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Johnny Red

A Roller Man and His Birds


By T Duncan

       About 7 years ago I was driving down the street I saw a kit of birds fling so I stopped to look. A man came out and asked me who I was. I'm T Duncan I have rollers to. I spent about 30 minutes looking over the birds. He had cages of birds he was holding for other people and cages of his own birds. At that time Johnny was just housing and fling birds. I was on the clock so I had to go back to work.

       A few years later the ICRC was having a show, people had come from all over when a man came up to me and asked me if I was the one that had stopped at his house that day. This was Johnny's first roller show. He told me his son had talked him into coming to the show and was having a good time. I started seeing him on all the flies and we became good friends. Well he's not just a pigeon keeper any more. All his old cages have been turned into lofts and he has some of the best looking kit boxes around. Yes competition fever has hit him to. This year Johnny plans to participate in World Cup, and the NBRC flies. He decided not to fly club flies but  go right to the top. 

       All five kit boxes are full of birds and in training. The three kit box is on top of his house and the other is on top of the over hang of the tool shed. Johnny is retired and lives alone and has no wife to tell him he is not spending time with her so he can spend most of the day fling his birds. I think we all know what it takes to win competition. Lots of birds for replacements and time to fly them.

       Fly day is getting close and we all are getting ready for the fly's so look out you all Johnny Red wants some trophies .

