this marvel. The
monument was created in remembrance of Varulus’ great deeds as a king. Truly a marvel
to see, the monument is situated north of Throal where the Serpent River enters the
Throal Mountain valley system. The monument can be seen from miles and miles away.
During the creation of the King Varulus III Monument, there was an attempt to destroy
the production of the project. An airship equipped with numerous fire cannons opened
fire on the monument in an attempt to destroy piece of art and discourage the workers
from continuing their sculpting. The perpetrators escaped from the Throal Navy. All the
evidence points at Thera’s involvement but Thera has denied any involvement.
Many people have criticized Neden for spending such an enormous amount of money on
such an undertaking. They feel that with Barsaive and Thera relations being so fragile
with the possibility of war on the horizon that Neden should focus the capital used to
make the monument on soldiers and creating armour and weapons. Others have praised
Neden for making such a grand gesture to his father. However, no one in Throal disputes
that Varulus III was a great king.
About two days walk west of the monument a small city has formed. This city, named
Varulus’ glory, was formed in a direct result of the building of the statues. The city strives
on tourism and many tour guides have opened up. People visiting the area can take tours
by foot, by boat, or even by airship. All tours are of the highest quality and it is
recommended that one participates in at least one of the tours offered.
With all of the criticism that Neden has been getting, he has laid off the production of a
duplicate monument on the east side of the Throal Mountains. This has probably been a
good move by the young man, for he has large boots to fill in place of his father. After the
completion of the monument, special magic’s were cast on the stone to prevent erosion
and other attempts that people may decide to make to deface the monument.
Below is a picture of the monument. The first is a picture of it being made and the second
is what the monument looks like in completion.